The Most Mysterious Crime Stories: People In Lead Masks - Alternative View

The Most Mysterious Crime Stories: People In Lead Masks - Alternative View
The Most Mysterious Crime Stories: People In Lead Masks - Alternative View

Video: The Most Mysterious Crime Stories: People In Lead Masks - Alternative View

Video: The Most Mysterious Crime Stories: People In Lead Masks - Alternative View
Video: The Lead Masks of Vintém Hill 2024, October

This mysterious story took place in Brazil in the 1960s, and it has not been possible to find an explanation for it (even to come up with any plausible version).

One day, at the edge of a forest near Rio de Janeiro, the bodies of two young men were found. Their identities were soon established. Manuel Pereira Cruz and Miguel José Viana (both electrical engineers by profession) lay among the trees in elegant suits and lead masks on their faces. It was not possible to establish the cause of death - it could have been either suicide or murder with equal probability.

A few days earlier, Cruz and Viana traveled to Rio, where they intended to buy parts for their business and a new car. As the investigation established, they left home with an impressive amount of cash and on the way stopped at a local supermarket, where they bought a bottle of water and a raincoat. The seller told the police that the guys were clearly nervous and in a hurry, glancing at their watches every minute. After that, no one else saw them alive.

Lead masks that covered the faces of the victims
Lead masks that covered the faces of the victims

Lead masks that covered the faces of the victims.

The bodies were found three days later. The young men lay in the woods, dressed in suits and raincoats, their faces covered with homemade lead masks without holes (like those used to protect against radiation). Two towels and a notebook were on the ground next to the bodies. There was no money. There was only one entry in the notebook, which was even more confusing. It looked like an instruction:

16:30 - be at the appointed place

18:30 - swallow capsules

After it works, put on lead masks and wait for the signal."

Promotional video:

It was not possible to find any traces of the substances that the guys, apparently, swallowed before their death, there were no traces of a violent death either.

Inspection of bodies on Vinten Hill on August 21, 1966
Inspection of bodies on Vinten Hill on August 21, 1966

Inspection of bodies on Vinten Hill on August 21, 1966.

Perhaps the deceased hoped to establish contact with some aliens or aliens from other dimensions. Unfortunately, we will never know this.

Seva Bardin