The Destruction Of Free Energy In Europe - Alternative View

The Destruction Of Free Energy In Europe - Alternative View
The Destruction Of Free Energy In Europe - Alternative View

Video: The Destruction Of Free Energy In Europe - Alternative View

Video: The Destruction Of Free Energy In Europe - Alternative View
Video: The Biggest Lie About Renewable Energy 2024, September

The destruction of free energy sources in the 20th century went all over the world, including in Europe. But their destruction went somehow more humanely, let's say, in a European way. And they simply did not pay due attention to this, as, for example, in our case during the destruction of churches, when this process was filmed by the NKVD. Let's take a look at one example from France.

Well, and we have a very suitable object - the Le Fresnoy contemporary art center, which is located in Tourcoing (a suburb of Lille) in France. Judging by the site, it is an ordinary center for contemporary art, with a cinema, a restaurant, etc., there are many of these throughout Europe. And he seems to be relatively young in age - only 20 years old. Nothing special. If suddenly interesting old photos hadn't come out on one of the resources.

So, get acquainted - the Le Fresnoy dance center of 1930, in the same place:


There is a territory, a dance hall, a restaurant. The territory is completely ennobled, but there are some columns with rings on it. Stop.

Promotional video:


What are these rings and where are they directed? Obviously in one place. Which one?


Well, actually, nothing new. Officially called "dovecote". And by design, this is an ordinary generator of ether electricity in the form of a dome installation. If you look closely, the rings on the edge of the tower are not located strictly perpendicular to the tangent to the circumference of the dome, but are turned in a strictly defined direction, namely, on similar pillars of outgoing lines. And on top of the dome, vases with a substance called tain, well-known from previous articles, are circled in blue. On the first floor of the tower, there is obviously a dance floor. The tower itself, judging by the upper part, is capital, it does not produce the status of a temporary structure. Its entire structure rests on four pillars in the center. And in the tower itself, under the roof, there is something, to which the rings along its edges are directed. What was there and what material the roof was made of, one can only guess. What is there now?


From what was, nothing at all. Even the gate with the fence was gone. Knowing the scrupulousness of Europeans in matters of protection of cultural monuments, it is very difficult to guess why everything was demolished. Perhaps, the events of the Second World War influenced, but in this territory the hostilities were not active, and besides, the Europeans, unlike us, have always restored even half-destroyed cultural monuments. Very strange. And there is almost no information on the network why our entertainment facility suddenly disappeared. From what we have been able to find out, there is very little information.


The building itself was also demolished and a completely new one was built in its place. If you look closely, on the oldest building there are also incomprehensible objects. While the upper ones can still be mistaken for flagpoles, the lower ones defy explanation. Another detail is that the building is metal, and therefore powerful heating is needed to maintain the temperature in winter. There are no pipes above the building. If we reconstruct the master plan, we get the following:


Our pigeon tower stood somewhere in the designated place, and the new building occupied the same square as the old one (or several old ones). And the building, judging by the site, was built in 1997. And what happened in this place during the period 1930-1997? There is information on the Web that outdoor sports facilities were built at that place. It is difficult to say why it was needed here, but the metal buildings on that place were no longer exactly.


Pay attention, the tower is already without windows and with an open drum, but the pillars with rings are still preserved. In the lower photo, the word "sport" is clearly inscribed by a retoucher. And the trees look like they are different, younger. What was the tower like before?


As you can see, a lot has changed. Judging by the fact that there is no regular permanent staircase to the top in the structure, the permanent stay of the personnel there was not provided. If there was some kind of device, it did not require constant monitoring. And control devices, if any, were in the basement.


Please note that the lighting garlands hang separately and have no electrical connection with the pole. Our pillars with rings, most likely, shone with some object that stands above the ring. There is another interesting photo.


Pay attention again to the wall of the house opposite the gate to our establishment, there is some object hanging there. This is clearly not a TV antenna. If you look closely, the side stripes on this item are slightly curved. It's hard to know where this subject is headed. What could it be? In general, everything is simple. This is an ordinary wireless pole, but rather not a pole, but its top, attached to the building. Actually, similar things in the form of rings on poles were on the territory of the old dance complex. Now at this place of the house there is nothing like it (in the photo, obviously, the entertainment complex itself is just being built).


Well, probably, everything is clear, it's time to draw conclusions. And the conclusions are simple: this is yet another proof of the existence, quite recently, of systems for obtaining electricity from the atmosphere and transmitting it over a distance without wires. In our case, electricity was generated by the same pigeon tower, and the transmission was carried out by poles with rings, along the way, perhaps, combining these functions with lighting. This system additionally carried out lighting and heating of the dance hall premises, with a fairly large volume. And oddly enough, without clear convincing reasons, even in Europe itself, where nominally there were no cultural revolutions, all this was destroyed.

Author: tech_dancer