A Strange Outbreak Was Observed Over The Sverdlovsk Region - - Alternative View

A Strange Outbreak Was Observed Over The Sverdlovsk Region - - Alternative View
A Strange Outbreak Was Observed Over The Sverdlovsk Region - - Alternative View

Video: A Strange Outbreak Was Observed Over The Sverdlovsk Region - - Alternative View

Video: A Strange Outbreak Was Observed Over The Sverdlovsk Region - - Alternative View
Video: Biological Chernobyl - The Sverdlovsk Incident 2024, September

Residents of the Sverdlovsk region filmed an unusual phenomenon - in the late evening, a flash of fire suddenly appeared in the sky. The glow burned for a few seconds and then disappeared. It happened on November 14, 2014, but the record was made public only on the 17th.

“It's very similar to the invasion of a good car. It went out at an altitude of 10-15 km. We need records from other points and eyewitness testimony in the area of the invasion - sounds, glow, etc. ", - quotes" Komsomolskaya Pravda "member of the Committee on Meteorites of the Russian Academy of Sciences Viktor Grokhovsky, who worked with the Chelyabinsk meteorite.

Watch from the 3rd minute

The journalists of the E1. RU portal learned from the city administration that on November 14, the military detonated ammunition in the Rezha area. However, the press service of the Central Military District told them that the military had nothing to do with the outbreak: "There were no exercises or training that day, no military units were deployed in that area, so we have nothing to do with what happened."

Note that mid-November is the time when the Leonids meteor shower can be observed. At this time, the earth passes through a stream of dust particles flying in orbit of the Tempel-Tuttle comet that spawned them. Today - November 18 - the "starfall" will continue. He got the name "Leonids" because its radiant - the point in the sky from which, from the point of view of the observer, meteors "fall" - is located in the constellation Leo.

Note that it is not the first time that the inhabitants of the Urals observe unexpected celestial phenomena. For example, one of the most notorious events was the meteorite falling in Chelyabinsk in February 2013. Then, according to eyewitness accounts, explosions were heard and burning debris fell to the ground.

Later it turned out that the city was "attacked" by a meteorite, the size of which was several meters, and its mass was about 10 tons. The body entered the atmosphere at a speed of 15-20 km / s, collapsed at altitudes of 30-50 km, the movement of fragments at a high speed caused a powerful glow and a strong shock wave.

Already in the summer of 2013, scientists found that the explosion of the meteorite was so powerful that the shock wave from it not only knocked out glass in hundreds of houses of the regional center and its environs, but also circled the globe twice.

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