Continent Mu - Alternative View

Continent Mu - Alternative View
Continent Mu - Alternative View

Video: Continent Mu - Alternative View

Video: Continent Mu - Alternative View
Video: Scientists say they may have discovered "lost continent" 2024, October

Mu and Lemuria - It is assumed that these are disappeared lands in the South Pacific Ocean. This continent was home to a highly developed culture that could well be the ancestral home of humanity. Many thousands of years ago, this land went under water as a result of a geological cataclysm. The only thing that reminds of the existence of this land once is several thousand rocky islands in the Pacific Ocean.

For the first time about the land of Mu modern mankind heard in the XIX century. When the scholar Augustus Le Plongeon examined the ancient Mayan texts in Yucatan, he was able to find out what the Maya people consider their ancestors to be the Atlanteans, Egyptians and Mu. And in 1864, geologist Philip Sklater in his article "Mammals of Madagascar" called the hypothetical lost continent Lemuria, after which the name came into use. Scientists suggest that the people of Mu lived on Lemuria, which was also confirmed by the Maya writings. Detailed maps of this sunken continent were found on stone tablets in Peru by the Spanish scientist Javier Cabrera.

According to other assumptions "Lemuria" and "Mu" existed at different times and are not the same place geographically.

According to Churchward, the land of Mu was a real paradise, a civilization with advanced technology and a population of 64 million inhabitants. About 12,000 years ago, Mu sank into the Pacific Ocean as a result of a devastating earthquake. The Mu colony, Atlantis, perished in the same way a thousand years later. The population of all the major ancient civilizations of the world, from the Babylonians to the Persians, from the Maya to the Egyptians, were from Mu. Churchward stated that he received this sensational information as a young officer, when he served in India. There, in the 1880s, during a famine, he became friends with an Indian priest, who told him that he and his two cousins were the only surviving members of Naakal, a secret school that arose 70,000 years ago with Mu herself.

The priest showed Churchward several ancient tablets written by Naakal's disciples in an unknown language, which was supposedly the oldest language of mankind, and taught the officer to read these texts. Later, Churchnorz, like Le Plongeon, who used the Troano Codex to prove the existence of Mu, claimed that the sacred writings of Mu were found on certain stone relics in Mexico. Unfortunately, Churchward did not provide any evidence to support his sensational claim. He has not published a translation of the secret tablets of the Naakal Brotherhood, and his books on Lemuria / Mu enjoy continued interest among many readers, but are perceived more as entertaining reading than serious, factual research.

Zoologists and geologists today explain the spread of lemurs and other animals and plants in the basins of the Pacific and Indian Ocean by the drift of tectonic plates and continents. According to the theory of tectonic plates (however, only a theory), the movement of layers of the earth's crust along a less hard layer of the mantle leads to continental drift, increased volcanic and seismic activity and the formation of mountain ranges. The hypothesis of continental drift in 1912 was put forward by the German scientist Alfred Wegener, but for 50 years it had no support in the scientific world. Based on modern ideas about tectonic plates, geologists consider the theory of the continent submerged in the Pacific Ocean to be false.

The idea that Lemuria is something intangible, rather the lost cradle of spirituality, is drawn from the works of the famous Russian occultist Helena Petrovna Blavatskaya (1831-1891), co-founder (together with lawyer Henry Steele Olcott) of the Theosophical Society, created in New York in 1875 d. The Society was a secret order created to study the mystical movements of Christianity and the religions of the East. In her massive work The Secret Doctrine (1888), Blavatsky describes the story of the origin of the Lord of Fire, which goes back several million years, and tells the story of five root races that existed on earth, each of which perished as a result of monstrous cataclysms. The third root race, which she called the Lemurians, existed a million years ago. These were unusual people - giants with telepathic powers,for which dinosaurs were pets. The Lemurians died in the waters of the Pacific Ocean when their continent sank. The descendants of the Lemurians were the inhabitants of Atlantis - the fourth root race, which was destroyed by black magic: 850,000 years ago, the continent was swallowed up by the sea. The living represent the fifth root-race.

