Russians Are Convinced Of The Existence Of A Conspiracy Against Russia - Alternative View

Russians Are Convinced Of The Existence Of A Conspiracy Against Russia - Alternative View
Russians Are Convinced Of The Existence Of A Conspiracy Against Russia - Alternative View

Video: Russians Are Convinced Of The Existence Of A Conspiracy Against Russia - Alternative View

Video: Russians Are Convinced Of The Existence Of A Conspiracy Against Russia - Alternative View
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According to the survey, about two-thirds of Russians really believe that there is a certain group of people that was specially created in order to rewrite history and undermine existing spiritual values.

The All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion (VTsIOM) conducted a poll, the results of which were amazing. Roughly 63% of Russians believe in a conspiracy theory against Russia. Only 26% of the respondents are sure that the existence of such a group of persons capable of harming the country is impossible. And only 8% found it difficult to answer the question. At the same time, the respondents showed practically the same indicators when answering the question whether someone is going to rewrite the history of Russia. Again, the majority - 63% - are convinced that such a group has been created. Oleg Chernozub, head of the Center for Socio-Economic Research of the NISotsU Academy under the President of the Russian Federation, said that this explains the increase in the criticality of public consciousness.

A wide variety of age groups took part in the survey. It is noteworthy that it is among young people that there is a large indicator of those who do not believe that propaganda of non-traditional sexual orientation is being carried out in Russia. In addition, it is representatives of the population aged 18 to 24 who believe that the defenders of the rights of sexual minorities do not adhere to any destructive goals.

We will remind, earlier the main skeptic of the planet said that conspiracy theories will never disappear from the minds of people. He noted that the “social filter” is to blame. We tend to trust people close to us, and therefore, says Michael Scherner, we hardly question their words. Especially when it comes to theories that have hundreds and thousands of followers. This applies to hypotheses about the existence of UFOs, Yeti and other similar views.

Evgeniya Chernobab