Am I A Biorobot? Methods Of Hacking Your Own Consciousness - Alternative View

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Am I A Biorobot? Methods Of Hacking Your Own Consciousness - Alternative View
Am I A Biorobot? Methods Of Hacking Your Own Consciousness - Alternative View

Video: Am I A Biorobot? Methods Of Hacking Your Own Consciousness - Alternative View

Video: Am I A Biorobot? Methods Of Hacking Your Own Consciousness - Alternative View
Video: This is How Hackers Crack Passwords! 2024, September

“Who am I?” - this question worried humanity for many thousands of years ago, and there are still heated debates on this issue in the ranks of scientists, biologists, psychologists, theologians and other specialists … So, what do we have today?

The obvious, the incredible

The first sign of a biorobot is that it cannot understand its own device. He can describe it, but to fully understand it is not a task for him. Why? Because it is not part of his program. It is enough to know the instructions for use, and only a design engineer can understand all the subtleties. Even the simplest cell of the body is still a mystery that defies understanding, and even more so, repetition. A bee hive can collect honey well, but he is hardly able to understand a person's plan for selling it and buying a new car with this money. Scientist bees can look through their telescopes and microscopes, speculate about the origin of the hive …

Before the hive appeared, there was nothing, but one day it appeared, and the sound of the lid slamming on top was like an explosion. Probably the hive appeared from the explosion … We just remembered the sound of the door slamming behind us!

The very structure of the world proves to us that there is a plan that we simply cannot understand. What is the proof? We don't see chaos and disorder. Everything is very well debugged and harmonious. Matter itself naturally tends to disorder (entropy), and only mind can maintain order by creating unlikely structures. Even the apartment has to be constantly cleaned, but here is the whole universe. Clutter may not be beautiful, but nature is clearly beautiful, just take a walk through the forest and gaze at the stars at night. This is not chaos - this is a work of art, and a person can simply repeat it in his works. Nowadays landscape design is so fashionable … can it just not destroy the beauty that is already inherent in nature, as an act of creation by an unknown artist?

Modern biorobot scientists are trying to prove that they are designers, creating their own kind through cloning, but the deception is immediately visible. If you are a designer, creator of this device, then you must be able to repair it. Therefore, creating copies of our own kind and claiming that this makes us creators, while not being able to cope with the simplest diseases, is simply ridiculous. A biorobot can plant potatoes, but this does not mean that he created potatoes. A biorobot can give birth to another biorobot, but this does not mean that he created it, he cannot even set his gender.

Moreover, reproduction itself is also not in our power. A biorobot cannot resist the creator's program, and upon seeing a biorobot of the opposite sex, it immediately determines whether it is suitable for creating relationships or not. It is extremely difficult to resist sexual desire, and most biorobots simply copulate at the first opportunity with the first biorobot of the corresponding age and sex.

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And finally, the biorobot device should not be visible: both the motor should be covered with a hood, and the body mechanisms should be carefully covered with leather. Life is beautiful by nature, but there is no life in a biorobot, so its design is terrible. Even when a biorobot is injected, it closes its eyes so as not to see its own structure once again.

Yes, and our appearance does not all cause pleasant feelings, therefore, such a biorobot must be dressed, combed and applied with the necessary layer of makeup. Without clothes, the biorobot becomes just terrible; even savage tribes try to cover the corresponding parts of their bodies. You cannot drive with an open gas tank …

Conclusion: we don't want to know the truth about ourselves. Not a single biorobot survived on this earth, most do not even live to retire, but everyone thinks that he will not die … We are already dead, and until we make every effort to find life in ourselves, we will be born and die again and again.

So, the task of the biorobot is to understand that he lives like a robot, to find life in himself and achieve immortality, since life is by its nature eternal, filled with knowledge and bliss …

The biorobot is able to use all types of food for its nutrition

None of the existing mechanisms, except for the biorobot, is capable of processing any energetic material placed in it. Science only dreams of introducing an engine that uses water as fuel, and this mechanism has long been used in the power of a biorobot. Moreover, the biorobot does not care what type of water to use: distilled, carbonated, mineral, jelly, compote, kvass or juice. Sometimes, to prove his omnivorousness, he drinks flammable substances, which puts his finely tuned mechanism out of action for a while. Why? Because alcohol is one of the carriers of the medicine for the biorobot's body, and drinking it in liters is a clear overkill. So, instead of curing, the biorobot gets sick.

For any mechanism, oil is also very important as a lubricant. And since this is a biorobot, then the oil is used of the highest quality from the closest in development species of living beings - bio oil. Such the best lubricant is ghee - ghee. It is ideal for lubricating all biorobot mechanisms. Unlubricated food that enters the biorobot's stomach does not have sufficient quality for digestion, therefore, it is considered raw. Please take care of the health of your bio-robots: fry food in ghee. This will prolong the life and performance of their mechanisms.

But the main secret of nutrition is that the biorobot not only receives energy from food for its life, but is also able to restore its own organs. No car from the gasoline poured into it can restore the springs or brake pads. We see this miracle every day, but we stubbornly believe that the designer does not exist. This is our mind does not exist!

We cannot not only create a biorobot, we are also unable to create normal nutrition for it. All products are already created and are ideal for the digestion process. Any so-called improvements will not lead to anything good. Why? Because existing products are configured to synthesize parts of the biorobot's body. Accordingly, if we change these products, then the parts of the body derived from them will also change. All this can lead to irreparable consequences for the health of the biorobot.

Fill up gasoline and oil at authorized car stations!

Bodies reproduce on their own

None of the existing mechanisms, except for biorobots, are capable of connecting and reproducing their own kind. That there is a biorobot, even simple protein components are not so easily amenable to chemical synthesis. It is impossible to produce artificial cheese, milk, butter or nuts. A small cell, a constituent part of a huge biorobot, in terms of the complexity of its structure, is millions of times greater than the most perfect modern computer. What can we say about the cow - the mother of all biorobots, capable of producing all basic food products that have no real substitute on this earth.

Each robot is assigned a model number, which is identified by its name. An experienced specialist is able to determine its purpose by the name of a biorobot. The most popular name for a female biorobot in the world is Anna. It is worn by nearly 100 million women. Anna in Sanskrit means food. And biorobot Anna is also expected to cook food for other biorobots, or feed small biorobots with her milk.

The very idea of the origin of life from dead matter is absurd, since it does not find any confirmation. No one has ever been able to reproduce life by the method of chemical reactions. This is just as impossible as creating a perpetual motion machine. Why? Because it's not about the engine, it's about eternity. Matter, possessing the qualities of temporality, cannot act on the basis of eternity. Eternity is a property of antimatter - spirit, and attempts to get spirit from matter are extremely unjustified.

