A Nuclear Strike On Us Has Already Occurred - Alternative View

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A Nuclear Strike On Us Has Already Occurred - Alternative View
A Nuclear Strike On Us Has Already Occurred - Alternative View

Video: A Nuclear Strike On Us Has Already Occurred - Alternative View

Video: A Nuclear Strike On Us Has Already Occurred - Alternative View
Video: Nuclear War Between U.S. and Russia (2019 Simulation) 2024, September

The time has come to clarify the issue of the use of nuclear weapons. If we want to reliably assess our current situation, we must clearly know our past and at least some of the "achievements" of the "native" party and government..

Radiation and WE

Today the population is trained so that it will fall into the state of a frightened herd at the mere mention of a "nuclear bomb", not to mention the explosion itself or radioactive contamination. Various myths-hassles are also supported. For example, about the impossibility of using nuclear weapons in modern hostilities - it seems like this suicide will not benefit anyone. And so, it already seems to us impossible to plan massive nuclear strikes on our cities. And such plans are being worked out! Nuclear charges are already being used in armed conflicts, and even against their own population.

The darkness, depicting the terrible impact on all living things of residual radiation after a nuclear explosion, suppresses the will to resist. And yet, he excludes from our perception the very traces of the use of this weapon. We think it's too scary to be real. And how can you miss it? But it only works on ignorant people. But nuclear specialists live in a more real world. They, like all of us, do not feel radiation, but they firmly know where it comes from, how much it is in a particular place, and what it threatens. They are, as it were, more sighted people. Let us, too, gain this “special vision” and take a deeper look at the world. Moreover, to assess the curious facts given below, minimal basic knowledge is required. Have patience for half a page, a few terms and units.


Human exposure to radiation is called radiation. This is the transfer of radiation energy to the cells of the body. At high doses, radiation causes metabolic disorders, infectious complications, leukemia and malignant tumors, radiation infertility, radiation cataracts, radiation burns, and radiation sickness.

As for genetic mutations, they have never been detected yet. Even 78,000 children of those Japanese who survived the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki did not have an increase in the incidence of hereditary diseases (the book "Life after Chernobyl" by Swedish scientists S. Kullander and B. Larson).

It should be remembered that much greater real damage to human health is caused by emissions from the chemical and steel industries, not to mention the fact that science still does not know the mechanism of malignant degeneration of tissues from external influences.

Activity is a measure of radioactivity. It is measured in Becquerels (Bq), which corresponds to 1 decay per second in a certain amount of substance - (Bq / kg) or (Bq / m3). Curie (Ki) measures the same. Only this is a huge value: 1 Ci = 37 billion Bq.

If a substance has some activity, then it emits ionizing radiation. The exposure dose is a measure of the effect of this radiation on a substance. The unit of measurement of the exposure dose rate is mR / hour (milliRentgen / hour). If a person was exposed to radiation of 0.150 mR / hour for 10 hours, then the real dose of radiation that he received will be 1,500 mR. There are also small features and other units (1 rem = 0.01 Sievert (Sv); 1 Sv = 100 Roentgen), but this will be enough to understand the basic processes.

Radiation is a very common property of matter. The sun is actually a giant hydrogen bomb. It emits not only photons in a wide range, but also a mass of ions, as well as gamma radiation. Astronauts know this well. The walls of the spacecraft are unable to protect against the power of our star, even at this distance. The force that heats the Earth from the inside is also related to the nuclear decay of heavy transuranium elements.

So, radiation is everywhere (Fig. 1). Up to 14% of the dose we receive penetrates from space (imagine how much very real radiation we had when in 2010 the ozone layer was reduced by almost half); 37% from building materials and radioactive gases rising from the ground (radon); 19% of the radioactivity of the soil itself; 17% from our bodies and food, and 13% from medical procedures. We literally bathe in radiation from birth to death and we radiate it ourselves. There is always radiation, the only question is its saturation.


