What Historical Events Would People Like To See With Their Own Eyes? - Alternative View

What Historical Events Would People Like To See With Their Own Eyes? - Alternative View
What Historical Events Would People Like To See With Their Own Eyes? - Alternative View

Video: What Historical Events Would People Like To See With Their Own Eyes? - Alternative View

Video: What Historical Events Would People Like To See With Their Own Eyes? - Alternative View
Video: 25 Most IMPORTANT Events In History 2024, July

What significant historical events would you like to see in person, going back in time? Several thousand people answered this question on ranker.com. The top 10 includes events of the long past and relatively recent ones.

In the first place - the construction of the Egyptian pyramids. Which of the erected - slaves, aliens? What did they look like initially? Our contemporaries would like to see and learn all this.


The second place is occupied by the construction of Stonehenge. Merlin didn't create it! Then who? And for what? Stonehenge is one of the greatest mysteries in history that you want to unravel.


Many people would also like to see how the Olympic Games were held in ancient times. Especially women.


Landing on the Moon on July 20, 1969. Was it or not? After all, no one saw Armstrong set foot on the lunar surface. Was it a grand historical event or a genius hoax? I would like to see a person emerge on the surface of Selena with my own eyes to debunk the conspiracy theory.

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In fifth place is the birth of Jesus Christ. Many would like to go back to that time to meet Jesus, so why not check his birth?


Many Americans would like to return to July 4, 1776 and personally witness the signing of the Declaration of Independence.

December 17, 1903 attracts Time Travelers with the opportunity to see the first flight of a spacecraft built by the Wright brothers. Isn't it interesting to visit the origins of modern aviation?

Seeing William Shakespeare on the stage is the dream of many theater and literature lovers. After all, he played in performances based on his plays. For example, he appeared on stage as the ghost of Hamlet's father.

The most famous painting in the world is Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci. The artist created this masterpiece between 1503 and 1519. La Gioconda changed art, becoming one of the most influential works in history. How did Leonardo do it?

On November 22, 1963, US President John F. Kennedy was assassinated. But even decades later, it is not clear who actually shot JFK. Who was behind this murder? That would be to guess.

Of course, there are a lot of historical events that users would like to see. But most of the votes were cast for those listed above.

Yuri Danilov