Guests From The Past. The First Part - Alternative View

Guests From The Past. The First Part - Alternative View
Guests From The Past. The First Part - Alternative View

Video: Guests From The Past. The First Part - Alternative View

Video: Guests From The Past. The First Part - Alternative View
Video: Guest 666 (scary story) PART 5 2024, September

Good time, my dears. I suggest you a little nostalgia. In addition, the title of the article reminds us of the announced future, which, alas, has not come for us. And also I will try again to bring that under the guise of announcements of "technologies of the future", in fact, patents of the past are slowly declassifying.

On the first point, remember those flying booths on which Kolya ran away from the "nasty pirates"?


Do you notice them somewhere here? I personally don't. For that in China and in some other countries, they already appear in full:

Why not with us, here it is already necessary without nerves, sit down and sort it out together. In the meantime, let's move on to the second point, in which I will try to roam in full. In the past, there were a large number of wonderful inventions that surpass today's time, but for some reason they were removed from the everyday life of people, for that today different companies trumpet about their invention and often advertisements of "technology of the future" are attached to them. For example, German and Japanese firms have claimed to have invented water-powered engines. A very strange statement, because they were used even in the "besieged Leningrad":

In addition, recently I started thinking about "steam trams". Have you seen somewhere pictures of fueling firewood or a place for them in the interior of trams? Well, not on the move, the driver with a hatchet ran out to chop "fuel" from the poplar for the boiler. This means that the boiler engines could be not only on wood, but also on water. If the guess turns out to be correct, then steam engines on water seem to me to be the accomplishment and development of technologies on gasoline. With which, in fact, the capitalists can argue for a long time. After all, such technologies are not beneficial to them.



Promotional video:

Under these loud words for centuries they have been trying to bend technologies from the depths of centuries. Monocycles were also referred to this.

Previously, comics, cartoons and science fiction films, for example, like "Star Wars", "Men in Black", "Transformers", prepared the public what could only be in science fiction until today.


But, as we have already mentioned in the first part of the article "our past is much more interesting", in reality everything is different. All this was invented a long time ago. And more than once by many authors. For example bicycles:


Do you often meet them on the street today? For that in the same China, they are even in the army in large numbers.


Although walking options have been considered in the past:


Let's be frank that until recently not all of us knew about monocycles.


Why this information is not so available to the general public, look for the answer yourself.


Not to say that absolutely everything is hidden by the green-gray pygmies and other aborigines living behind the curtains. We do find a lot. And today's lighting is still not close, compared to what will emerge soon. It’s just that our information space, as it seems to me, topics of dialogues, habits and activities, which began to take more time, were filled with completely strangers. Consumer fashion, politics and elections, treaty wars and revolutions, disputes on the Internet with the so-called dispatchers-propagandists, to what extent your opinion is the most correct. This may be one of the reasons, the list of which you yourself can perfectly supplement without me. I'll continue.

In the past, the ancestors treated the transport "Amphibia" with special respect, creating different vehicles that can move both on land and on water. The unicycle was no exception:


But the steam version of monocycles, motorcycles and bicycles, we are brought back to the question raised about "steam trams".


Will a log of firewood come in here?


Or did the driver pluck the chips? But below the bike is steam and it is clear that a man would be afraid to sit down where a potential fire could break out:


The next photo shows that a container with liquid is attached to the steam boiler.


This once again tells us that steam technologies are unfairly underestimated and underestimated, since they are more perfect than gasoline ones.


Further. MONO CARS.

Taylor One-Wheeled Vehicle. In my opinion, the device behaves quite decently, despite the obvious lack of wheels! The single-seat car just perfectly "holds the back", although the two-seat one clearly lacks the power of the gyroscopes, it dangles it. But the idea, as you can see, is more than workable.


When driving, you will not immediately guess that he is on one wheel.




In the picture "German flamethrowers reflect the offensive of the Entente ball-tanks after a chemical attack." It is clear that most of the "ball-tank" will be attributed to the realm of fantasy. After all, they don't talk about him on TV. And at school about him was not heard. People are not even particularly aware of modern models either.


Indeed, more often we can meet such a miracle in comics.


And in games.

But try to find some serious literature on this subject! To knock out at least some kind of chronology and get the most, so to speak, "curiosities", you have to look for the names of the model that you still need to know! But after all, we, according to previous publications, saw that if they came up with a monocycle or a heracap, then other inventors immediately became infected with the idea and designed their own model under their own vision. As we saw in previous publications, that absolutely everywhere and many of many authors were engaged in wireless electricity, although for some reason they tell us about one Kol Tesla, leaving thousands of thousands of other inventors to oblivion.

This is how things should be with ball tanks, because mono-transport was mastered by many of many. But, there is not so much information and evidence, for example, the only remaining copy of the "Observer Machine":


In general, where do all the equipment and documentation go, the questions are certainly good. It's the same with the cruiser Aurora - where is he? Indeed, in its place it is not he who stands, but his layout.


