Aliens In Ancient Egypt? - Alternative View

Aliens In Ancient Egypt? - Alternative View
Aliens In Ancient Egypt? - Alternative View

Video: Aliens In Ancient Egypt? - Alternative View

Video: Aliens In Ancient Egypt? - Alternative View
Video: "Aliens built the pyramids" and other absurdities of pseudo-archaeology | Sarah Kurnick 2024, September

Often, some archaeological finds not only baffle scientists, but also completely refute the collection of historical myths, known to us as "official history." One of these finds was the discovery a few years ago of an ancient Egyptian tomb, whose age was determined at 4 thousand years.

Discovered in this tomb by the doctor of archeology Gaston de Villars and two of his colleagues, the mummy is clearly not human. She has a wide mouth without a tongue, no nose and ears, and the growth of this creature is about 2.5 meters. Here is how the scientist himself describes it:

The tomb itself, where this mummy was discovered, looks rather unusual. Thus, the burial chambers were made in a completely unknown way in antiquity. The stone was literally carved out of the rock in one piece, while its walls remained as smooth as polished marble. All this is very similar to the use of laser technologies in the construction of the tomb. This version is also supported by the fact that there are traces of melting on the surface of the stone.

Another oddity of this tomb is that it is decorated with a substance that resembles lead. At the same time, scientists have not been able to determine what kind of material it is. It is unlikely that such technologies were known to the ancient Egyptians. And it is not by chance that the archaeologists who made the find came to a completely logical conclusion that perhaps the mummy belongs to an alien creature that died on Earth and was buried by the Egyptians with all due honors.

This assumption is also confirmed by pictures on stone tablets depicting an apparatus moving through the air. This means that in ancient times there were contacts with extraterrestrial intelligence, as evidenced by the descriptions of UFO flights, noted in the annals of many ancient peoples. The UFO phenomenon has been observed on Earth for many millennia, and these manifestations are clearly not associated with modern secret tests of new models of aircraft of our civilization. And the presence of a strange mummy and objects not related to earthly culture refute all the theses of "fighters against pseudoscience" about "mass hallucinations" of witnesses of the UFO phenomenon.

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