In a word, it is impossible to extract eternity, knowledge and bliss from matter, since these are functions of antimatter. Accordingly, no matter how hard we try, we cannot make the body of a biorobot eternal, fully understand its structure, and even more so, extract bliss from it. The solution lies outside the boundaries of the biorobot body. The solution lies in the study of the soul - that which guides the biorobot, uses it as a tool to achieve its goals.


The midwife takes delivery.

A boy appears, and he has a big smile.

The obstetrician, taken aback:

- Why are you laughing?

- Yes, there, in the intensive care unit (waves his hand), surgeons are conjuring over me … And I'm already here!

The subtleties of the self-reproduction process

In creating a family relationship between two biorobots, there is some problem that leads to dissatisfaction, and, ultimately, to divorce. Why is this happening? Let's consider the device of a biorobot in relation to gender relations.

In the body of the biorobot there are direct connections that cannot be severed so easily without the use of techniques based on the inclusion of a special function in the mind of the biorobot - the function of the mind. This technique is called buddhi yoga in the east.

Two of these directly connected organs are the eyes, which are responsible for vision, and the genitals. We see that the signal passes, bypassing the analytical center of the mind, directly from one organ to another, or, more simply, past …

Moreover, such love in all its manifestations is more like a war between the sexes than happiness and bliss. In this regard, we are faced with the prospect of dividing this relationship between the bodies and inserting a controller between them.

What is this controller? Responsibility based on loyalty and a vow to never part. If you do not take advantage of such a natural controller based on culture, you will have to fear the controller from karma all your life, who will forcibly stop our careless behavior. What is this karma controller? This is AIDS, etc. sexually transmitted diseases.

And remember, pornography destroys the mind controller between the eyes and genitals! It literally burns the mind of a person with respect to self-control. How does this happen? Through the destruction of piety. You can perform 1000 good deeds, donations or religious rituals, but they will burn in fire in a second of one shameless look at someone else's nakedness. Even husband and wife should not behave like this. For looking at your own spouse, quite recently, in many countries, you could go to jail.

The instruction is stored in the gene

What is the difference between an animal and a human? Both are biological robots, but the animal cannot get out of the influence of the programs that are stored in the genes, and a person is able to stand on the platform of a conscious choice of his behavior. The difference in genes between a person and the same pig is not so great, so just one step separates us from pig behavior …

Signs of a biorobot under the influence of its genetic programs:

- he makes the same mistake over and over again (marries and divorces many times)

- violence, suppression, loudness of speech for them is a natural method of proving their innocence (this is how tigers become kings of the forest, and Banderas become leaders of herds of monkeys)

- trust and loyalty are not taken seriously by them, and they are ready to cheat at any time for their own benefit

- they are ready to have sexual intercourse even with the wives of their friends and relatives

- feeling emptiness in the soul, they fill it with intoxicating substances

- they litter and shit anywhere, not appreciating nature and cleanliness

- they think they also have a right to what others already have

As a result, they constantly commit animal acts and bear animal punishments for them. What they have taken from others, the stronger and more arrogant are taken from them. Their whole life turns into a struggle with other predators for means of subsistence. Canine instincts awaken in men, and felines in women.

The body adjusts itself and gets used to any conditions

Previously, yogis went to the mountains and got used to the lonely and dangerous life of an ascetic. Now the city has turned into a jungle, and a person has to get used to such a modern forest, as in the old days to solitude in the mountains. There may be a million people around, but if there is no real friend among them, this place is like a deserted desert. Loneliness in a desolate nature can endow a person with elevated qualities, while loneliness in an overpopulated city turns a person into an aggressive or thoughtless animal.

Dangers await a person from all sides. Predators turned into machines, and dangerous tribes into the mafia and administration. Often you have to fight with the inhabitants of other areas of the modern forest city. Traps, traps and poisoned food are everywhere. Entrances are fraught with hidden dangers. It is better not to enter the elevator one at a time, and even more so, just not open the front door to anyone.

Asceticism also acquired a new color. Residents of large cities spend about 6 months of their lives waiting for the green light of traffic lights. It is impossible to drink plain fresh running water. The eyes do not see nature for years and lose their ability to be attracted by beauty. So the vision becomes negative, and it is only busy looking for flaws in everyone around.

Men and women lose their nature, forget their purpose and turn into an impersonal biorobot. Courtship of the opposite sex becomes a criminal offense. Each year, approximately 250,000 married Americans are beaten by their wives. On average, 3 sex reassignment surgeries are performed every day in America. The screwdriver thinks the pliers are much happier than her …

However, our subtle biorobot mechanism is ready to adapt to any situation and endure it, no matter what. In the modern world, the body of a biorobot lives in an absolutely hostile and unnatural environment. Any other mechanism immediately broke, but we don't just live, we also work hard day in and day out. And we don't just work, but rush to and fro with bulging eyes, not stopping for a minute. This is necessary in order not to let the biorobot understand what hellish and unnatural conditions it is in.

Such a biorobot is easy to recognize by the security code phrase programmed during its production: "There is no time, there is no money, you have to run, otherwise it’s business" … Another biorobot in response must say the code phrase: "Good luck to you" … Which translates as: "In no way do not stop and do not look back - just run as fast as you can, otherwise you will simply go crazy, "or in a more short version, " Don't break down."

When some biorobot comes out of this state, the controlling biorobots must say the code phrase: “You need to work, your foreheads are healthy, and to introduce an article on parasitism into the laws” …

Another passphrase for all mechanical devices is: “How are you? »Biorobot is made by itself and is obliged to fulfill its function: to do business. (A biorobot cannot but do: this is its task, just as a machine cannot stand idle.) And every good biorobot must answer in response: “Normal”. This means that the process is set up, the conveyor is moving, and it is out of place in this conveyor. In a word, all indicators of the biorobot are normal.

We cannot change the program of life

Life is already programmed, and not programmed by us. The first thing a biorobot must understand is that it is designed, and the second is that it is not a designer. What is the program? Very simple and straightforward: to be born, grow up, complete the due date, create several small biorobots, grow old and turn off in time.

And, as much as we would not like, this program cannot be canceled. It extends to the entire material world. Even the atom goes through these stages in its own way. But this program has one secret. If a biorobot realizes that it is impossible to break out of the program, it can simply stop being a biorobot … What if we are not biorobots? Does someone live in a friend inside us?..


The court sage spoke in the city square about the temporality of everything earthly. He said that on the verge of death, a person will not take a penny into the other world, so one should be generous and pious.

