The Coming 2019, What Will It Be For Humanity? - Alternative View

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The Coming 2019, What Will It Be For Humanity? - Alternative View
The Coming 2019, What Will It Be For Humanity? - Alternative View

Video: The Coming 2019, What Will It Be For Humanity? - Alternative View

Video: The Coming 2019, What Will It Be For Humanity? - Alternative View
Video: I Asked Bill Gates What's The Next Crisis? 2024, September


Nuclear, thermonuclear, atomic, neutron, laser, chemical, bacteriological, in short, the "Third World" War will not be global.

It will not be with the United States, China, or even Ukraine. And no matter how it is aggravated, raising from the fifth time, that is, on purpose, a red calf, Israel, instead of a general slaughter, will receive only the beginning of its own collapse. They will talk at the end of 2019 (you know, I am not accurate in dates, but accurate in "sbycha") about the return of the land taken by Israel from Egypt.

In Lebanon, there is likely a promise of using our aerospace forces and air defense systems to help these countries cope with ISIS (banned in the Russian Federation).

Russian diplomats are at their best in 2019. Especially at the end of the year. It's a triumph. There and with Western Europe everything will be brought to our advantageous position.

Possible "accidental bombardment" in the BV (Middle East) by the "coalition" of our observation post at the airfield with a super-powerful bomb (UAV, missile), which will be warned about. But the Russian plane will have time to take off.

The United States (Israel) will pose a lot, shout about human rights in Syria in order to bargain for more favorable conditions for leaving. They will bomb their Kurds who work for them and make claims to Russia and Assad for this. But you have to leave one way or another. No benefits. The withdrawal of troops may take almost a year. Then they leave, then they cleave again. But "finita la comedy". But they will puff up in Lebanon. Jordan will come under the influence of Russia. Because the terrorists will help to reason.

They will try to embroil Turkey with China, as if they "revealed" the agents of influence of China on the territory of Turkey. A provocation is possible with the murder of an ambassador or a person of the same status as it was in Turkey, when the sent people processed (zombified) the Turkish policeman so that he would kill the Russian ambassador Karlov. A similar situation with a significant person. In general, a blueprint provocation with small variations in order to play off the two countries in the BV, which will lead to the opposite effect. The main specialists for the bleeding are in Israel.

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Turkey and Iran will actively participate in the investigation. Iran will revive Iraq. The Kurds will play a lot there.

Saudi Arabia will continue to be derailed. Something like robbing all the rich and important people in Saudi Arabia, as it was with the princes. The money will go to Israel, USA, Argentina, Australia. In other words, repeat.

In general, in 2019 there are a lot of duplicated, repeated events that happened earlier, because the one who came up with these complex (not difficult, namely “false” moves) left this world. And the performers are weak with imagination, so they will shit according to the old schemes. But the NEW Worldview is already waving a pen from 2020. The old is almost dead, but many, according to the old habit, drink coffee, go to work, poke around in the office, "without regaining consciousness" read, watch, listen to "news."

The trade war between China and the United States will look more like comic battles. This is a game where everyone shouts one thing and does another.

Great Britain will look the dumbest of all. But many will take everything seriously. They will wait for the war.

Russia will receive a bunch of preferences and benefits

Oil will occupy less and less significant place in the life of the state. The oil price can start to rise only from mid-2019, which will be a plus. But not the main one.

Iran will actively trade oil through Russia. But Russia's income will grow better than in 2018. This will be due to investments from Western "partners". Qatar, the Emirates will also invest in the Russian economy. This is somehow connected with the Far East and central Russia. But no matter how many positive shifts there are for the economy, everyone will whine and yell at how hard life is for them. Objectively, life will improve, and subjectively, people will moan and complain with pleasure. But as always.

At the end of the year, they will stir up the "revolution", but the next zilch.

Two fundamental scientific discoveries in Russia in the summer of 2019 will go unnoticed. But in the United States will be sensationally presented scientific development 10 years ago. In other matters, 2020 will help fix the situation.

