Why Is Mass Digitalization Dangerous? - Alternative View

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Why Is Mass Digitalization Dangerous? - Alternative View
Why Is Mass Digitalization Dangerous? - Alternative View

Video: Why Is Mass Digitalization Dangerous? - Alternative View

Video: Why Is Mass Digitalization Dangerous? - Alternative View
Video: Rethinking digitalization - prepare for a revolution | Markus Tomaschitz | TEDxMCInnsbruck 2024, September

Digitalization, biometrics law, translation of all documents into digital, why is it so dangerous

The most simple explanation for those who have not figured it out yet.

We will not delve deeply into the text of the law on biometrics, we take the very essence: from all Russians, regardless of where they work (this is important!), A cast of the voice, a retinal scan, and other data will be taken for future identification of a person in a certain common system that will include in itself absolutely all data about the personality. Who will do it? Sberbank will do this. Who owns Sberbank? 49% to an unknown circle of persons (hereinafter referred to as NKL) and 51% not, not to the state, but to the central bank, which since 1993 has been an independent organization under the constitution and is not officially subordinate to the state, but is it subordinate to someone? It is very likely that the same NKL as the Savings Bank. As a result, we get that 100% of Sberbank belongs to the NKL and it is they who implement all the programs of the digital economy and digitalization. What for? And everything is simple, it has long been known that all smartphones and smart TVs,as well as other devices quietly listen to everything that happens in the range of access and send and process all this somewhere, then you get advertising of those things you talked about yesterday. It is very likely that these technologies belong to the same NKL.

Having a cast of everyone's voice, and knowing naturally where who is working, the system is one, common, you can not just listen to everyone, but the program will be able to identify the desired voices in the crowd, say the unit commander comes to visit, and there is a smart TV, or just Someone switched on the phone in their pocket, discussed some secret questions, the NCL is already in the know, there is a cast of his voice, and no matter where he is and whether he has a phone, others have it. The next step is the cancellation of cash, everything is simple, bought and lit up, it is very easy to track even the movement of troops, a company entered the store, everything is clear where who is.

The next question is about the software and equipment that this system will run on, who produces it? Obviously not us, then what kind of security can we talk about at all? Everyone remembers the Iranian centrifuges and the stuxnet virus in Siemens controllers, which practically ruined the Iranian nuclear project. What kind of defense and security can we generally talk about if we have casts of the voices of absolutely all residents of the country who work, including in the police, army, Ministry of Emergency Situations, FSB, when the NKL knows everything about them. And the program will do it. It is very symbolic that digitization began with the army, apparently the NKL are not 100% sure that they will succeed in bringing everything to the end, and because of this, apparently, they started with the most important.

About the experience of other countries, in Britain and many other countries, such a system was categorically abandoned precisely for the security reasons given above, they have long been aware of the absurdity and danger of such a system.

Why is this system dangerous for us mere mortals? Well, first of all, by processing such an array of data, and knowing who is talking about what, you can very simply direct the society to the right place, with constant feedback. The second point, the transfer of all data into one dossier per person, by the way is being carried out now. They violated traffic rules, a mark for life, you were fired from work under the article, for life, this is not a work book that can be thrown away, the child was put a deuce in an electronic diary - for life, his employer will see it in 10 years, and given the speed of merging large companies into mega-monsters whose owners are also quite likely the same NKL, and the speed of globalization, I think there will not be so many employers, in the sense that these will only be large companies, and all your flaws in their entire life will be in their sight,and you can't fix anything, do you need it?

Now, about data security, in the sense of protecting against our, local scammers, because everything is in one basket, the whole life of a person, is very tempting. All these data are also dynamic, i.e. are constantly changing, something happens all the time in life, and someone must constantly change and supplement this data, and accordingly this person must have a key and access to the entire database. How many people do you think there will be? I think 50 thousand at least, and they can all be trusted? Do you know them? But if they want to, they can erase or ruin your whole life.

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As a result, we can say that what is being launched now is not just a threat to the country's security, but actually its complete transition under the external control of the NKL.