Blavatsky claimed that she learned about all this from the "Book of Dzyan", allegedly written by the Atlanteans, which she received from the Indian sage, the Mahatma. Madame Blavatsky did not appropriate the discovery of Lemuria. In her works, she referred to Philip Scleter, who came up with the name Lemuria. It must be said that The Secret Doctrine is an extremely complex book in which Western and Eastern cosmology, mysticism and secret wisdom have merged, so its text cannot be taken literally. Blavatsky is the first to offer an occult interpretation of Lemuria. It cannot be equated with Churchward's version of the continent as a material object. What Blavatsky and other occultists say about Lemuria can be interpreted in part as an ideal, sublime state of mind, a kind of lost world of spirituality. Nevertheless,some mediums and seers still perceive ancient Lemuria / Mu as a material object. Some, conducting hypnosis sessions, turn to the past and call those who once lived on the lost continent.

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MU - The Earth of Mu exists in another universe called Dal. It was from there that the first Lemurians arrived 4,500,000 years ago. "The Land of Mu" is located near the place that we know as the constellation Cassiopeia.

"Mu" was also the name of the spacecraft in which this group of Lemurians arrived on Earth. During the existence of Lemuria, and even earlier, millions of years ago, several civilizations arrived to populate this planet, but they were not sufficiently enlightened by the Light that we know today, and most of them did not embody the true Christ consciousness.

The first Lemurian period began around 200,000 BC. after the completion of one of the Great Cycles, which lasted 25,920 years. This particular cycle, as a result of a massive earthquake, wiped out about half of its population. The shift in electromagnetism caused some of the earths to break apart and move away from each other. One of the land areas has become especially favorable for the development of civilization, mostly peaceful people, originating from both the Pleiades and Sirius and Orion, were drawn to it. This continent was the size of Australia and was located at almost the same longitude, only slightly to the north. Later, the first Lemurian civilization was named the Continent of Mu. At its peak, it was almost half a billion souls. Three Great Cycles later, the fluctuations in electromagnetism were such that they caused another catastrophe,and all land masses except Lemuria were flooded.

The Mu entities, being entities of a very primitive nature, possessed very advanced spiritual distortions. Their civilization was part of the current Great Cycle, and originated at the beginning of the first cycle, approximately 53,000 years ago. The land of Mu was a flourishing and safe place until it sank into the ocean as a result of the rearrangement of the tectonic plates of your planetary sphere, and not because of their actions. Those who survived settled in different places - in what is called Russia, North America and South America. The Indians are the descendants of these entities.

Like the others who have embodied in this cycle, they came from somewhere else. However, these concrete entities were mainly from a 2nd density planet, which was experiencing difficulties in the transition to living conditions of 3rd density, due to the age of the sun, its solar system. This planet was from the Deneub galaxy. "Law of One"

The mysterious continent of MU. Some of the Hawaiian beliefs say that the Big Island was born first, is the oldest in the island group of Hawaii and all life originated from there. Hawaii was actually the continent of Mu. The beauty that came out of the lava is the Mother of all Being and all beings around. She, in fact, was the source, just as Mu was. The Big Island is much older than people think. Life originated from its center. It is no coincidence that there she is still in full swing. The First Cave of Creation was located on the continent of Mu, and now it is directly below us. Steve Rother

