Due To A Strange Anomaly In A Vietnamese Girl, Blood Comes Out Through The Skin Along With Sweat - Alternative View

Due To A Strange Anomaly In A Vietnamese Girl, Blood Comes Out Through The Skin Along With Sweat - Alternative View
Due To A Strange Anomaly In A Vietnamese Girl, Blood Comes Out Through The Skin Along With Sweat - Alternative View

Video: Due To A Strange Anomaly In A Vietnamese Girl, Blood Comes Out Through The Skin Along With Sweat - Alternative View

Video: Due To A Strange Anomaly In A Vietnamese Girl, Blood Comes Out Through The Skin Along With Sweat - Alternative View
Video: HemoAlex 24 July 2020 2024, September

An 11-year-old girl, whose name has not been released, recently received an examination at the Vietnamese National Dermatology Clinic and was suspected of having haematidrosis.

Hematidrosis is often called "bloody sweat", because in this rare condition, part of the blood comes out through the sweat glands along with sweat.

This causes a person who sweats to become covered with a pink or red liquid, which looks very intimidating, especially for ordinary people.

According to Saigon Online, bloody sweat most often occurs due to intense fear or emotional stress and the girl first showed it 3 months ago when she was taking an exam at school.

Then both the parents and the girl herself were frightened, but since this condition quickly passed, they did not go to the doctors. But then the bloody fast appeared again and then began to appear more and more often.

The parents took the girl to the doctors and they first prescribed blood-repairing pills to her, deciding that the girl had some kind of skin infection. However, the pills did not help, and in search of specialists, the girl's family had to travel from a distant province to the large city of Quy Nhon.


Now the girl sweats blood at least 3-4 times a day, which is why her health is weakened, and she also has very severe headaches. To help her, she was given a blood transfusion and are trying to reduce her stress levels. It is reported that the girl is already a little better.

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The journalists were also told that during a blood test, doctors found in the girl's sample the absence of red blood cells (erythrocytes). This is abnormal, but it is not yet clear if this is due to the girl's condition.


Hematidrosis is a long known in history, but extremely rare pathology. Several such cases were described by Leonardo da Vinci. In his notes, he wrote about a soldier who bled to death before every battle, as well as about prisoners sweating blood in anticipation of a death sentence.

According to the testimony of Heinrich Mann and Alexandre Dumas, King Charles IX of Valois of France, during periods of mental stress and fear, covered with bloody sweat.

To date, no more than 30 official observations of "bloody sweat" are known. The exact reasons for this are unknown. It is assumed that due to unusually strong nervous tension, thin capillaries burst and blood enters the sweat glands.