If 2019 is still black, then 2020 sparkles with Light.

For Ukraine, the year is also not easy

This year the dried out Augean stables will be washed. And a lot of things have dried up there. It will not wash off immediately, but it will seethe. So many politicians of this country will be washed away, and some will be drowned.

A year and a half to transfer power into the right hands. There will be again boilers and military, extraordinary, and political. There will be again a stupid provocation with a rocket launcher from Ukraine. Something like a Buk, I saw it from a height. It seems in the territory not far from the Russian border. The Nazis have lost the game by their curators. But at the beginning and even in the middle of the year there will still be a lot of provocations from Ukraine.

Afghanistan will not be explicitly, but controlled by Russia, through the Taliban and further adequate tribal rulers. Pakistan helps Russia. India is building up ties with Russia, especially economic ones. The introduction of a new financial system by Russia.

Russia came to Africa and is beginning to actively use these opportunities. There will be a lot of verbal battles, fake news from France over Africa, but few there will be able to influence the Russian position. China will compete with Russia in Africa, but this is not a war, but a profitable enterprise, and advantageous for Russia.

The European Union without England will continue to lose its members. There is a possibility that part of Spain will announce its withdrawal. This is a trick. But many of the countries of Europe "Eastern Bloc" will be in the zone of turbulence. Poland in general will be shocked by the situation in which it finds itself. Especially at the end of the year.

The time has come for the expulsion of the "refugees" from the European Union. Those who will not agree to the offer to leave the EU can use force. And new boats will probably just sink. To which Russia will propose to create acceptable living conditions in the BV and the African continent, so that refugees do not strive for the EU.

At the end of 2019, the European Union will begin preparations for the creation of its army. The sanctions game will be minimized by the end of the year, as the economy is more important to Europe, and therefore Iran, Russia, and China are important. Turkey will dictate its terms to the EU. England will create new fakes against Russia, Turkey, and, oddly enough, Belarus will also get it.

There are many terrorist attacks in Europe, most of which are organized not even by migrants, but as if on the basis of migrants. Israel's special services and agents (such as Soros and others like him in different countries) will actively work to swing the boat as much as possible wherever possible, creating flows of refugees, recalling the Holocaust, staging demonstrations of inadequate ones with the use of force. Riots in France, Italy, Spain, Germany. In Germany, terrorist attacks with smoke and poisoning, using transport, on trains. There will be shooting and a bunch of angry demonstrators in these countries.

Which will be terribly annoying, but people will see who is actually creating this and it will be the instigators who will infuriate the public.

A large ferry will be set on fire in Europe. Many people will be at the hospital.

England will be hit by the strongest hyperstorm. Moreover, it will fill up with snow to the very roofs and fill it so that water flows will carry cars and houses, ripping off soil and stones. Entire streets will not only be flooded, but washed away.

England is likely in the Falkland-Maldives area again to arrange a military fuss. The fleet will move to the shores of Argentina. In any case, something is outlined there. The planes were flying. Probably, they raised the spirits of their fellow citizens by military victories. And the spirit of the British needs to be raised, because the state of affairs is not very good.

In the United States, Trump will be forced to "turn the other way", than he will take his enemies by the throats. All his attention will be paid to the internal struggle, which will accelerate the processes of discord in the United States. But Trump's enemies at home will be drastically weakened. "NATO" will remain only for the USA, Japan and the Baltic republics. And the United States is no longer able to maintain many bases. They will reduce the volume of the military presence in a number of regions of the world, bringing back the military contingent, because the soldiers will be needed to maintain order in the country. Volcano "Yellow Stone" is somewhat calming down, but this calm, associated with the injection of special compounds underground, will lead to the creation of tectonic stress in the southeast direction. There will be a release of hot steam or gas in this direction at a great distance from the volcano.