In the evening of the same day, he suddenly died.

“Such a sage has left us!” People complained. - He was so eloquent! But yesterday he spoke so beautifully about the temporality and uselessness of everything earthly!

“Yes,” agreed Mulla Nasrudin, “he was very eloquent yesterday. But today his silence looks even more convincing!

(Continuation of the lecture)

And for a while, one by one, the biorobots are trying to go beyond this simple and sad program. In Sanskrit, it is called samsara, or circular program of life. Unfortunately, some biorobots try to get out of it by self-shutdown or suicide, but this does not change the essence of the program. The biorobot is turned on again, and it continues its path of the machine across this world.

The volume of the brain is not large, but its capacity is not measurable

The brain of an ordinary average person consumes enough energy to light a 25-watt light bulb. But what is this energy used for? It just goes to the legs, stomach and genitals. But some biorobots realized that if you accumulate this energy, you can use it for other purposes, for example, reprogramming or even making a short circuit and stop being a biorobot.

Since ancient times, such biorobots who have guessed their own strength have been called yogis. What are they doing? They control their strength, their digestion, their breathing and their sexual activity. It seems that this is impossible, since all these functions are programmed, but the secret is that even with a little control, so much additional energy appears in the body that it is just enough to change the program.

The accumulated energy can be so much that it can be transferred to others and help them, in turn, get out of the influence of the deadly program. If the energy is transmitted correctly, it is called a blessing, if it is wrong, then a curse. Reasonable biorobots, having met with the accumulated energy biorobot-yogi, ask him for blessings. The unreasonable ones prevent him from living and receive ball lightning.

Recently I lived in a house where a ball lightning burst - it was just that everything was ruined. Likewise, in a person's life, everything comes into complete disarray if he mocks or criticizes a biorobot who practices control of his programs. Even if it's a woman, the effect is exactly the same. The two highest IQs ever recorded on Earth are held by women.

The paradox of religion

Now we can notice with surprise that, in principle, many biorobots guess about their hidden capabilities and about alternative programs of life. What it is? This is religion. In general, non-believers make up only 13% of the world's inhabitants.

But for some reason, religion is not always, far from always capable of reprogramming a biorobot. Often, she just simply adds her own additional program, which makes the life of a simple biorobot even more difficult. Why is this happening? Because there is a difference between religiosity and spirituality.

Religion teaches the biorobot how to fulfill their urgent desires with the help of rituals, and spirituality opens the biorobot's eyes to the fact that it is not a biorobot at all. This is the conceptual difference. Religion teaches how to take correctly, actually demand for oneself daily bread and butter, and spirituality teaches new behavior, the ability to give, and not just give, but give all of oneself, which completely contradicts the idea of a biorobot - self-preservation. Sacrifice is a direct hack of the biorobot program.

Having learned to sacrifice, selflessness, the biorobot turns off the programs operating in it and becomes free, which allows it to gain access to a new level of sensations and emotions. In fact, this is where his path of happiness begins. Prior to that, he experienced the highest pleasure only in a short program of connection with other biorobots.

But a "liberated biorobot" - let's call him "alive" - is capable of experiencing a special ecstasy of special sex. Biorobotic or mechanical sex can lead to the birth of a new biorobot with all its biorobotic problems. Accordingly, "live" sex is the release of another biorobot, when the liberated one helps other biorobots to break out of the program of routine and death. And then it suddenly turns out that the sexual sensations from mechanical sex were just a form of pain, and nothing more …

Consciousness is not in the brain - psychology is at a loss

Until now, everyone was sure that consciousness is in the brain convolutions, but it turned out that this is not entirely true. Of course, the brain is a good tool for executing the orders of consciousness, but consciousness itself is in a completely different place. Where? Eastern wisdom gives the answer - in the manasa chakra, which is located next to the anahata chakra in the heart region.

Well, we made a little mistake, that's okay. Biorobots, even the smartest ones, can easily make mistakes …

Pigeons nest

Scientists once built an antenna that picks up sounds from the farthest corners of our universe, and they caught a sound that no one expected. After studying it, it was assumed that this is the original sound of the explosion of the universe. They were nominated for the Nobel Prize, but the local TV studio, having sorted out this miracle, found out that the great primordial sound is the sound emanating from the nest of pigeons …

Fun archeology

And elsewhere on Earth, one of the film studios filmed a historical film about the life of pagan tribes. To shoot a scene of a pagan dance ritual, a ritual stone was needed - a huge boulder standing alone in the middle of the desert. To give the stone a ritual look, a sculptor was hired, who was instructed, at his discretion, to decorate the stone with various invented patterns and hieroglyphs. Then they shot a film and left, and the stone was just thrown in the middle of the steppe.

Less than a few years later, real archaeologists stumbled upon this stone and, taken aback, christened it “the find of the century”. Hundreds of historians, professors and academicians worked on deciphering the inscriptions and signs on this stone, several scientific works were defended. It was only by chance that this incident was revealed …

In a word, science is in a hurry to reassure us that it is confident in the future, but this bottom can be seen already today.

Artificial intelligence is not invented

If we belong to different types of biorobots, and our programming languages are not the same, we are not able to fully understand each other. The Russian word "melancholy" does not have a proper equivalent in English and is translated as "sadness". Even the zoo in Tokyo closes for 2 months every year so that the animals can take a break from visitors.

An electronic translator is never able to translate speech from one language to another. On this, in general, the attempts to create artificial intelligence ended. You can increase the power of computers as much as you like, but it never advanced beyond electronic counting. Although one achievement in this direction cannot be overlooked - people working at a computer are learning how to write with a pen on paper and count in a column …

Why, even two people speaking the same language, but of different sex, have not learned to understand each other …

The body can function after death

Many parts of the biorobot are programmed for independent living. Even when life leaves the body, some organs continue to function. Hair and nails grow. In various parts of the world, the technique of black magic is known to revive a corpse in the first days after death.

The magician comes to the cemetery at night, sits on the chest of a corpse and repeats special matras-spells. If its powers are great enough, the nearest ghost enters this corpse and replaces the soul in it, trying to control its limbs. There is one problem - most go crazy when they hear the first heart-rending cry of their revived dead …

Ghosts are hackers trying to hack the controls of our biorobot. From time to time, they succeed, and then a person has unusually strong desires, which he cannot resist. Having satisfied these strongest urges, the person regrets and cannot understand how he managed to commit such an act, but you can read about this in more detail in my other work devoted to this particular problem.

