Why Would Anyone Hide The Real History And Why Should It Be Studied. Part 1 - Alternative View

Why Would Anyone Hide The Real History And Why Should It Be Studied. Part 1 - Alternative View
Why Would Anyone Hide The Real History And Why Should It Be Studied. Part 1 - Alternative View

Video: Why Would Anyone Hide The Real History And Why Should It Be Studied. Part 1 - Alternative View

Video: Why Would Anyone Hide The Real History And Why Should It Be Studied. Part 1 - Alternative View
Video: The great porn experiment | Gary Wilson | TEDxGlasgow 2024, September

What has been told and shown by various researchers in blogs, in videos on youtube channels with facts over at least the last 10 years, makes even an ossified skeptic think. But skeptics are not diminishing. All due to the fact that: if a person is not immersed in a topic, he does not keep more than 5-7 facts in his head and does not build a picture (model) based on them. This is how the human brain works.

This deficiency of the analytical mental apparatus belongs to the so-called topic of cognitive distortions of the perception of reality. It has been sufficiently studied and is used in political technologies (elections) and in the sale of goods and services. Therefore, disputes and discussions will continue on this topic forever.


The other side of the question: the scientific system. In it, each work should refer not only to the facts obtained and their analysis, but also to the opinions of authorities. You will not be able to defend your doctoral or master's thesis until several reputable (with scientific degrees) people write their resume for your work. An expert assessment is called.

If you go against the system and start publishing "sedition" in magazines or on the Internet, crossing out previous authoritative works, the system can kick you out. This has happened more than once in the foreign scientific community among archaeologists.

I propose to read how academicians react to information they do not understand:


This is in a post about liquid granite in the Egyptian temple of Hathor:

Promotional video:


Reaction to photos like this. There are dozens of such comments. There is an obvious fact incomprehensible to science. Nobody is going to deal with him. It is easier to attribute the stigma "delirium". Otherwise, why focus on yourself the problem if you acknowledge the question? Inconvenient facts in the scientific historical environment must be hidden. Sensations are not needed, reviewing everything will add more work. And representatives of official history, geology, biology will defend their truth while in the system. They will send you to read textbooks and poke authorities at you.

Smart thought on this topic
Smart thought on this topic

Smart thought on this topic.

But I know of several cases when a specialist retires and begins to write and think in a completely different way. A real researcher wakes up in him, whom the dark side of a specialist has been hiding for all these years somewhere deep in the corners of consciousness.


Answer the question: after reading the wording of what is science, can this and similar resources (blogs, channels) be called part of the scientific process? They offer different conclusions on history, geology, etc., but they are also based on certain facts, phenomena and a set of conclusions from other sources of information.

If these new conclusions do not fit into the modern paradigm, why are they not scientific in the opinion of the official side? Because Are we alternative people not authorities, we do not have scientific degrees? Biased attitude. Ah, we don't have a scientific approach. It turns out that you need to start arranging this information as expected. But then most of the ordinary readers and viewers will not be interested in such topics. They can seem very difficult to understand. Then why all this is necessary, why study history? So that 5-10 people from scientists in cramped rooms read, discuss in the smoking room and forget?


This question is multifaceted and here is the next side of the question:

My answer. My understanding of the question is this: if the slaves are told that, for example, once upon a time they were Gods (or descendants of Gods), then this changes their level of self-esteem and identifies them as high personalities (or personalities with high potential). People will become uncontrollable. Many meanings are lost and others appear. The world economy is collapsing (capitalism for sure). The system of consumption changes to a system of expediency, etc. etc.

Gref spoke about this openly in one of his speeches. The real story is different, and upon disclosure, many forces will have to reconsider the ownership of territories. Give something back. Lose rights and ownership. If Tartary, Scythia (or as the territory was called) was an empire (in the modern sense), then descendants of this country appear on the world stage. And if other forces have fought with it for many centuries, the war will continue. But for now, the winners keep this information in oblivion.

Take 4 minutes of your time and be sure to watch this video. It is the essence of the relationship of the elite to the people.

I am not touching upon the topic of concealing global cataclysms in historical time, which rewrote the course of history. Some regions were thrown back in the Stone Age, while others were completely cleaned out. This is not in the official history. But it was. For many, this is already a fact that requires further study and systematization of information.

Hiding the real story, or not wanting to explore inconvenient facts on the way to deciphering the past, is part of a larger process. Its main task is to keep humanity in a herd state.

Another element of deterrence: to take time from people, to deprive them of the opportunity to stop and think. Everyone should work 8-12 hours. To fulfill your dreams or just to feed your family. No matter. But there shouldn't be time to think about who we are and where we are from. That would not even arise such a question. That is why I once made a short description for my blog in LJ: remember the past, to know the future …

In general, I have an opinion that there are some invisible masters on Earth. Let it be: ruling clans. And they have transferred their power for hundreds, if not thousands of years. Freemasons are so, toys, a level in their pyramid of power. Princes, kings, presidents, businessmen are also toys in their hands at different times. And everything that happens in politics is a performance, a game. Controlled game. Not 100%, but the vector is known. They are bored, so they play. Their thinking is not progressive, but destructive, flawed: total control and restriction of the majority of the population. Resources are not rubber under the modern system on the planet.

Knowing the real history and everything that happened in the past is a threat to be recognized. When a person self-identifies, as I wrote above, it will become extremely difficult to manage him. Real knowledge of history is one of the elements of self-identification.

Yes, if you turn on your brains, then you will have a chance to climb a little higher and get some freedom. But will you get time to do something other than getting “bread and circuses,” as they said in ancient Rome?

And the worst thing is that the population itself does not need all this study of history. Most of the world's population needs only bread and circuses. And since then, little has changed. Imagine how difficult it is for those who strive above this level! Who thinks on the level of ideas.

Good phrase
Good phrase

Good phrase.

About build or system on the planet. I look at the development of people and social systems as follows. Google about Coco the gorilla. She was born in a zoo, was trained by humans in sign language, knew 2,000 English words (not in a voice, of course) and her IQ was like the average person.

So: if she was born in the jungle, would she be like this? The answer is obvious. So it is with a person - cultivate in him intelligence, conscience, morality and cultural values. Give him real knowledge. And he will become a man with a capital letter! But he needs to be guided, he himself will get lost. In the education system, knowledge is abrupt, there is no systemic knowledge, and they do not give a clear picture. To complete the puzzle, you need to turn on the self-education mode. But for those who themselves see where to go, you need a resource of time for this self-education, internal motivation and a desire to develop.

To develop not only materially - first of all to develop consciousness, a correct progressive worldview. And not to chase the momentary "buns" and pleasures. I believe that consciousness is what a person takes with him from this world. And if a certain level is reached, there will be a "transition to another class." Here is a topic with large-scale conclusions: they started with the concealment of history, but came to the subtle …

Read the continuation here.

Author: sibved