In one city the dosimeter shows 0.015 mR, in another 0.150 mR. And how much will he show in the city of Kurchatov, which is 60 km from the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site? And how dangerous is it for its inhabitants? Most often in these cases, we are talking about the natural, background level. That is, natural, usual for a given area. And there is already a forgery here. After all, "usual for a given area" does not mean "natural" at all. The stench in the city dump is quite common and extremely constant, but what does nature have to do with it? This is a human handiwork. Unfortunately, there is every reason for the darkest suspicions.

Fifties nuclear strike

No one denies that in the period from 1949 to 1963, the territory of the USSR was damaged by the explosions of 209 nuclear weapons with a total capacity of about 250 Mt (megatons). What haven't you heard about it? It's strange. But we inflicted this real blow on ourselves by conducting nuclear tests. However, other powers did the same - Software visualization of all world nuclear tests. It is difficult to judge whether this was justified in those conditions, but the main thing now is a quantitative assessment of what happened. The power of the exploded charges corresponds to 16,600 bombs dropped on Hiroshima. The same harm to our nature, perhaps, could be inflicted by England today by firing its entire nuclear arsenal of 160 warheads across Russia. With one condition - to hit not aiming, only into forests and fields, avoiding disruption of infrastructure and mass casualties. I wonder if we, as the people of Russia as a whole,would you notice such an event? With the appropriate media coverage, maybe not.

This seems incredible, but let's see how it all happened in reality. Our tests were concentrated on 2 test sites - Semipalatinsk and Novaya Zemlya. They got about equally. The Semipalatinsk test site is indicative, because it is a more inhabited area. At 500 km - Barnaul, 250 km - Pavlodar, Ekibastuz and Karaganda. The first nuclear charge was detonated there in 1949. By this time, the city of Kurchatov had been founded 60 km from the landfill. And in 1954, the city of Chagan was founded 80 km away.

Imagine - about a hundred atmospheric (not underground) nuclear and thermonuclear charges of varying power, from 1 kiloton to several megatons, were detonated in just a few years 60 km from the city, with a frequency of once a month on average. Given the radius of curvature of the earth, a conventional observer in the city of Chagan can see everything that rises on the test site above the surface above 500 meters. But even an ultra-small charge of 1 kt gives rise to a characteristic nuclear mushroom about 3 km high. And 1 megaton of power gives a mushroom 19 km high. Experience this even during the day, even at night, it is still visible in Chagan in all its glory, and even more so in Kurchatov.

It's terrifying, but dry numbers are not that scary. Ground nuclear explosions at the Semipalatinsk test site had a total yield, very approximately, of the order of 100 Mt. Even if they were blown up in a short period of time, the zone of continuous destruction would be only 8500 sq. Km. It is a square measuring 92 by 92 kilometers. The continuous fire zone is still 107 by 107 km square (only there is nothing to burn in the desert). And all this is quite within the limits of the polygon, and not at all half the country. If we consider that the tests are spaced out in time for several years, then, in principle, it is quite tolerable. It turns out that they are not such fanatics, these nuclear scientists, to live peacefully in the glorious city of Kurchatov.

There is only one BUT - radiation. After all, she, as we are told, is the most terrible and harmful. The all-pervading invisible enemy. In our case, with a one-stage detonation of average charges of the indicated total power, a square of territory measuring 240 by 240 km would receive a radiation impact of a lethal power of 30 Sv (Sievert). Even a person with a dose of 0.05 Sv is already considered irradiated. But the spreading of the explosions in time also deprives this damaging factor of its strength.

As for radioactive isotopes, you must first understand where they come from. The nuclear device itself has a certain mass, contains uranium, plutonium, etc., but in small quantities (tens of kilograms). When an explosion occurs, it all turns into vapor and is a carrier of isotopes. What evaporates without being burned in a chain reaction subsequently constitutes radioactive contamination. In addition, some of the charge that has reacted breaks down into lighter radioactive isotopes. This is also pollution. Finally, the outgoing gamma radiation, piercing the surrounding substance, bombards its atoms, and some of them are converted into isotopes. This is induced radioactivity.

