Perception Of Time And Space - Illusion Or Reality? - Alternative View

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Perception Of Time And Space - Illusion Or Reality? - Alternative View
Perception Of Time And Space - Illusion Or Reality? - Alternative View

Video: Perception Of Time And Space - Illusion Or Reality? - Alternative View

Video: Perception Of Time And Space - Illusion Or Reality? - Alternative View
Video: Illusion or Reality 2024, September

One of the oldest ideas of metaphysical and spiritual philosophy over the centuries is the assertion that in the non-physical spheres where our Higher Selves exist, time does not exist in such a concept as we know it. The perception of time and space is completely different.

Our experience of linear time here in our physical reality is an illusion.

Unfortunately, there was no interpretation as possible before. Only recently have many higher-dimensional entities through channeling shared information about the true essence of time, and this article presents a synthesis of their explanations.

Features of the perception of the illusion of time

Our understanding of linear time is an illusion of our perception, created by consciousness. It's the same with space.

Closely related to the theme of time is the concept of "linear causality" - the concept that event A is the cause for event B, which then triggers event C.

The apparent causal relationship between events is also purely a perceptual illusion - albeit very compelling.

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The reality we perceive is by no means “objective reality” as many people believe.

It's more like what we know as virtual reality, but with very interesting rules.


Let's take a quick look at the basics of what you and the universe really are, and then we'll dive deeper into how and why time and space are illusions.

Cosmic consciousness

The very fabric of the universe is conscious, and our higher consciousness is the thread of this universal consciousness with its own center.

We are the windows through which the universe perceives and experiences life experience.

Mainstream science believes that consciousness and our mind arise exclusively from the work of the brain.

Indeed, the physical mind arises from the work of the brain, but this mind provides only limited possibilities compared to our higher mind.

Science has not yet realized that in addition to our mind there is something more, and it exists in the universal area of consciousness, and our brain functions as a receiver.


Everything is consciousness. Everything seen and invisible, large and small, are simply thought forms within the cosmic mind.

We exist inside something similar to the space of consciousness or conceptual space. And the experiences that we have and call "reality" are created by selectively and consistently seeking and perceiving information in the cosmic mind.

Our reality is our mental construct. All realities are mental constructs.

Infinite information matrix

The information that represents every aspect of every moment of the past, present and future exists simultaneously, eternally and now.

Not only all the information on the timeline that we are currently experiencing, but all possible timelines are literally an infinite matrix containing everything possible, everything imaginable.

Of course, this is not so obvious when perceiving from within the very mental structure of space-time, because we see and experience only that part that is necessary to create the experience of our reality.

You can think of a timeline as a path that our consciousness takes through the space of information and therefore the space of experience.


In an unlimited (natural) state of consciousness, in which our Higher Self is located, we can move our point of consciousness anywhere in the infinite matrix of information, which is everything that is, and move through it either in the "temporary" or in the "spatial" measurement.

Note that these measurements are simply ways of navigating information.

And the information is structured in such a way as to represent three-dimensional geometric space, as well as gradual states (time) - this is very similar to how our computer games and virtual reality work.

Our physical reality is a construct that our souls use as a learning experience.

In a sense, our whole reality is an illusion, but the experiences it gives are very real and leave an indelible mark on the consciousness, which is our soul.

Reality works like a super complex game that governs the evolution and growth of consciousness in our souls.

Space movie projector

From the content of the eternal now and infinite information matrix, linear experience is created by sequentially moving the conscious focus of your perception / understanding along the information matrix.

This process creates an experience of time and space, movement, evolution and causality.

It looks like a movie produced by a movie projector. In a movie projector, the illusion of movement and time is created when the projector displays still frames of a movie, one frame at a time, in a rapid, steady sequence.

However, all frames exist at the same time. In fact, the projectionist can take out the film, spread it on the floor, and view all the footage at the same time.


Likewise, our consciousness “projects” (as well as “perceives”) individual “still frames of reality” in a steady and extremely fast sequence, billions of times per second, creating the illusion of the flow of time.

Each “structure of reality” contains no movement at all - it is a mental image. However, by quickly sequencing these still frames, we create the illusion of movement and time.

Blocks of information in an infinite matrix function very much like the still frames of a filmstrip.

Our earth consciousness works the same way as a movie projector - viewing still frames in a quick, steady sequence.

Our higher self exists in a timeless realm and acts like a projectionist who can shoot a film and view all frames at the same time.