The MU continent on the territory of which in the middle of the Pacific Ocean were the modern Mariana, Polynesian, Hawaiian archipelagos, the islands of Fiji, Tahiti, about. Easter, Tonga. The Mu continent (the empire of the Sun in the Pacific) occupied the entire South Pacific. My mainland consisted of 3 parts separated from each other by straits and seas. This is the greatest colony, the land on which the life and development of the 3rd and 4th races of the planet took place. Mother worship was originally strong on Mu, it was the basis of the civilization of Lemuria. The Flame of the Divine Mother was kept in the main temple of Mu along with the flame of the Divine Father, focused in the Golden City of the Sun. In the vast expanses of the colonies of Mu, miniature copies of the temple were installed with a flame burning in them as a sanctuary for the consciousness of the Virgin, and thus an arc of Light was created between the Earth and the Sun - an arc,through which the energies of the Logos were transmitted, necessary for the deposition of form and substance in the plans of the Mother (in Matter). Great advances in technology, superior to today's meager accomplishments, have accompanied Mu culture for centuries. Later there was a falling away from Grace, which was the result of apostasy from the Mother's energy and the abuse of the energies of the "seed atom" located in the Muladhara chakra. The fall of Mu thus became a direct consequence of the "fall of man" - a fall to the lowest point in the desecration of the Cosmic Virgin. All this happened gradually, until false theology completely wiped out the original patterns of the Mother Cult from the face of the earth.surpassing modern insignificant accomplishments have accompanied Mu culture for centuries. Later there was a falling away from Grace, which was the result of apostasy from the Mother's energy and abuse of the energies of the “seed atom” located in the Muladhara chakra. The fall of Mu thus became a direct consequence of the "fall of man" - a fall to the lowest point in the desecration of the Cosmic Virgin. All this happened gradually, until false theology completely wiped out the original patterns of the Mother Cult from the face of the earth.surpassing modern insignificant accomplishments have accompanied Mu culture for centuries. Later there was a falling away from Grace, which was the result of apostasy from the Mother's energy and abuse of the energies of the “seed atom” located in the Muladhara chakra. The fall of Mu thus became a direct consequence of the "fall of man" - a fall to the lowest point in the desecration of the Cosmic Virgin. All this happened gradually, until false theology completely wiped out the original patterns of the Mother Cult from the face of the earth.became a direct consequence of the "fall of man" - a fall to the lowest point in the desecration of the Cosmic Virgin. All this happened gradually, until false theology completely wiped out the original patterns of the Mother Cult from the face of the earth.became a direct consequence of the "fall of man" - a fall to the lowest point in the desecration of the Cosmic Virgin. All this happened gradually, until false theology completely wiped out the original patterns of the Mother Cult from the face of the earth.

News of the impending cataclysm reached the ears of the inhabitants of Mu. But they made their choice: they chose Darkness, which they loved more than Light. And Lemuria sank to the bottom of the ocean, engulfed in terrifying streams of volcanic fire and erupting lava. The spiritual and material evolution of man was erased from his external memory. This cataclysm was destructive for millions of souls. For a while, it seemed that the Darkness completely hid the Light, and there was even a question about the destruction of the planet, whose people abandoned their God. Only the voluntary expulsion of the Great Teachers who expressed their readiness to do this in order to keep the Flame in the name of humanity and maintain the balance of Light on the planet until the time when people return to the pure and immaculate religion of their ancient ancestors saved the situation. The souls of those who died with the Mother Earth were reincarnated on the naked earth. Their paradise was lost. Not remembering their previous state and having no connection with it due to lack of flame, people fell into a primitive existence. Despite the fact that the physical focus of the Mother's Flame was lost when Mu plunged into the ocean waters, on the etheric plane the Feminine Ray was preserved by the Masters. In 1971, the Disciples, devoted to the Sacred Fire and serving in the outer abode of the Great White Brotherhood, magnetised the Mother Flame of Mu into the physical octave, thereby securing a magnet for the culture of the Age of Aquarius, which began to activate in the last decades of the 20th century.when Mu plunged into ocean waters, the Feminine Ray was preserved by the Masters on the etheric plane. In 1971, the Disciples, devoted to the Sacred Fire and serving in the outer abode of the Great White Brotherhood, magnetised the Mother Flame of Mu into the physical octave, thereby securing a magnet for the culture of the Age of Aquarius, which began to activate in the last decades of the 20th century.when Mu plunged into ocean waters, the Feminine Ray was preserved by the Masters on the etheric plane. In 1971, the Disciples, devoted to the Sacred Fire and serving in the outer abode of the Great White Brotherhood, magnetised the Mother Flame of Mu into the physical octave, thereby securing a magnet for the culture of the Age of Aquarius, which began to activate in the last decades of the 20th century.

A. L. Jones. Telos. Book-3