The Name Of The Vatican And The Name Of The Etruscan Goddess Vatica Of The Underworld - What Is The Connection? - Alternative View

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The Name Of The Vatican And The Name Of The Etruscan Goddess Vatica Of The Underworld - What Is The Connection? - Alternative View
The Name Of The Vatican And The Name Of The Etruscan Goddess Vatica Of The Underworld - What Is The Connection? - Alternative View

Video: The Name Of The Vatican And The Name Of The Etruscan Goddess Vatica Of The Underworld - What Is The Connection? - Alternative View

Video: The Name Of The Vatican And The Name Of The Etruscan Goddess Vatica Of The Underworld - What Is The Connection? - Alternative View
Video: Vatican City Explained 2024, September

The Vatican is a symbol of Christianity. Today we are so used to the name that we don’t even think about how the Vatican got its name. The truth is that the name Vatican is neither Latin nor Greek, and it also cannot be traced back to the Bible. The word that we associate with the Church is closely related to the Etruscan goddess Vatika. The name "Vatican" predates Christianity and is shrouded in mystery.

The Vatican City State was founded on February 11, 1929. Located in Rome, Italy, it is the smallest independent country in the world in both population and area. The city has a population of approximately 840 and an area of approximately 108 acres (44 ha). The Vatican is a symbol of the Roman Catholic faith, and its power and influence on religious people cannot be denied, and the authority of the Holy See extends to Catholics around the world.

The Vatican Palace, north of St. Peter's Basilica, is the residence of the Pope within the city walls. The Vatican is famous for its beautiful buildings such as the Sistine Chapel, St. Peter's Square and St. Peter's Basilica. The Vatican Museums are filled with masterpieces of painting, sculpture and other art collected by popes over the centuries. Vatican Apostolic Library, located inside the Vatican Palace. The Vatican Library was founded in AD 1451 and contains over 80,000 manuscripts, prints, drawings, sheets and incunabula (books printed before AD 1500) written throughout history by people of different faiths from around the world.

To make the ancient material available to the public, several years ago, the Vatican Apostolic Library began digitizing its valuable ancient religious manuscripts and posting them on the Internet through its website. In 2014, 4,000 ancient manuscripts were placed at the Vatican Library free of charge. The Vatican's secret archives are not as secret as many people think. In 1881, Pope Leo XIII allowed scholars to visit private archives for the first time, and nowadays documents can be accessed, but outsiders need to know what they are looking for, because with 52 miles of shelves in archives, Librarians forbid unconscious viewing.

Etruscan goddess of the underworld Vatica

The name Vatican is a real mystery. It has nothing to do with the Bible, Greek or Latin. Like many other Christian traditions and customs, the name we associate with the Church is of pagan origin.

More than twenty-eight centuries ago and before the legendary founding of Rome by Romulus and Remus, there was a people called the Etruscans. About 3000 years ago, the mysterious Etruscans who settled in the region of central Italy created a state known as Etruria, and they ruled the Mediterranean region until the rise of Rome.

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In the Etruscan world, women, unlike their contemporaries in Greek civilization, enjoyed great freedom. We are still trying to master the difficult language of the Etruscans, but over the years we have learned a lot about their beliefs and daily life. In fact, most of our knowledge of Roman civilization comes from the Etruscans. The Etruscans did not bury their dead within the walls of their cities. Instead, they built a large hillside cemetery outside their ancient city in what would become the city of Rome.

Unfortunately, much of Etruscan literature and mythology has been lost, but we know that the guardian of this necropolis was the Etruscan goddess Vatica (sometimes spelled Vatica). She was the goddess of the underworld, and it was her duty to watch over those who passed away. The Etruscans believed in an afterlife, but our knowledge of it is based mainly on images and artifacts found in their graves. It seems that the Etruscan views of the afterlife were similar to those of the ancient Egyptians. The handling of the deceased's remains was essential to survival and a successful journey into the next life.

Vanth, the Etruscan deadly demon and servant of Charun (Greek Sheyron), the ruler of the underworld, was often depicted on urns containing the ashes of cremated bodies. Vantoux was usually depicted with wings, and bearded snakes were intertwined on his arms. According to Etruscan mythology, Vanth was present from the moment of death until entering the Underworld.

Where does the name Vatican come from?

Vatica had several other related meanings in ancient Etruscan. The name was associated not only with the goddess of the underworld. The word Vatika also meant bitter, not very tasty grapes, which the peasants used to make cheap wine. The grapes, as well as the weed of the same name, grew on the slopes of the mountains. When people ate it, they experienced hallucinations, and the word was transformed into Latin as a synonym for "prophetic vision." The Latin word vaticinor means "to predict, to prophesy" from vatis "poet, teacher, oracle."

Biblical sources have various explanations for the origin of the name Vatican. According to the Catholic Encyclopedia, the origin of the name Vatican is uncertain; some argue that the name comes from a vanished Etruscan city called Vaticum. However, according to the curator of the Vatican, the Vatican Hill got its name from the Latin word Vaticanus, vaticiniis ferendis, in reference to the oracles, or Vaticinia, which were brought here in antiquity.

