Humanity Will Soon Become Immortal? - Alternative View

Humanity Will Soon Become Immortal? - Alternative View
Humanity Will Soon Become Immortal? - Alternative View

Video: Humanity Will Soon Become Immortal? - Alternative View

Video: Humanity Will Soon Become Immortal? - Alternative View
Video: How Close Are We to Immortality? 2024, July

Researchers have come to the shocking conclusion that the human body does indeed have a soul weighing twenty-one grams. For the first time experiments with weighing dying hospital patients on their deathbed were carried out by the American doctor Duncan McDougall in 1909. Now scientists around the world are developing projects for the transplantation of a soul from one human body to another, and are also engaged in the task of extending the period of full functioning of the human body. Gerontologists claim that the physical life of people in several hundred years is quite possible. But is eternal life worth the incredible struggle and sacrifices for it by scientists from all over the world? What cataclysms on the planet can lead to universal immortality? And how soon will there be a panacea for old age and disease?

More than a hundred thousand people on Earth die every day from aging. If the pill for aging is really available to every earthling, then the number of the adult population of the planet will significantly increase, and the number of people on Earth is already approaching eight billion. For this reason, overpopulation will inevitably occur and, as a result, a shortage of food and fresh water for all, a global food catastrophe will approach humanity. People will have to drastically limit their fertility. Global military conflicts over territories will begin in the world battle for the survival of nations. Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor S. P. Kapitsa called this situation "demographic transition", because in the world the number of older people will reach forty percent, and the number of young people under twenty will sharply decrease.which will significantly change the overall lifestyle.

A medicine that prolongs the life of mankind at least twice will appear very soon, possibly in the next five years. Scientists from the University of New South Wales, Sydney, announced that they have invented a substance that not only relieves many terrible ailments, but also generally slows down aging. According to the author of the invented resveratrol, Australian biologist and professor of genetics David Sinclair, the miraculous composition of the drug is able to cure such dangerous diseases as cancer, cirrhosis, Alzheimer's disease, and diabetes. The experiments were first carried out on mice, now on people - volunteers from all over the world.

Researchers have been searching for the elixir of youth for the second century in a row, however, as soon as one of the professors gets closer to solving the riddle of life and immortality, as if death is sure to take him away in mockery. For example, in the twentieth century in Russia alone, ten recognized world-famous scientists suddenly left the world, as soon as they found themselves on the verge of revealing the secret of immortality at the molecular level.

The strangest thing about this is that absolutely all laboratory reports and data obtained during experiments have also sunk into oblivion. A real example, even in the Soviet period at the end of the last century in the closed Ural Research Institute, Academician Aleksey Mezentsev, who was engaged in the problem of cell aging and their rejuvenation, disappeared under strange circumstances, and his partner on a biological project from Novosibirsk, Viktor Kostyukov, died literally on the eve of this incident. There was no recipe, no formula for the elixir of immortality, no ingredients of the anti-aging medicine they were developing, no records at all, only the followers and students in the laboratory were left with interesting drugs for research: melatonin, promycin, metformin.

Another example, at the end of World War II, the communist leadership of the USSR set before Soviet medicine the task of urgently finding a way to fight the human body against the dangerous ionization of space and radiation in the event of a nuclear enemy attack. Aleksey Dorogov, Candidate of Medical Sciences, headed the scientific direction of medical research of means of protection against isotope radiation and high radiation.

In 1947, his scientific laboratory had already developed a universal drug ASD (Antiseptic Stimulator Dorogov) - a panacea for all diseases. During testing of prototypes on volunteers, such positive side effects as rejuvenation of the skin, smoothing of wrinkles, disappearance of gray hair, hair growth and dental filling were revealed. In the period from 1953 to 1956, the scientist A. V. Dorogov was allocated a whole research institute, where his patients were exclusively members of the USSR party apparatus. However, soon the doctor died from carbon monoxide in a strange house under unclear circumstances, and the criminal case was quickly closed. The scientist's laboratory was disbanded, clinical trials were curtailed, and all the accumulated information, calculations, results of experiments over the years of fruitful work of the researchers were seized and hidden from unknown place.

Today, the scientific approach to the problem of aging of the body has changed a lot compared to the last century. New radical nanotechnologies of the modern century have made it possible in medicine to develop microscopic nanorobots the size of a human cell. Nanorobots are able to deliver medicinal substances directly through the blood of patients to the inflammation focus and biological material in order to repair damaged areas inside the body. In the near future, scientists are planning to carry out a general cyborgization of cells in order to heal from the inside at the molecular level, or rather prevent disease.

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The modern view of solving the problem of prolonging the life and rejuvenation of body cells is no longer aimed at alchemy with the selection of components at random with all sorts of side effects. Today, scientists are considering an informational approach in the form of an aging program code, "sewn" into the human genome from the very inception of the first cells of the human body, and therefore are looking for a way to hack this program, and reboot humanity for healing and rejuvenation.