3 Facts That Call Into Question The Official History Of - Alternative View

3 Facts That Call Into Question The Official History Of - Alternative View
3 Facts That Call Into Question The Official History Of - Alternative View

Video: 3 Facts That Call Into Question The Official History Of - Alternative View

Video: 3 Facts That Call Into Question The Official History Of - Alternative View
Video: The World in 2021: five stories to watch out for | The Economist 2024, September

There are several dozen such facts, some of which contradict calculations, science, and elementary common sense, which means that if such a topic is interesting, there will be many parts.

And as I said, everything will go from the very beginning, from the very antiquity, from the history of the Earth itself. In general, the age of the Earth, in fact, is not really known, since the opinion of science about 4.5 billion years is only a version.

Not to mention the fact that science, in principle, knows little about the Earth at the moment. There are still many disputes and versions about the structure of our planet, about when it appeared and how. It follows from this that nothing is really known about the inhabitants of the Earth, be they animals or people.


If you believe science and history, people appeared relatively the most estimated age of the Earth not so long ago. Not to mention the fact that, in fact, a more or less developed civilization with various technologies appeared only 200-300 years ago.

All this I lead to the fact that little is known about the Earth, and the existence of one civilization for even a possible 4.5 billion years may be real, but very unlikely. And many facts indicate that there were civilizations much more developed than the current one.


And elementary common sense does not give the idea that we are the only developed civilization for the entire time of the planet, this is extremely unlikely. And yes, this is not taking into account the fact that the age of the Earth can be 2, 3, or 10 times more than the one assumed by science.

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And from billions of years of the Earth we are no longer moving into such a distant past, namely, thousands of years ago, and many structures of unknown purpose for modern man.


It's not a secret for anyone that many buildings of the past are incomprehensible in their purpose and functions for the present civilization and, in fact, for any scientist, historian, etc.

The same pyramids whose age is also questionable. Their purpose is still unknown and it is unlikely that it will ever be clear.


And so I can go on for a long time. Various complexes, dolmens, "temples", as historians call almost every first structure found.

And the current "most developed civilization" in history cannot deal with most of the ancient structures, which leads to certain questions. That they were simply not meant for people, or for people, but much more developed.


Together with the fact of the age of the Earth, we can say that a variety of civilizations could exist on our planet. This is also indicated not only by the structures of unknown purpose, but also, for example, small passages.

For whom on Earth in ancient times were small passages intended, into which even a small child can not crawl now? There are such passages in several megalithic structures, in the "ventilation shaft" of the Cheops pyramid.


I also remember mentions that in the object in the Caucasus, which is underground, people were also unable to get through, because tiny passages, not suitable even for a child, let alone adults.

But who is it all for? And who could walk on such small aisles? If there are such small passages, then at the same time, there are cyclopean structures on Earth, which, on the contrary, seem too huge for humans.


In general, all this I lead to the diversity of civilizations throughout the history of the Earth.

And the last fact for this article will be various underwater and underground objects. What can various megalithic complexes and even cities that were flooded by tens, if not hundreds of meters, speak about? That's right, that civilizations existed for a long time and were both less developed and more developed against the background of others.


And various submerged complexes additionally indicate that the history of the Earth can be very long and varied. I wrote about all the known underwater objects, and even wrote about those that are unknown to many. Maybe I've forgotten or missed something, but still.

All such finds indicate that a huge part of history can be found under water. But as everyone knows, the underwater world is explored, to put it mildly, not really.


Even the elementary and popular Yonaguni, which, according to rough estimates, could have been built 10-20 thousand years ago. And what then can be at a depth of 100-200, 500 meters?

In general, this whole article is a connection of several facts, which, in my opinion, quite clearly indicate that the history is huge, and most of it is simply unknown at the moment, unfortunately.