If there are spirits hackers, then there must be antivirus? Yes, there are those and are called guardian angels. They love us and protect us in times of danger. To deserve their love and attention, you yourself have to become a guardian angel for your loved ones. Take care of them and protect them in any circumstances, no matter what it costs us. Then, undoubtedly, the higher living beings will turn their attention to us and take us under their protection.

Organs are interchangeable

The body is programmed for special behavior: if one of the organs fails, it redistributes its functions to other organs. Imagine that when one of the chair legs breaks, he rearranges the three remaining ones, changing his center of gravity. It is ready to work to the end, even if its owner leads an absolutely unhealthy lifestyle. British statisticians estimate that the average person walks 100,000 kilometers in their lifetime. In fact, it is designed so that even the ultimate villain can use it until it finally breaks. For what? We are given a chance, even after doing so many stupid things, to rebuild, change the program and get in the same car to the desired destination - liberation.

Complementarity of biorobots

In general, one biorobot tries to complement another biorobot in order to create a stable and harmonious structure. This lets us know that something is wrong. We should be happy on our own, we should be whole and self-sufficient, but this does not happen. Therefore, the program inspires us that we are not whole, but halves and our task is to find our soul mate.

Liberation from the program - to understand that the other half is not a biorobot with opposite mechanisms, but our own soul. It is she who must be found, and it is with her that we can truly become happy.


Once upon a time there were three sisters. One was lazy, lovable. The second is evil, pretentious. And the third is clever, and beautiful, and a needlewoman, it is a pleasure to watch.

One morning the cart stopped at their gate. The sisters went out to see who had arrived. An unfamiliar elderly woman was sitting on the cart.

- Who are you? they asked.

- I am Destiny. It's time to marry you.

Fate put them on a cart and was lucky to give them in marriage.

They drove into the first village. They see a guy plowing in the field, and in his hands any business is going well. If you need to fix or build something, everyone runs to him.

- This one is yours, - says the Fate of the first of the sisters.

They dropped my sister and drove on.

We stopped at the next village. There, a guy lives such that he will not refuse to help anyone. Kind to everyone. The people cannot rejoice at him, such a fellow.

- This one is yours, - says the Fate of the second of the sisters.

They dropped my sister and drove on.

We stopped at the third village. At the last house, in the mud, near the oldest wreck, lies a drunk. Fate stopped the cart and said:

- This one is yours.

- Why would he be to me ?! the third sister pleaded. - I’m kind, and good, and a needlewoman. And you give me such a groom! What sisters did you find that there is no other for me?

“There are others,” Fate answered and, with a sigh, added, “but this one will disappear without you!

However, we are not simple biorobots

Everything would be simple and understandable in our world of robots, if not for the strange behavior of biorobots - they passionately want to live. The computer will not crawl away from the hand reaching out to its power button. The car does not resist when the ignition is turned off. The tools do not scatter from you in horror when you want to throw them in the trash.

Someone lives in us, someone needs this biorobot. And we begin to guess that this is our own soul, the owner of the body. A biorobot cannot love, since love must increase, and the material body of a biorobot must grow old and die. Love is not inherent in matter, love is the prerogative of the soul. And if we can find a soul in the depths of our biorobot body, we will find our love and happiness.

Signs of a biorobot

A biorobot is easy to recognize by its standard, unchanged behavior in the same situation. Look closely at your surroundings. Just do not scare others and do not be scared yourself.

The robot must always behave the same, no matter what happens. Each stimulus is followed by a specific response. To some extent, this function of consciousness is useful, as it underlies culture and etiquette. Time after time we, as if on a knurled basis, show the necessary reaction to what is happening. We must smile - we smiled, we must keep silent - we are silent. This keeps our relationship from ruining, despite the presence of negative character traits in us.

But man is not a robot; he puts his heart, feelings and individuality into his behavior. The culture of free choice has become a culture of mechanical reactions. In the society of such "cultured" people, at first it is pleasant, then boring, and then you can just go crazy. In general, the word boredom appeared after Ford introduced conveyors at its factories.

Every day, the same response to the same stimuli. And where is life? It is necessary to break the conveyor belt of daily life. We got up right, washed right, ate right, got to work on the right route, greeted everyone right, dined right, left work at the right time, dined right, watched the right TV program and fell asleep right. The program is functioning normally …

That's right - it doesn't mean “as it should be”, but on the basis of your free choice through the use of reason and setting lofty goals. That's right - it means towards selflessness; rule is divinity. Wrong means selfish, selfish or material.

Disabling consciousness in an unusual situation

But look at us when things go wrong. For example, suddenly the lights went out in the entire area. A person in such a situation just sits and does not know what to do. The brain is unable to function in such an unusual situation. A groan of indignation is heard from every apartment. Everyone calls the substation and yells at the electricians. It never even occurs to anyone that there are books on the shelf, that there is a park nearby for an evening walk, and they have not talked to neighbors for 12 years and do not know their names at all …

Your bus route was canceled, or it just didn't arrive on schedule - what appears? - anger. Anger is overheating of the brain. They do not have a program of behavior in such a situation, and they simply smoke and melt. The man yells and stomps his feet, complains to the administration and goes to the demonstration. If we are enraged by simple changes in the external environment, we are not just robots, we are explosive robots with a self-destruction system. And from time to time it happens - an overheated biorobot commits suicide …

Remember: a biorobot gets annoyed when things don't go as expected.


One Buddhist master read a beautiful text to his disciples that moved everyone. The disciples immediately asked:

- Who wrote it?

- If I say that this is Buddha, you will be in awe of the text, lay flowers on it every morning and pay obeisances. If I say that this text was written by a patriarch, you will feel great reverence, but you will no longer bow before him as you did before the text of Buddha. If I say that the author was a monk, you might be confused. And if you find out that the text was written by our cook, you just laugh, - the teacher answered.

Two types of biorobots

The male biorobot and the female biorobot are dependent on each other until they are released from the program. When a woman is not with a man, he begins to do stupid things. When there is no man next to a woman, she begins to do dirty tricks. As long as the program is running, they'd better be together. This is a natural program of mutual control. Family is the only restraining factor that allows biorobots not to go crazy from the routine and hopelessness of life.

Therefore, a biorobot must always protect the family. And this is correct, however, having come out of the influence of the program, family relations are no longer the main ones. Freeing other biorobots from the oppression of their programs becomes a priority. This is called the mission of life - and it is one for all - to free himself and to free others. But even the mission does not cancel family relationships, they just become auxiliary on the path to happiness and eternal life. Even fully liberated "living" ones for the benefit of other seekers should set a good example of a successful family man.

Of course, there is also an exceptional path of monasticism, but we are no exception (?)..

Is programming beneficial?