It should be noted that during air nuclear explosions (more than 30 … 50 m above the surface) most of the radioactive isotopes are emitted high into the atmosphere. They, of course, scatter and pollute, but over a vast area, sometimes being distributed throughout the planet. Isotopes generally fall out of the stratosphere only after a few years. Therefore, taking into account the weather conditions, it is possible to work at the landfill relatively safely.

Another mitigating factor is the design of the fusion charge. These were the ones that were mainly tested. The emission of isotopes there is much less in terms of power. And this is also done for the war, since the enemy does not need dirty territory. In general, it seems realistic that as a result of the Semipalatinsk tests, the isotopes were dispersed over an area of at least 9 million square kilometers. The total added radioactive background from the explosion is 100 Mt. in this territory it can be 58.4 Curie per sq. km, which, in general, is not fatal. Moreover, in real life, the scattering area could be many times larger.

For comparison, the release from the Chernobyl accident gave 10 times less total pollution, but its density was very heterogeneous. In the adjacent territory, several kilometers away, there is very high activity, and on the periphery of the zone, which reaches Bryansk and Penza, the indicators are low. The main difference is that there was no powerful updraft at Chernobyl, which forms a nuclear mushroom and carries isotopes into the upper atmosphere. Most of them settled in the immediate vicinity. And the Chernobyl accident scared everyone not by the emission of radiation, but by the threat of an explosion of a critical mass of fuel - the feeling of the end of all life on the planet.

In general, it is clear that the Kurchatov-Semipalatinsk nuclear scientists are not suicides at all, although they settled 60 km from the point of nuclear tests. At the same time, we will have to admit that they really assess the nuclear threat, because they know more. And in our imagination we greatly exaggerate the damaging properties and consequences of the use of nuclear charges.

Impact of a nuclear strike on climate

But this does not mean that the gigantic portion of isotopes, heat and dust thrown into the upper atmosphere as a result of the explosion of 530 nuclear charges did not affect the climate and the "natural radioactive background." Before these events, no one measured the background, and we have nothing to compare with. As part of his first conference, Alexey Kungurov showed photographs of cut trees. There, on the annual rings, climate change in the 60s was clearly traced. The annual rings became thinner after this time. The year-on-year growth has dropped dramatically.


My parents, in particular, have confirmed climate change over the years. They were then teenagers and lived in Chuvashia. In their words, until the 60s, winters were cold. Almost every December for 2 … 3 weeks there were frosts below -25 ° C. The summer on the contrary was very hot. Accordingly, the annual growth of trees was large. They grow in the summer. After that, the winters became warm, down to -15 ºС, and the summers were cooler. The annual growth has decreased. This continued until the last "climatic attractions".

And wow! Coincidentally, the maximum number of atmospheric nuclear tests were carried out precisely in the last few years before 1963. It was in this year that the nuclear powers agreed to carry out tests only underground. Why's that? Apparently, they recorded real global climate changes and got scared. I think this is the most plausible explanation for the slowdown in annual tree growth since the 60s.

The wounds of our earth

Now about the main thing, for which everything was started. Let's see with our own eyes how quickly the wounds of the earth inflicted by a nuclear strike are healed.

At the beginning of the article, you see Lake Chagan (near the Semipalatinsk test site). It was created artificially in 1965 as a result of the explosion of a 170 kiloton thermonuclear charge placed in a borehole 178 meters deep (Fig. 2) in the bed of the small river Chagan. As a result, we got what we wanted - a never-ending lake for watering cattle, 100 meters deep and 450 in diameter. The radioactive background remains high today, half a century later. This is understandable, ground explosions are different from this. All isotopes have settled on soil particles and continue to emit.

The level of radiation around the lake (created mainly by radioactive isotopes cobalt-60, cesium-137, europium-152 and europium-154) reaches (in 2000) 2-3, in some places - up to 8 milliroentgens / hour (natural background - 0.015 -0.030 milliroentgen / hour). Radioactive contamination of lake water at the end of the 90s. was estimated at 300 picocurie / liter (the maximum permissible level of water pollution based on the total radioactivity of alpha particles is 15 picocurie / liter). Formally, these are dire consequences. BUT! Nevertheless, the lake has been used for watering livestock throughout all these years, that is, for its intended purpose! For 50 years, this did not lead to noticeable defeats of livestock and shepherds. Otherwise they would not go there regularly.