In June 1915, a resident of the city of Lvov, but at the same time an Austrian subject, Ivan Semchishin, turned to the Emperor with a letter to which the drawings were attached. In the letter, he asked for help to create a machine for destroying enemy fortresses. He called her "Both". The apparatus proposed by Semchishin was intended, according to the creator, for the destruction of fortresses and was an "armored epicycloid several hundred meters high" [1], and the destruction of fortresses was carried out by colliding a structure of a colossal mass on the chosen target. Accordingly, no weapons were installed on the device. The body of the huge egg-shaped structure was made of 100 mm thick hardened steel. The machine was set in motion with the help of engines located inside the apparatus and raising the eccentric flywheel, which, in turn,ensured rolling of the machine on the ground. Moreover, according to the designer, the speed of the car directly depended on the length of time the flywheel was in the raised state. In a note with the alleged characteristics, Semchishin indicated the maximum speed of the apparatus - 300 versts per hour. When driving uphill, the inventor also proposed using jet propellant boosters. In addition to the motors and controls, there were also "spotlights, wireless telegraph, elevators, living quarters and even shops" inside the machine. When driving uphill, the inventor also proposed using jet propellant boosters. In addition to the motors and controls, there were also "spotlights, wireless telegraph, elevators, living quarters and even shops" inside the machine. When driving uphill, the inventor also proposed using jet propellant boosters. In addition to the motors and controls, there were also "spotlights, wireless telegraph, elevators, living quarters and even shops" inside the machine.



"Trolley one day work!" Patent drawing of JOLose single wheeled wheeled, 1885-09-01


Le Christie en construction of the Mono-trail: 1923


From the magazine "Everyday Science & Radio News"


Monocycle Patent Work 1894 - Nikki Marie Smith



We can clearly see that the sphere in question is actually a wheel, huge and central, in which the passengers are accommodated. Dr. Purves has developed several models with various enhancements and combinations: a car, for two, and even a project for five users! The motors were sometimes electric, or more often thermal, with the motor in front of the conducteur. Une features of this machine is its somewhat oscillatory stability.


Dynosphere at Brean Sands. The inventor's son is under control.


A unique and mythical car!

the first approach to one wheel drive invented by Alfred E. D'Harlingue … in 1912!

But this is probably the Garavaglia machine, which is the ancestor of all equipment:

she was presented at the exhibition in Milan 1904! These wonderful rolling mad in their strange cars …


Dynosphere human variant.

One of them was powered by electricity, possibly using lead-acid batteries.

Image courtesy of David & Peter Hastings.


Image courtesy of David & Peter Hastings.

Dr. JH Purves, inventor, with the Dynosphere model. Note the closed cabin.

Dr. Purves said that using a wheel instead of four resulted in great energy savings. It seems very dubious. Dr. John Purvis was created by the West of England Electric Company, so it probably wasn't a solitary eccentric. Future versions were designed to be driven by a car to move the car from the side by tilting the wheel.


The Great Dynosphere on the cover of Popular Science, over 1932.


American Monowheel: 1897. This is a design by Vernon D Monowheel Venable, Farmville, Virginie. It consists of something like a regular bicycle mounted inside a Ferris wheel. This image was published in the French journal La Nature 1897. He said: "The inventor says that his unicycle is absolutely stable and can be easily controlled by simply tilting the body to the left or right."


The Monowheel was invented by a Swiss engineer named Gerdes (Photo) in the early 1920s.


Monowheel, 1933. Walter Nilsson inside the wheel.

Un Mono - Track is a vehicle with one wheel track like a unicycle. however, instead of staying above the wheel, the rider is either 'inside or next to it. The wheel is a ring, usually transported by smaller wheels pressing against its inner edge. Most are single passenger vehicles, although several passenger vehicles have been built.

Hand-cranked and monowheels pedals were built in the late 19th century; The most built in the 20th century were motorized. Some modern manufacturers refer to these vehicles as unicycles, although the term is sometimes used to describe motorized unicycles.

Today & rsquo; Hui, monowheels are usually built and used for fun and entertainment, and from the years 1860 to the years 1930, they were proposed for use as serious transportation.


Mono tracing; California. 1931.

the years 1920 to 1930 saw the development of the first motorized unicycles. The trade press reported these inventions. in 1931, in France, a Swiss engineer built a much smaller ship.

Motoruota was the most enduring Monowheel of its time.

here in 1931 with a Swiss customer, M. Gerdes in Arles, France en route to Spain.

Un Mono - Track is a vehicle with one wheel track like a unicycle. however, instead of staying above the wheel, the rider is either 'inside or next to it. The wheel is a ring, usually transported by smaller wheels pressing against its inner edge. Most are single passenger vehicles, although several passenger vehicles have been built.

Hand-cranked and monowheels pedals were built in the late 19th century; The most built in the 20th century were motorized. Some modern manufacturers refer to these vehicles as unicycles, although the term is sometimes used to describe motorized unicycles.

Today & rsquo; Hui, monowheels are usually built and used for fun and entertainment, and from the years 1860 to the years 1930, they were proposed for use as serious transportation.




On Wikipedia:

Sharotank Kugelpanzer

The machine for destruction of fortresses "Oboi"

- Part two -