All this is very beneficial to the modern life system, since it is easy to introduce behavioral routines into the biorobot program that create the effect of necessity. Everyone should have a set of a good robot: an apartment, a summer house, a car, a TV, a higher education, a month of rest, a soft sofa, work for 8 hours, fashionable clothes, a dog or a cat, a wristwatch and much, much more.

A person who is accustomed to doing everything as everything and as it should be is easily manageable and will buy what is presented to him as fashionable. Fashionable is what generates income for rich biorobots, and therefore should be liked by an average biorobot. The unfashionable is something that no one else buys, does not bring income, and therefore simply cannot like the biorobot, otherwise it is no longer a biorobot, and it is necessary to fight with it. Just try to dress differently, and the biorobots around you will immediately show aggression: "Look at him - he dressed up like a scarecrow!"

Freedom is not beneficial. A free man wants - buys, but wants - no. Who needs such an uncontrollable and dangerous mechanism? No one, and consequently, freedom must be fought by all available methods. And TV is the best of them all. If before a person walked and communicated with another person of interest to him, now the whole country communicates with those who are quite robotic. The average Japanese man watches nine hours of television a day, more than any other nation, and the number of suicides in this country is steadily striving to rank first in the world. The Russian, by the way, spends about 6 hours.

“My father did that, and I will do that too,” says the classic biorobot, which literally translates as “my father was a biorobot and I will also be a biorobot” …

What to do?

How can we, simple robots, get out of the influence of mechanicalness?


One old man brought water from a well every day and watered his garden. The neighbor looked at him and once, unable to bear it, said: "Buy a pump - it will make your work easier and keep you healthy."

“No,” said the old man, “if I buy an iron pump, I will no longer be able to put my heart into my work; so, keeping my health and making my work easier, I will lose my soft heart."


In an ordinary situation, try to behave differently than usual. This will break the behavior program after a while. At first it will freeze, but then a hidden level will open - the level of the mind. Reason is about deciding how I will react to a situation. They stepped on my foot: if I want - I will be offended, but if I want - I will thank for the free massage. Money was stolen from me: if I want, I will be upset, but if I want, I will be inspired that I did not spend it on stupidity. I went to bed: if I want, I will fall into depression, but if I want, I will re-read all the books I dreamed of, but I didn't have enough time for them …

This is the level of a new perception of the world. Such a person is not too happy when good luck comes to him and, accordingly, is not very upset when suffering comes to him. This method of behavior will bring him to this unusual level - the level of conscious choice.

It is necessary to put a special block between stimulus and reaction - your freedom of choice … There are two tastes on earth: terrible (the taste of selfishness) and heavenly (the taste of sacrifice and selflessness). Also, fire has two hidden aspects: ghee (ghee) - therefore food cooked on fire is tasty even without oil - and soma (heavenly taste). This gives even the simplest food the highest level of taste - a simple potato cooked in a pot over a fire will taste better than cake. And it is up to us to decide with what taste to live this life.

In short, if you have been hurt, thank the person, give him a present and treat him to a cake. The biorobot is grateful for the good and angry with the bad, “alive” is grateful for both the good and the bad. This means that he became free. Who knows this proverb - "what doesn't happen is all for the best" - this is the hidden formula for hacking a program …

Why should a living person be grateful for the bad? Because he understands that this is a lesson given to him from above in order to make him happy and free. And this lesson is considered passed if we were able to evaluate it, pass it and feel gratitude …

Seven times measure cut once

The following method of hacking one's own consciousness has been known for a long time in our culture. When something seems necessary to us, we need to find 7 proofs that this will cause one harm … And when something seems bad to us, find 7 proofs that it will benefit us. This will give us the opportunity to choose. Basically, we only have one pan of the scales involved, so a choice is simply not possible. But, using this technique, we fill the opposite bowl with sufficiently weighty arguments, which gives us freedom of choice. Someone will not like this very much as a result of his habit not to think about the fact that choice is the main function of human consciousness. Such a biorobot has a factory scheme for responding to a situation: these are the circumstances, life forced me, there was no choice, I did everything I could, etc.

What does it all look like?

Of course, to the instructions of the great prophets. Isn't that what Jesus wanted to say to us through the instruction, “hit one cheek, turn the other”? Yes, this instruction simply burns out the brains of an ordinary biorobot, since this instruction is for the living …

Similar recommendations are given in the Vedic treatises:

Bhagavad-gita. Chapter 5. Text 20

na prahrsyet priyam prapya nodvidjet prapya capriyam

sthira-buddhir asammudho brahma-vid brahmani sthitah

Translation: A person who is not happy with success and is not upset when faced with adversity, who is firm in mind, is not subject to illusion, who is versed in the science of God, is already at the transcendental level.

A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada's comment:Here are the signs by which one can recognize one who has attained spiritual self-realization. Of these, the main one is that such a person is not influenced by the illusion that causes the conditioned living entity to consider the material body as his true essence. He knows perfectly well that he is different from the body and is a separate particle of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Therefore, he does not rejoice at gains and does not grieve for losses associated with the material body. This equilibrium of the mind is called sthira-buddhi, solid mind. Such a person will never fall into the trap of the mistaken idea that the soul is identical with the gross body, he will never consider the body eternal and reject the existence of the soul. With this knowledge, he becomes able to understand the Absolute Truth in all three aspects of Brahman, Paramatma and Bhagavan. Knowing his true position, he will never make artificial attempts to become in all respects identical with the Supreme. Such a person has attained Brahman realization, or spiritual self-realization.

Bhagavad-gita. Chapter 2. Text 56

duhkhesh anudvigna-manah sukhesu vigata-sprihah

vita-raga-bhaya-krodhah sthita-dhir munir ucyate

Translation: One who does not lose his balance of mind even in the face of the threefold miseries and does not rejoice in happiness, one who is freed from attachment, fear and anger is called an imperturbable sage.

A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada's comment:Mooney refers to someone who, in one way or another, can stimulate his mind to philosophical reflection, but never comes to the true conclusion. It is said that each muni should have his own point of view, different from others, otherwise he cannot be called a muni in the true sense of the word … Such a person is not worried about the manifestations of threefold sufferings, for he accepts all suffering as the mercy of the Lord, believing that he deserves even more severe punishment for sins that have been committed in the past; moreover, he sees that by the grace of the Lord his suffering is minimized. Similarly, when such a person is happy, he considers this happiness to be a gift of the Lord, and himself unworthy of such a gift; he understands that only by the grace of the Lord he found himself in such wonderful conditions and can serve the Lord even better. In the ministryhe acts boldly and decisively, not getting attached to anything and not rejecting anything. Attachment means using certain things to satisfy one's own feelings, and detachment means the absence of such attachments … Therefore, he does not feel anger even when he is pursued by failure.