Project "Taiga" 1971 Coordinates 61º18´20 N and 56º35´56´´ east longitude It was a one-time underground explosion of three charges of 15 kilotons in order to test the possibility of building the Pechora-Kama canal. The result was the emergence of a nuclear lake among the forest. In the final project, it was planned to detonate about 280 such charges. The project was canceled. Here you can see pictures of the crater and a video of the explosion. According to official data, no serious radioactive contamination has occurred. The dose rate of gamma radiation on the crest of the pile 15 years after the explosion was 0.060-0.600 milliroentgens per hour, above the surface of the water that filled the trench - up to 0.050 mr / hour. And in Fig. 3 and Fig. 4 you can see the modern look of this funnel. Already quite an ordinary lake.

Hiroshima. Fig. 5 shows a Japanese city after an air explosion of a 15 kt bomb at an altitude of about 500 meters. And in Fig. 6 - the same city, half a century later. As you can see, it is flourishing. The tragedy remained only in the memory of the survivors. As soon as the generation changes, it will be possible to safely rewrite history and delete this fact. Nobody will miss it …

Well, now the fun part

There are a large number of strange lakes on the territory of Russia. Many are perfectly round. Their origin is usually vague. Most often they are called karst lakes. This is a very convenient position, as it explains the failure in the ground of any shape and completely out of the blue. In addition, it is almost impossible to reliably establish this. This means that no one is going to prove. That is, here we, as if, have to take scientists' word.

But in general, karst is a cavity in the thickness of soluble rock, which was formed under the action of water saturated with carbon dioxide. Such rocks are gypsum, limestone and some others. And if a round funnel 2 km in size has formed in the ground, it means that a similar cavity should have been washed underground for centuries. Surely such things have happened sometime, but far from everywhere there is a suitable soil composition. And strange lakes exist in large numbers in completely different places, with clearly different soil compositions. That is, the karst hypothesis is unconvincing.


In addition, these strange lakes often have water levels well above the nearby rivers. And their names are completely unusual - Devil's Lake, Lake Shaitan, Lake Adovo … Local residents always have different legends associated with these lakes. And all this speaks about one thing - such lakes are different from ordinary, I'm not afraid of this word, natural.

Look at the wonderful "Dead Lake" just 20 km from Penza (Fig. 7). Absolutely round, 450 m in diameter. There is an assumption on the Internet that this is the result of peat extraction. The prospective peat miners apparently not only displayed a developed sense of aesthetics, thanks to which a banal quarry was turned into a geometrically correct basin, but also carefully poured a rampart around the entire lake. This embankment supposedly protected the peat from erosion, but in reality it is very similar to the ejection of soil from a nuclear explosion funnel. Why nuclear? Judge for yourself, here is a funnel from an ordinary explosion of comparable power (Fig. 8). But from the nuclear (Fig. 9).

Even with a ground nuclear explosion, the soil does not form such a characteristic cone. And with an explosion at a certain height, in general, sometimes only the indentation of the soil from the shock wave is observed. If the ammunition is detonated high enough, there may be no crater at all. There are intermediate options - elements of evaporation and ejection of part of the soil, elements of reflow. The funnel of a nuclear explosion does not have to be perfectly round, because the soil in its mass is different. Naturally, he will resist influences in different ways. But it still differs significantly from a funnel of other origin. And, by the way, there are no bombs filled with ordinary explosives, and at the same time having such a power that the explosion left a crater of 450 m. As we remember, this will require 170,000 tons of TNT (project "Chagan"). You cannot bring such a miracle by plane "Ruslan" and drag it.

Many things are well explained from these positions. For example, the compaction of the soil by a shock wave may well form a waterproof lens that keeps water above normal levels. These are, in my opinion, funnel lakes in the Kirov region (to see, flip through the pages). In the article at the link there are excellent photos, the lakes themselves and the bottom relief are described in great detail. I personally have no doubts about their nuclear origin.