In the US, there will be a problem with the aircraft carrier actually not far from the coast. Two hyper storms in the United States will do a lot of trouble in the east. And the West of the USA will face a severe drought. The flight to Mars, planned in the United States, "starts", but will not end with anything. It will look as if the "reptilian entities" are running away, will not reach.

In India, Nepal, Bangladesh, an earthquake of 7-8 points is possible. In India, an earthquake of 3-4 points is likely in the spring, and a strong one in autumn-winter.

In Bangladesh, very severe flooding is possible in the middle of the year. Probably July.

In general, hurricanes will be stronger, their number will be greater. Russia, too, will not pass this cup. I saw how the high-rise buildings were almost twisted. Apparently, high-rise buildings will be abandoned precisely because of the danger of an increase in wind load. Structures will stand on the edge.

During a solar eclipse during the day, a battle between earthlings' spacecraft may be seen. Perhaps this is space aviation, not a fact.

Saw a damaged space station in orbit. Several holes.

At the end of the year, the ISS may replace modules or two or three modules may fail.

They will find the giants of the Lemurians (amphibians) (as I see them). I saw many eggs guarded by a Lemurian. Eggs were hidden in the flooded skeletons of houses at the bottom of the ocean. Lemurians are an advanced bio-organic Earth civilization, capable of easily manipulating any DNA. They are DNA engineers. They live on Earth ten times longer than human (terrestrial) civilization. They are peaceful, but they do not like people from the moment they began to serve reptilian (not snake) values - money, enrichment.

To distract attention in South America, they organize a fake with the landing of three alien ships. And the fake will be covered up with a grotesque fake, so that people think, if it's true, if it's not. In fact, the "old gods" are already actively helping Russia. In any case, ancient knowledge gives several more types of superweapons, which cannot be talked about. But this is precisely what prevents the Family from acting as brazenly as they are used to. The influence of the Family is decreasing. Although they will strike and thrust, it is agony. Each of them wants to take the empty place of their boss, but they lack intelligence.

Putin will remain in his place. There are more and more altruists in power in Russia. Despite the storms and storms around, Russia will get rich in the new 2019, will get even more influence. Even more opportunities that will begin to actively use. There is a gathering of the former republics under a common hand.

Perhaps the Russian air defense system will be located in Finland. I do not guarantee that in 2019, but negotiations will continue. The most interesting thing is that France will be interested in Russian air defense systems on its territory. They will also negotiate. This question will arise when England and France are dissatisfied with each other. Air defense, as it were, against England. Negotiations are therefore possible on the same issue with Austria and Germany. Not in 2019, but nonetheless.

The year will be with contrasting temperatures. With heavy snow in the USA and Western Europe and bitter frosts. Our southern territories will also get it. There will be a lot of snow too. Again superfrost and excessive heat with an abundance of records in the Far East, Primorye, Siberia. Everything is not in the old framework. In South America, superstorms will come from both the east and west.

Local authorities everywhere ignore the creation of storm sewers, deepening of river beds, the creation of dams, since there will be an excess of water everywhere, from melting, and in other places there will be heavy rains. Will wash away, drown mercilessly. The military, the Ministry of Emergency Situations will help everywhere. I saw people who were taken out on tracked vehicles.

Well, there will be more people who have been knocked off their heads - I saw a man driving a caterpillar tractor through the old cemetery. He went fishing.

The old breaks down, and a New WORLD VIEW comes in. New, not like anything we are used to. And those who are not ready for it will "butt at new gates" to prove to themselves that everything remains the same and nothing has changed. Everything will change. And this is for the good of many. The flagship is Russia. All who will resist the New will be removed by the space itself. It will have other categories. It is programmed in other categories, but externally it will differ little at first. And this is being introduced gradually. But despite the gradualness, many prefer to live by fear. However, willingly, not willingly, the new will take its toll. This is not a revolution, when the fear of some is replaced by the fear of others. This is a development where communist ideas become possible without communists. 2019 is another development milestone.

P. S. Not a fact, but it feels like a tax amnesty for individuals in 2020.