Bhagavad-gita. Chapter 14. Texts 22 - 25

sri-bhagavan uvaca

prakash cha pravrittim cha moham eva cha pandava

on two sampravrittanis on nivrittani kanksati

udasina-wad asino gunair yo na vicalyate

guna vartanta ity evam yo 'vatishthati nengate

sama-duhkha-sukhah sva-sthah sama-lottashma-kanchanah

tulya-priyapriyo dhiras tulya-nindatma-samstutih

manapamanayas tulyas tulyo mitrari-paksayoh

sarvarambha-parityagi gunatitah sa ucyate

Translation: The Lord, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, said: “O son of Pandu, one who is not hated by knowledge, attachment and illusion when they are, and one who does not regret them when they disappear; who is always steadfast and steadfast, who is indifferent and transcendental to such manifestations, for he knows that all this is the result of the action of the material modes; who in grief and happiness remains calm and unperturbed; who does not distinguish between a handful of earth, a stone and a gold ingot; who equally accept joys and hardships; who in honor or dishonor continues to purposefully move towards the goal, enduring reproaches and not paying attention to praise; who does not divide people into friends and enemies; who has renounced all material activities, such a person is transcendental to the three modes of material nature.

A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada's comment:In these verses, Krishna answered all of Arjuna's questions, in the order in which they were asked. Here, for the first time, He says that a person who has reached the transcendental level does not envy anyone and does not aspire to anything. In the material world, the embodied living entity is always under the predominant influence of one of the material modes (qualities). Once completely freed from the bondage of the material body, it comes out of the influence of the modes of material nature. But as long as the living entity is in the body, he should always remain neutral. By engaging in devotional service to the Lord, we gradually stop identifying ourselves with this material body. As long as one considers himself to be a body, the aim of all his actions is to satisfy his own senses, but after developing Krsna consciousness, he naturally ceases to satisfy his senses. We do not need a material body, and we do not have to satisfy its whims. The modes of material nature can continue to act in the body of the living entity, but realizing himself as a spirit soul, he remains indifferent to their activities. How can one develop such indifference in oneself? One must free oneself from the desire to enjoy the material body, as well as from the desire to get rid of it. Thus, by rising to the transcendental platform, the devotee naturally attains liberation. He should not make much effort to get out of the influence of the material modes …How can one develop such indifference in oneself? One must free oneself from the desire to enjoy the material body, as well as from the desire to get rid of it. Thus, by rising to the transcendental platform, the devotee naturally attains liberation. He should not make much effort to get out of the influence of the material modes …How can one develop such indifference in oneself? One must free oneself from the desire to enjoy the material body, as well as from the desire to get rid of it. Thus, by rising to the transcendental platform, the devotee naturally attains liberation. He should not make much effort to get out of the influence of the material modes …

Continuation of the lecture:


Once in one village all the chickens died. The villagers sent a believer to ask God what the reason was. After the prayer, he said: “You will not believe, but this is the grace of the Lord.” People were surprised, but remained silent.

The next day all the dogs in the village died. Residents again sent the believer to ask God, and he answered: “You will not believe again, but this is again the grace of the Lord.” People grumbled, but did not say anything.

On the third day, it was pouring rain in the villages and all the belongings of the inhabitants, especially matches, got wet, and the inhabitants could not even light a fire in their houses. Having sent the believer to pray, they heard the last answer: "You will definitely not believe me, but this is again the grace of God."

Residents, swearing, went home, losing all faith, but that very night they saw an army of invaders from a neighboring country passing by their village. And they heard the conversation of the soldiers, who said that since dogs do not bark in the village, chickens do not run and there is no fire anywhere, the inhabitants most likely fled, and there is no point in wasting time and entering this village.

Life is like a drop on a lotus petal: it can roll down at any moment

Liberation occurs as a result of a correct understanding of the temporality of the life of a biorobot. This means that we begin to value communication. Trying to live each day as the last, we can easily go beyond death.

Therefore, always in communication, be it a meeting, a phone call, a letter, etc. try to communicate like the last time, and it really can be the last.

The robot turns off without work, so vigilance is the basis of humanity. Vigilance is an antivirus that should not be turned off for a second. In a relationship, everything is important, and especially the little things. The living appreciate both the important and the little things. The biorobot is focused only on the important and the main thing. Remember: in a relationship, you must always be vigilant, as one foolishness can ruin what took 1000 years of wisdom.

Loyalty and asceticism

Desires for food, sex, sleep, and self-preservation are powerful instincts. Few people fully understand the meaning of this cunning term. But for the "living" it is no longer a secret that the word instinct means a program not installed by us. Each of these programs has a tremendous impact on our lives and behavior.

Accordingly, the method of getting out of their influence is their control. Confronting sexual desires is the most effective technique for getting out of the influence of a behavior program. Christian elders, finding themselves in a situation where lust began to attack their hearts, burned their fingers on candles. It is better to lose a part of your already almost dead biorobot than the freedom of an eternal soul …

Love develops in trust and degrades in fear. When a relationship is built on sex, this means that there will be no trust, since sex requires variety and quickly satiates, which means it will definitely lead to the search for something new. Sex insists on novelty, youth, experimentation, and even violence. A person who started a family on the basis of sexual attractiveness is not a family man, he is a sex maniac. But when love is built on joint spiritual growth, it means that there is hope for loyalty and true relationship.

The same effect occurs in relation to other instincts, so they all require daily monitoring. It is not for nothing that in the Bhagavad-gita one of the basic instructions is connected precisely with this aspect of life:

Bhagavad-gita. Chapter 6 Text 16

naty-ashnatas tu yogo 'sti on chaikantam anashnatah

na cati-svapna-silasya jagrato naiva charjuna

Translation: One can never become a yogi, O Arjuna, if he eats too much or too little, sleeps too much or too little.

A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada's comment:Here Krishna advises yogis to regulate their food and sleep. Eating too much means eating more than is necessary in order to maintain the soul in the body. A person does not need to eat animal meat, because he has plenty of grain, vegetables, fruits and milk. This simple food, according to the Bhagavad-gita, is food in the mode of goodness. Animal meat is intended for people in the mode of ignorance … Yoga cannot be practiced by those who artificially abstain from food, inventing their own forms of fasting and fasting. A Krsna conscious person fast on the days indicated in the sastra. He does not starve or overeat and therefore is quite capable of doing yoga. Anyone who eats too much dreams a lot at night and therefore sleeps more than necessary. You should sleep no more than six hours a day. Anyone who sleeps more than six hours a dayundoubtedly under the influence of the mode of ignorance. Such a person is lazy and likes to sleep a lot. He will not be able to do yoga properly.