The fact that several lakes connect underground does not destroy this version at all, and does not automatically make them karst. It is known that underground there is a developed network of underground passages. The passages themselves, underground cavities or exits to the surface could have been targets. Moreover, in this case, the large depth of the funnel just speaks of the deepening of the charge. Today, if it is necessary to destroy underground objects, this is what they do. Falling from above at high speed, a heavy and durable nuclear weapon penetrates into the soil for several meters and explodes there. This creates the necessary shock wave. The funnel is exactly the same.

There are a lot of similar funnels filled with water, ranging in size from 100 m to several kilometers, in Russia. There is no way to list everything. Anyone will find them himself, without much difficulty. I would like to draw your attention only to the Chukhloma lake in the Kostroma region (Fig. 10). Its diameter is about 10 km, and the shape of the coastline is very suspicious. Although the dimensions are truly gigantic, they cannot be explained by meteorite theory. In addition, in terms of dimensions, it would be drawn to an asteroid, no less. Again, there are no ground outbursts characteristic of mechanical collision of solids of an explosive type. This could have happened only as a result of a powerful air nuclear explosion, probably more than 100 Mt. The epicenter was supposed to be located several kilometers above the surface. Under such conditions, the shock wave pushes the soil tens of meters into the depth, but its ejection does not occur. Explosions of this kind are used to destroy ground objects and the population over a large area with a radius of about 1000 … 2000 km. Moreover, complete destruction is possible within a radius of 50 … 80 km, and further, with distance, the strength of the damaging factors also decreases.

In the light of all of the above, we can confidently say that on the territory of Russia (I am not getting into other people's affairs yet) there have been many explosions, nuclear or any other, with very similar damaging properties. Whether this happened in one day, or over the course of centuries, is not yet clear. Using Paganel's method, sitting in an office and looking at maps, this can hardly be found out. It is necessary to collect a lot of facts, samples of soils of strange lakes, measurements of temporary flooding of the soil, make cuts and check the composition and layering of embankments, traces of melting, in general, carry out routine work, which scientists like to boast about, and for what we actually feed them. For some reason, no research is being conducted in this direction.

Until this moment, you can shout that nothing has been proven. That is so, but there is a weighty hypothesis, and it is not refuted. Anything, of course, happens, but the one who does nothing is not mistaken. And yet I will try to fit all these facts into certain boundaries.

When did it happen?

The described craters appeared exactly more than 50 years ago. Otherwise, nature would not have had time to recover. If trees grow on the shores of the lake, then their age is the minimum period of limitation of events. But the actual age of the lake may be much greater. In the first years, the radioactive background in the epicenter area is high, but the main isotopes decay rather quickly. The activity of "Strontium 90" falls by 2 times in 29 years, "Cesium 137" in 30 years, "Cobalt 60" in 5 years, "Iodine 131" in 8 days.

In the first years after the events, a person who has been in the active zone, even having no idea about radiation, will definitely understand that the place is bad. He will feel it on his own skin. Health disorder is assured. But after 60-70 years, only the terrible name of the lake, the peculiarity of vegetation and living creatures, and the stories of the very person who experienced everything on himself, will remain.

If we could somehow trust scientists and newspapers, then it would be possible to make events a hundred more years old. But if you trust them, then your eyes can be put on the shelf as unnecessary. After all, then the described lakes simply cannot exist, as well as pyramids, and much more. These craters could not have appeared thousands of years ago. Many of them kept their shape too well. Nobody canceled atmospheric soil erosion, streams, ravines, etc. I would be very careful to put the preliminary lower bound on the age of 500 years ago.

But we have other data that can be linked to funnels. These are 500 million citizens of the Russian Empire who disappeared in the 19th century, this is a young forest no older than 150 … 200 years old according to various estimates, and data on human diseases. You have already, of course, understood that Alexey Kungurov has something to do with it. These are his funnels and 500 million people. He made up, as they say, riddles, at his two conferences, destroyed, therefore, stereotypes, and now we are forced to reconsider our perception of the world, to look for new points of support for consciousness. You must somehow try to keep your sanity.

