New Evidence Of Fascist Racial Experiments On Children - Alternative View

New Evidence Of Fascist Racial Experiments On Children - Alternative View
New Evidence Of Fascist Racial Experiments On Children - Alternative View

Video: New Evidence Of Fascist Racial Experiments On Children - Alternative View

Video: New Evidence Of Fascist Racial Experiments On Children - Alternative View
Video: Racial/Ethnic Prejudice & Discrimination: Crash Course Sociology #35 2024, September

The nurses of the Third Reich did the same as their modern counterparts - they provided medical care to patients, but there was also a dark side to their work. For example, activities in the project to create children of the super race.


Children were irradiated with ultraviolet light so that their hair got the "correct" shade for a true Aryan child.

The nurses participated in the euthanasia of mentally retarded patients, in the elimination of people undesirable for Nazi Germany, that is, inappropriate to the Fuhrer's ideas about a truly Aryan man, in addition to all this, they contributed to the project to create children of a superior race.


Researchers have accumulated a lot of information about the work and experiments of Nazi doctors. As a rule, their actions were carefully documented, in some cases even captured on film. But the work of the junior medical staff involved in the process, in most cases, was ignored, and critically little was known about it. But recently, a whole collection of archival photographs has surfaced that capture the dark times in the history of the German nursing profession.


From these photographs, it is impossible to say for sure what this work was for them - the execution of an order from a higher leadership, fear for their lives or faith in the righteousness of their cause. But these pictures can tell about what happened in Poland, which Germany occupied in 1939 and where the next stage of the activities of the organization called "Source of Life" (Lebensborn), founded under the auspices of the Reichsfuehrer SS Heinrich Himmler, unfolded.

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She was part of the General Directorate of Race and Settlements for the preparation of young racially pure mothers and the education of Aryan babies. This, according to the researchers, was like a kind of elite nurseries, where, under the supervision of doctors and scientists, they were supposed to "breed" purebred Aryans.


According to historians, the Nazis kidnapped thousands of small Poles, promising in terms of getting people of the highest class in the future. The adolescents were kept in specialized clinics, where they were subjected to "Germanization", and then transferred to SS families for adoption.

It should be noted that in the process of "Germanization" children were irradiated with ultraviolet light so that their hair got the "correct" shade for a true Aryan child. This moment is also captured on hitherto unknown archival photos. Teenagers who did not respond well to suggestion were beaten and later sent to concentration camps, where they often died.


Vasily Borisov