Who Are The Pixies? - Alternative View

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Who Are The Pixies? - Alternative View
Who Are The Pixies? - Alternative View

Video: Who Are The Pixies? - Alternative View

Video: Who Are The Pixies? - Alternative View
Video: A Brief History of Pixies 2024, September

In English mythology, there are such creatures, a kind of elves and fairies, which are called Pixies. They are malicious in nature, can harm people, leading them astray or abducting babies. What is this perfume? Where did they come from? What do they look like? Let's try to answer these and other questions.

Who are the Pixies

Pixies are small creatures that are somewhat similar to brownies. They love to do dirty tricks: sometimes these are harmless pranks, but there are also deadly pranks. Their origin is a mystery. But there are several versions explaining where the Pixies came from:

  • the spirits of dead children who did not have time to baptize. They could not get to heaven, so they roam the earth;
  • spirits of druids. Pagans were born even before Christianity appeared in the world, so they could not be sent to heaven or hell;
  • perfume of the forest. They are obliged to keep the silence of the forest, to protect it from strangers.

What do Pixies look like? They love green very much. They can have any growth, and the smallest, like a moth, and normal, like an adult. It is easy to recognize because Pixie's appearance is memorable: red hair, pointed ears, a wide face, an upturned nose. They are often cross-eyed, their eyes are narrowed, they are afraid of sunlight. They like to dress in green clothes, most often they wear a jacket of this color.

In Celtic mythology, these are elf-like creatures about 2 feet tall with transparent wings. They wear green coats and red cocked hats on their heads. Themselves thin, lanky, with a small nose and red hair. They often hold a glass lantern with a candle inside, it is also green in color. Pixies Devon are fair-haired, skinny, white-skinned, like to walk around naked. They are also described as strange looking wrinkled old people.

They live for about 300 years, feed on flower dust, fruits, plants. They live where it is rather gloomy, i.e. in caves, near swamps. At night they like to go out to the forest glades to dance to the songs of frogs and birds. Often during the day they throw themselves into hedgehogs and in this form wander among people.

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Pixie Pranks

Pixies are famous for their pranks. Not all of them are harmless. In their behavior, the English vermin is somewhat similar to our devil.


Their favorite pastime is to mislead passers-by. If a person fell on the Pixie land, then he can walk in a circle for hours without getting out of the forest. If someone gets lost, then they often say about him: "Pixie beguiled."

For example, one eyewitness said that she was once taken by Pixie in the woods near Badley Salterton. She could not get out, three times she made a circle, although everything was clearly visible. When this woman was found, she could not understand why she could not see the path.

There is a legend in Irish folklore about a sworn turf or a stray turf. These little people have pieces of special turf, which they often throw on the road. If someone steps on him, everything around him seems unfamiliar to him, as if he was in another country. It is difficult for a person to find his way home, even if he is two steps away from him. Sometimes peat is used instead of turf. The traveler will spend hours wandering around the same place until the Pixies decide to break the spell.

About this tell not only legends, similar cases are described in the scholarly works of the XVII century, for example, in the book by D. A. McManus "The Middle Kingdom". For example, a parish priest decided to visit a sick person who lived 7 miles from him, if you walked along the road. But he wanted to cut the path in half and chose a path that led through a clearing. On it stood an oak tree that Pixie loved. There was a fence and a gate nearby, and he walked through them. At first everything was fine, but when he crossed the clearing and approached the hedge on the other side, both the climb and the path were gone. The priest walked along the fence, but could not find a single hole. So he circled for several hours until the Pixies removed the spell. Immediately he found his bicycle, and the gate, and the road, and went to the patient.

You can save yourself from Pixie if you turn your clothes inside out or show an iron cross. A mountain ash cross or a piece of bread also helps, but only on condition that the person does not anger Pixie with his stinginess or rudeness.

Other pranks

Sometimes this scum kidnaps children and throws changelings instead of them. But their favorite pastime is stealing horses, more often foals, which they begin to chase through the fields at night until she dies of fatigue. After that, noticeable circles are visible in the fields. It is believed that a person who stepped into this circle will fall into the hands of evil spirits and remain with them until his death. But if he took only one step, stepping into the circle with one foot, he has the opportunity to get out, and he can see the Pixie. If this is not just a person, but a criminal, he cannot escape the gallows.

The Pixies themselves are not hostile to humans, but if they don't like something, they can take revenge. So, one Pixie saw how a drunken husband offended his wife. He behaved so ugly that he could not help but interfere. When the drunkard was returning from the inn on horseback, he saw a beckoning light in the fog and followed him. The pony did not want to follow him, because felt that there was a quagmire ahead. When the man realized that the pony would not move, he got off it and walked after the light, after which he fell into the swamp and drowned. His pony galloped home, and the neighbors saw that he was covered in mud, and understood what was the matter.

But sometimes they can be friendly and help people. Most often they tend to the forgotten graves, put flowers on them, or help around the house. But they quickly get bored with work, and they quit their business. They can be presented with clothes that they will be very happy with. New things Pixie immediately pull on themselves, but after that it is impossible to make them work.

The existence of pixies, like other similar spirits, is impossible to prove. But they are part of our life, it does not matter if they really are or are a figment of the imagination. If there were legends about these creatures, there must have been some kind of scientific basis, but what exactly, we most likely will not know. But, nevertheless, these stories are informative and interesting, because every nation has its own Pixie, similar to thousands of its other brothers scattered around the world.

Author: natocnkakom