In general, both 500 million lost people and the endless forest fire of the 19th century fit into the overall picture of a nuclear strike. Who struck, why? I can't even think about it now. Let's leave it for the future, until it is fully comprehended. But there are more clues.

Two unknown origins of the disease that spread in the 19th century are consumption and cancer. Today, scientists have already trained enough experimental animals to know for sure that, at least, cancer occurs as a result of increased exposure to radiation. A high radioactive background around the world may be the reason for the increase in the number of these diseases in the 19th century. And in the second half of the 20th century, another increase in cancer mortality was recorded. It is believed to be from smoking. But I think that once again the radioactive background increased as a result of thousands of atmospheric nuclear explosions before 1963. This also fits into the concept of the 19th century, but the end of the 18th century cannot be ruled out.

Unclear radioactive past of the planet

The failure of the radiocarbon method.

Should we trust dubious historical dates? If we consider that the dating by the radiocarbon method, which today is the most advanced and most scientific, is based on the half-life of the isotope "Carbon 14", which is formed in decent quantities as a result of nuclear explosions, then it is possible with scientific certainty to recognize all radiocarbon dates as erroneous. In this case, the entire timeline, especially the ancient one, begins to float. It's not hard to explain this. In short, the method looks like this.

There is a lot of nitrogen in the atmosphere. If irradiated, it turns into the radioactive isotope "Carbon 14", with a half-life of 5730 years. Radiocarbon is absorbed from the atmosphere by living organisms with air and food only during life. But when the organism has died, the supply of new carbon atoms stops, and it only has to decay, decreasing its number by 2 times in 5370 years, by 4 times in 10,740 years, etc. All that remains is to take a sample, incinerate it, weigh it and measure the radioactivity (as if there is nothing else to generate radiation). Further, simple algebra allows you to get the age of the sample. For the sake of fairness, it should be noted that recently, in some cases, "accelerator mass spectrometry" has been used, which makes it possible to directly determine the content of radiocarbon.

So, Willard Libby, the author of the method, back in 1946 decided to take the ratio of carbon isotopes in the atmosphere in time and space, as a constant. That is, it is always and everywhere the same. And all our scientific dates are based on this exaggerated axiom. And all because there is nowhere, supposedly, to take intense radiation, except from space. It was found that, on average, about 7.5 kg of radiocarbon is formed in the Earth's atmosphere annually, with a total amount of 75 tons. The formation of radiocarbon due to natural radioactivity on the Earth's surface is considered negligible.

However, it later became clear that only during the atmospheric nuclear tests until 1963, another 500 kg was added to the existing amount of radiocarbon (see Fig. 11). As a result, it was decided that the dating of the 20th century should be considered unreliable. But what if nuclear fires have flared on earth before? And they were on fire! Even if you are hopelessly dull, and point-blankly ignore the nuclear lakes-craters under your feet, then the melted layers of soil at the bottom of the ocean (Levashov N. V. "Russia in crooked mirrors-2"), and the Indian Mohenjo, destroyed by a nuclear strike Daro”is hard to ignore. What was then the "natural" level of radiocarbon, in fact, no one knows. A complete fiasco. The rating of the method is zero, the credibility of historical chronologies is zero. We stand at the beginning of the path - all right again.



A kind of vacuum has formed. N. V. Levashov in "Russia in crooked mirrors" no special events in the 19th century are written. But this book does not pursue the goal of a complete, thorough presentation of all the historical events associated with Russia. Probably, not everything can be said. It makes no sense to look for this information in the "Slavic-Aryan Vedas". Everything is ancient there. On the other hand, facts are becoming more prevalent. Something is wrong here. Something is not right at all. It's tempting to stick together a bunch of alternatives to our past. But would it be better to replace one lie with another? Therefore, all of the above is only an in-depth look at some of the sprawling seams of the illusion created for us. Only small anchor points have been set, which I have no doubt about. But before you draw certain, unambiguous conclusions,we still have a long way to go to realize the reality in which we live.

Alexey Artemiev