Hellish delight

A robot is a take in a relationship. Receiving something a person experiences hellish pleasure (jada-rasa). Therefore, hacking a biorobot means learning to give back. This makes it possible to experience heavenly pleasure from the heavenly planets (soma-rasa), which is thousands of times stronger and deeper than hellish pleasure.

And, most importantly, no one should guess that you are no longer a biorobot …

The consequences of hacking your own consciousness

When our biorobot begins to act not according to the standard schemes generally accepted in biorobot society, the public's reaction to such behavior goes through three stages.

At first, it causes laughter, since it is laughter that is the body's reaction to an unusual ending of the program of behavior in a given situation. Laughter should distract the biorobot from the situation when its program crashes. Even such a short withdrawal from the influence of the program gives a positive effect in the form of healing, relaxation and accumulation of positive energy. There were legends about the same stories of Haji Nasruddin that if you delve into the essence of several stories in a row, you can gain enlightenment …

Then the society of biorobots tries to destroy the “infected” specimen in order to protect their own kind from the terrible infection of free behavior. Not in all countries of this world you can easily get together and talk about such topics. It used to be called the interesting word "sabotage". More recently, the article on "self-harm", which imprisoned vegetarians, was canceled. And there is no guarantee that biorobots will not wake up and will not continue their struggle against the “living”.

But realizing that to fight, only to draw attention to the situation, smart biorobots begin to show respect, observing the unusual efficiency of a suspicious biorobot … Statistics show that religion gained the greatest popularity during the times of persecution. Biorobots are also intelligent and well understand that the best way to fight is to ignore …

Correct hacking of consciousness

A biorobot with an incorrectly hacked consciousness is called a fan by other biorobots. The hack seems to have happened, but not quite with the result that was required. The release of energy occurred, but not in the right direction. Biorobots use examples of incorrect hacking as proof that hacking does not lead to anything good.

Correct Hacking of Consciousness (PIC) makes us demanding of ourselves and tolerant of others. Accordingly, incorrect hacking of consciousness (HBC) makes us tolerant of ourselves and demanding of others.

FAC gives us respect for someone else's path of development. NVS leads to a feeling of being chosen and unambiguous of choice. Accordingly, the FAC leads to the glorification of leaders and followers of other areas of spiritual development. NVS leads to criticism of leaders and followers of even related directions of raising consciousness.

In one word, FAC leads to the emergence of a harmonious personality, capable of developing in all directions. NVS leads to one-sidedness and enslavement.

Possible behaviors when meeting

When two biorobots meet, the following can happen:

- if their programs are very different, they, without stopping, will pass each other;

- if there are similar parts of the program, they will politely greet each other at the same time thinking “Who was that?”; in fact, they just have one operating system, and therefore one sound of its loading;

- one of them will try to sell something to another;

- one of them will try to deceive the other;

- one of them will offer another drink; agreeing, they will go to look for a third. Alcohol for some time introduces the consciousness of the biorobot into an altered state, therefore, according to safety precautions, it is necessary to drink at least three of us in order to keep their programs working together;

- both will appreciate the possibilities of starting a family or just a temporary relationship;

- having examined each other, everyone will decide that he is a "cooler" model;

- seeing each other's features, both of them will have a desire for an upgrade - envy;

- if there is no money for the upgrade, anger will arise;

- one biorobot must in any case be wary of another biorobot so that it is not disassembled for parts;

When two "living" meet:

- they will not believe for a long time that the other is also hacked, so they will check each other with leading questions, but realizing that this is true, they will embrace and will shout and laugh happily;

- if it is impossible to talk, they will be very glad that there are others “alive” and will tell about this meeting to all their acquaintances “alive”;

- if the hacking method was different, they will argue before the fight and in the end they will curse each other to burn in hell for such heresy;

- each “alive” will invite another “alive” to his workshop-church in the hope that the other will come to his senses and be hacked by his method;

All “living” should remember that when they meet, they must bless each other to continue to remain alive and follow this path of complete liberation, and not curse each other when they see small differences. This is the real behavior of the living …

When a biorobot meets a living one:

- the living one will try to immediately reprogram the biorobot, and the biorobot will try to immediately restore the factory settings of the living one;

- if both were still alive, they listen to each other with interest, amazed at how everything is neglected there;

- having seen the life of the other, each of them first feels disgust, and then compassion;

- their meetings are always political.

"Alive" can break the program of a biorobot only if he has respect for him. Then he can talk to him about these topics or give him to read the corresponding instructions-shastras. But if there is no respect, all efforts are practically wasted, as the protective programs are turned on biorobot "flies in one ear - flies out of the other."

"Alive", remember: respect removes the protection of the biorobot. Do not give knowledge away for free, cheapness will not work on a well-tuned biorobot. His program - you should get the most out of the valuable and save it for other biorobots. Knowing this secret, you can take advantage of this loophole in his program and introduce the idea of liberation from the bondage of mechanistic behavior.

Broken hacking techniques

From time to time, biorobots begin to guess that “something is wrong” in their minds and feel that “there is something there” … But not possessing knowledge in this area, they come up with their own hacking techniques, which is basically impossible, since there can be no knowledge of how to "spoil" a biorobot in the program of a biorobot. Therefore, all such attempts end in frustration, devastation and a return to favorite programmed behavior. Such bogus hacking programs are called "mystical practices" and are fairly widespread. The biorobots responsible for the order have already understood their uselessness and stopped fighting such phenomena, leaving them as a toy for overly nervous biorobots. Such biorobots playing in non-working programs are called “esotericists”.

Search for hidden reserves of the body

Now it is becoming very popular to look for psychic abilities in oneself. Everyone wants to be clairvoyant and clairaudient. Let's try to understand this phenomenon.

We are looking for hidden reserves in ourselves, but if we need to look for them, then someone is hiding them from us. For what? It is clear that we do not break the wood! The wiring is also hidden from us by a layer of plaster and insulating material, but we want live wires to dangle everywhere.

That is why they are reserves to be preserved. It is dangerous to waste reserves earlier than intended. If we touch on this topic, then all reserves are intended for the time of a person's wisdom, when his physical abilities weaken in the process of aging, and the mind, accumulating, makes it useful for society, and then some body functions switch to another mode.