So, we can conclude by saying that the origin of the name Vatican is unclear, but most researchers believe that the name was borrowed from the Etruscan language.

By Ellen Lloyd

Why Russians and Bulgarians were not allowed into the Etruscan hall of the Vatican

But, indeed, they tried not to let Russians and Bulgarians into the Etruscan halls. A hundred years ago and more. Especially in groups. A lover of literature, even a high school student, who has fresh memories of the lessons of Old Church Slavonic, Latin and other wisdom, looking at the inscriptions, got excited.

Loudly he began to read Etruscan letters from right to left, from left to right, one sign as a syllable (as it should be when decrypting). Wherever he sees the inscription - on a plate, helmet, mirror. For our people, solving mysteries and charades is a joy! This, as you know, is the most terrible thing for the "Etruscan scholars" - suddenly they will guess! They gather in a meticulous crowd and argue loudly. This is not good.

But everything is simple. Russians and Bulgarians a hundred years ago understood and could read the texts because, knowing even the simple alphabet, not to mention the Old Church Slavonic, Greek and dead Latin, they understood that one letter can mean both a word and a syllable. And there were more letters in the alphabet at that time, therefore, intuitive decoding was given much easier than our contemporaries. The reform of the Russian language has played a cruel joke on us - thinking has become flat and linear, there is no variety of nuances, complexity and volume of understanding.

That is why everything is calm in the Vatican now - go where you want. The price of ignorance.

"ETHRUSAN IS NOT READ" is a command given by the Roman authorities after the final ousting of the Etruscans from their legal lands.

Published in Florence since 1927, the Etruscan Study magazine regularly publishes the work of "distinguished researchers" from various universities around the world. For years they "work" in the sweat of their brows, not sparing their belly, over the mysteries of the departed people. Moreover, the main “difficulty” is the origin of the Etruscans and their language. However, the fact that at the beginning of the 19th century (!) Several outstanding scientists S. Chyampi, A. Chertkov and F. Volansky proved the Slavic origin of the language and culture of the Etruscans, they do not seem to know. As well as the work of modern scientists P. Oreshkin, G. Grinevich.

Chyampi, Chertkov and Volansky deciphered the Etruscan texts so brilliantly that it is simply impossible to doubt the correctness of their method of reading. You can pretend that nothing happened. This strategy is followed with particular zeal by the loyal servants of the Vatican.

The malice of the new Roman nobility can be understood - who wants to recognize himself as a loser? Recognize that your culture is completely borrowed from educated, cultured, talented builders, scientists, philosophers, farmers, sailors? That the laws, the structure of the social system, knowledge about man and the Universe are open and presented to you by a completely alien, kind and beautiful civilization?

What to do in this case? What scoundrels always do is to suppress, distort, rewrite history, prohibit speaking and writing in their native language, hiding the truth in corners and basements. The same Vatican. Send your spies, bribe and kill statesmen. Yes, in the end, start a witch hunt - destroy all the Knowing and the Best. Variants - darkness is dark.

For the sake of fairness, I want to note that many prominent figures in Italy, historians, spoke directly about the Slavic nature of the Etruscans. For example, the Italian Iovan de Rubertis in the article "Slavic settlements in the Kingdom of Naples" reports that in 1468 AD. the following cities in Italy were founded by the Slavs: Montemiro, Sanfelice, Tavenna, Seritello.

"The Etruscans introduced laws in Italy, were the first philosophers, geometers, priests, builders of cities, temples, inventors of military machines, doctors, painters, sculptors, agronomists …"

F. Dempster, Italian historian (1619)

In the dictionary of Stephen of Byzantine (527 - 565) it is indicated that “the Etruscans are a Slavic tribe.” The Etruscans called themselves Rasens, the Race. Accordingly, the letter has the name “Rassenskoe figurative-mirror writing (molvitsy)”.

The talented interpreter of ancient languages P. Oreshkin in the book "The Babylonian Phenomenon" also notes a peculiar feature of Rassene writing - mirroring. Oreshkin calls these ingenious techniques the "trick system" of the ancient Russens.


The Etruscans built cities of wood and stone, equipped them with a water supply system and a communication system, masterly knew ore and metalworking, all types of crafts. They loved to take a steam bath, wore thick long beards, performed rituals of burning the dead and honored their memory, like all Rusichs. Created great works of art and decorated public places with them.

Italian museums and private collections are bursting with amazing Etruscan art. More than two thousand years ago, the Etruscans owned almost all the Apennines, were the masters of the western seas, therefore, they understood in trade and navigation, shipbuilding. A talented and skillful people worked, created, creating the foundation for the vaunted invented culture of "Ancient Rome". Which was not.

Those who have committed a monstrous injustice, methodically erasing information about the great workers of the Etruscan Rassens from historical tablets, will sooner or later get theirs. But it is not important. It is important for us to remember everything and never forget again.