It is you who are moving, not time. Time has no movement. There is only one moment. -Bashar

In fact, it is unclear whether we select each subsequent "frame of reality" from an infinite number of pre-created frames, or whether we compose the content of these frames dynamically, somehow "on the fly."

The illusion of continuity

Typically, the "reality frames" that we view in rapid succession are interconnected and similar, creating the illusion of continuity.

Continuity is necessary to make the play of life a compelling experience.

If we noticed obvious violations, we would realize that we are players in this game, and this would reduce the effectiveness of achieving the goal of the game of life.

One of the reasons that continuity manifests itself is that we choose “frames of reality” that we see at each subsequent moment in resonance with our thoughts.

And, since we do not believe that jumping along timelines is possible (for example, we believe in linear continuity), then breaks usually do not occur.

We expect continuity, and we get it. We create our entire reality with our thoughts and beliefs - this is how the universe works, this is what it is, because we are part of the great cosmic mind.


But continuity is not an absolute requirement. In an infinite matrix, you can "jump" to a completely different frame.

Time travel is usually considered "time travel," which has traditionally been considered impossible.

One argument that is often put forward as proof of why time travel is not possible is the classic grandfather paradox, which states: “If you travel back in time to your grandfather’s lifetime and kill him before he has children, then your the father would not be born, and then you would not be born.

And if you were never born, then you cannot go back to kill your grandfather."

Of course, this paradox disappears when you realize that there are an infinite number of timelines - all coexist at the same time (parallel but different paths through an infinite matrix, or "streams" of events).

When you "travel in time," you jump to a different timeline. There are no changes on your original timeline.

The timeline you switched to may seem almost identical to the one you were on, but it is a completely different timeline.

Of course, breaks can and do happen, and when they happen, eyewitnesses perceive them as "miracles" or "magic."

Very few of us have witnessed such events, and far fewer people have the power of reason and the skill of their creativity to actually create them.

Paranormal phenomena and the illusion of time and space

The paranormal / psychic phenomena of distance vision and past life regression shed light on the deeper nature of our reality and are consistent with the illusory nature of time and space presented here.

Remote viewing is a term that military intelligence has coined as an alternative to other metaphysical terms such as "astral travel" or "mental representations."

Remote viewing is the ability to view any place, no matter how far, in your mind simply through conscious intent.

According to the book Boundless Mind: A Guide to Remote Viewing, anyone can develop this ability through special training.


The mind's ability to “see” any place in space strongly suggests that consciousness exists outside the brain in the tissue of the universe, as many ancient schools of thought believed and that many leading modern scientists are beginning to understand and prove.

Our conscious awareness is indeed part of something like the universal mind and in its unlimited (natural) state.

We can move our point of consciousness to any place in the infinite matrix of information, which represents everything that is, and move in it along “spatial” or “temporal” dimensions.

In the case of remote viewing, we gain access to our unlimited (universal) mind and move our focus of consciousness through the “spatial” dimension in the universal information matrix to a specific “spatial” location.

Past life regression is another paranormal phenomenon that illuminates the true nature of time and space.

This technique uses hypnosis (or, for example, reincarnation techniques) to bring the subject into a state of consciousness that will allow him to access the unlimited consciousness of his Higher Self to explore what we traditionally consider past and future life.

Our higher essence creates many souls, which are different facets of itself and projects them into the lower-frequency planes of existence.

During regression to past lives, we can access our unlimited consciousness and move our point of consciousness through the "time" dimension of the infinite information matrix towards places that correspond to sectors and points on the timelines where other facets of our Higher Self (other souls) go through their life experiences.


Our higher essence creates many souls and places them in many life forms, in many worlds, in various situations to accelerate the evolution of our consciousness (spiritual evolution).

She experiences everything that all her souls experience, and thus develops. She has a massive parallel experience through all of her souls!

Reality is a mental construct, and we are its creators.

The experience that we experience and call "our world and our life", everything that most of us firmly believe in as an objective external reality, is nothing more than the most complex illusion of perception.

This is an illusion, very similar to the virtual reality created on our computers, except that the rules are much more interesting and we ultimately control every little nuance of this game.

A deep understanding and mastery of these rules will make you the main player in this exciting game of life - someone who can change their personal reality as they wish.

By Jeff Street, Scientist Who Awakened to Spiritual Search Years ago. Researcher of the spiritual world, author of several books on esoteric topics.