This usually happens when a person is able to change the external activity of life to internal in time. Life itself is divided into these two periods, and it is necessary to start changing yourself, not expecting a push from Mother Nature. Her hands are gentle, but very strong …

Having changed by the middle of life his activity from external development to the achievement of internal values, a person turns from the path of an old man, in whom all the functions of consciousness are turned off by old age, to the path of an old man, whose consciousness becomes more and more subtle.

On the other hand, pride is the main problem in human development. And there is nothing easier than getting sick with this disease in the process of searching for hidden reserves, moreover, usually for a long time … In a word, the consequences of such a search are either an electric shock of hidden power, or a blow of pride.

Opening memory reserves

Memory is arranged in a special way: part of the events that have occurred in our life are squeezed out of it. This enables us to forget about the negative feelings that followed us after unpleasant events.

If this squeezing did not occur, we would simply have gone mad long ago. Perhaps this is one of the reasons for alcoholism, drug addiction and suicide: a person simply cannot forget the mistakes that he constantly makes.

This memory function is similar to a pressure cooker safety valve. If you brew it, the pan will simply explode, and if you remove it, the dinner will not cook. So the human mind is cooked for a couple of memories. The necessary pressure is created, the unnecessary is released outside and forgotten.

An interesting effect in this regard occurs in the first minutes of alcoholic intoxication: a person simply forgets for a few minutes about what he has done, and this makes him so happy …

Alcoholism and the other problems listed above are caused by the dominance of information and the very idea that a reasonable person is a memorizing person. But this is not entirely true, a reasonable person is a person who forgets, i.e. forgiving …

We want to do everything our own way and adjust the valve, but do we fully understand its purpose and role in the entire structure of our consciousness?

As a result of memory hacking, we are filled with unresolved problems, which leads, at best, to depression.

Geeks: adults break their children

Childhood is defined by increased mental activity. The mind is a very mobile element of consciousness and easily changes in accordance with the desires of the person. You can think about everything that is good, and immediately about the completely opposite, and so the whole day - which is what children do, without knowing it. All this is possible for the reason that the mind is based on feelings and emotions: I want-I don't want, I like it-I don't like it, and they can easily change with each other …

But we want to include the child's mind during this period, and what happens: all the child's activity is transferred from the mind to the mind, but the mind is not so mobile, since it is based on logic and memory. This is a very time consuming process. First you need to remember the information, and then think about it from the point of view of logic. Even for an adult, this gives a lot of anxiety.

But when this load prematurely falls on the child, he is simply overextended, as if he is forced to lift a 32 kilogram kettlebell, when he himself weighs the same.

Plus, unused desires in the mind begin to accumulate, and one day they simply break free through an explosion or revolution, which is fraught with various mental problems …

If we put on an astronaut's helmet on a child, he will not become an astronaut from this, but it is easy to remove it. Having discovered the functions of the mind, we will not be able to return back to the normal development of the child's consciousness, which means that we are taking unscientific steps. Science is the ability to reverse the process, to return to the same denominator. If we cannot do this, this is simply an unscientific and very dangerous experiment, which, by the way, also applies to other forms of discovering the hidden reserves of a person …

Chakra opening

Chakras in all people have the structure of a protective gateway between a person and the outside world. When the situation is safe, the airlock opens and energy is drawn from the outer space. When the situation becomes tense and there is a danger of losing energy, the airlock is closed.

The problem is only one thing: from an inharmonious life, the chakras begin to lag behind and do not keep up with the situation. It is enough to "grease the hinges" and they will work properly, but why open all the doors for plowing? If you do this in the house in winter, it will quickly blow out all the heat. Also now, the atmosphere of communication between people is very cold, and we should not open all the doors of our body just like that …

On the other hand, open "permanently" and fail, because at the first tense situation, they will slam shut themselves, like "shark teeth" in the subway, and if the doors jam, then unwanted energies such as anger, envy will burst into the body and etc.

In short, to open the chakras in the modern sense is to break down all the doors at home and turn it into a public toilet …

And “lubricating the loops” is very simple: you need to quit drinking, smoking and switch to a healthy diet. This will be quite enough to no longer remember the chakras at all.

In any case, this knowledge is considered special in oriental medicine, and not public and is intended only for the relevant specialists in medicine.

Aura diagnostics

If a person sees something, this does not mean that he can diagnose. We all see that a person is sick, but only a doctor can make a diagnosis, and even more so, prescribe treatment.

The finer the diagnosis, the more complex it is. Therefore, it is possible to use diagnostics by aura only after the traditional diagnostics have been professionally mastered.

And most importantly, diagnostics based on aura should not be opposed to traditional types of diagnostics, it should confirm, not affirm …


Despite the clearly distinctive way of eating, there is no consciousness hacking. Millions of vegetarians are great biorobots and feel good. This is one of the ways to be a healthy biorobot. This is just a condition for the hack, but not the hack itself. The monkey is also a vegetarian, but this does not free its consciousness from monkey behavior. However, this condition must be met, otherwise the hack will either not happen or it will happen with side effects.

This also includes all types of fasting, the purpose of which is not to refuse food, but to help facilitate the hacking of consciousness. Fasting for the sake of fasting is simply violence against one's own body. To remove toxins, it is enough just not to overeat and choose the right food for our model.

What to do?

Real hacking of consciousness occurs through the process of communicating with those who have already undergone this operation, otherwise, with independent attempts, you may not hack into consciousness, but get a head injury …

Standard biorobot affirmations

For biorobots, from time to time, they come up with special programs that supposedly help the biorobot to solve the tasks assigned to it on its own. This is a copy of a prayer practice, but with the goal of balancing the biorobot program to an acceptable and life-affirming state. A sort of prayer of an atheist …

Such a prayer-screwdriver is now self-affirmation-affirmations. Please, dear biorobots, turn on the humor function before reading further …

I was born with a dinner service in my mouth!

As a child, I was not sick, did not write or poop!

At school I got only A's and no one teased me with a C grade!

At the institute, I studied without tails and parties!

I didn't get married because my girlfriend got pregnant!

I didn't give birth to a computer freak!

I like my job and I don't want to kill the director!

I am worthy of what all my neighbors have!

Life is generous to me, and its generosity grows to me day after day, despite debt, higher prices and lower wages!

I give the money easily and with pleasure, otherwise they will just go to jail for tax evasion!

I am open to the cosmic source of abundance, which is still pouring water on me from my neighbors!

Strength grows in me, not warts!

My income is increasing every day, and every evening it is decreasing!

I don't get old at all, and I don't even look in a stinking mirror!

I will not die like everyone else, I am not such a freak like everyone else, I will live forever, only with whom and where?

Thank you life! I'm always lucky!

Author: Ruzov Vyacheslav Olegovich