What Is The Danger Of Biometrics, Laser Marking - "tracing", Chipization? - Alternative View

What Is The Danger Of Biometrics, Laser Marking - "tracing", Chipization? - Alternative View
What Is The Danger Of Biometrics, Laser Marking - "tracing", Chipization? - Alternative View

Video: What Is The Danger Of Biometrics, Laser Marking - "tracing", Chipization? - Alternative View

Video: What Is The Danger Of Biometrics, Laser Marking -
Video: Police Can Now Track Bullet Casings Like Fingerprints (HBO) 2024, September

Analyzing the information posted on the Internet on the topic of planting an electronic concentration camp in Russia and the World, the first conclusion that can be drawn is that the LABEL - "DRAWING" WHEN REMOVING THE BIOMETRY IS ALREADY STANDING! And no one warns about this. There are already numerous testimonies of those who discovered the mark on their own. And this is only the information that is posted on the net. How many such cases remain behind the scenes, we can only guess …

All the laws that have been adopted steadily lately, gradually and consistently move us towards the introduction of an electronic concentration camp everywhere. The curtailment of the circulation of cash, the transfer to electronic types of all mutual settlements, payments in all areas, all banking operations, medical, social services, the implementation of public services through the banking system, completely tie a person to an electronic system - an electronic concentration camp.

And the most important thing is that it is proposed to carry out all this through the assignment of a SINGLE NUMBER and BIOMETRY! Removal of biometric data becomes a prerequisite for identification, use of the electronic system of the Antichrist. And during this "removal", without warning you, they apply a laser "mark" invisible without special devices … This is such a trap … So that "no one can buy or sell without placing this" mark "… Thus, the scriptures," The Revelation of John Theologian "completely come true …

But most of the people just “sleep”, not understanding where they are being led and lured by the “convenience” of such an “electronic” system and thinks that this is “progress”, “super cool” and “makes life easier” … But is it LIFE? All that makes it easier is complete control over you … Spiritual and material …

So we will analyze what spiritual and material control means.

Material control consists in the fact that you are gradually completely deprived of the opportunity to use cash, government, medical, social services without BIOMETRY, a priori, without LASER OUTLINE. And having put this "mark", you become completely, completely, "with all the giblets" dependent on this electronic system. That is, what you have from material wealth and the right to possess them, and you yourself appear to exist in the form of a set of numbers in the electronic system. It turned out that you are undesirable or simply not needed by the system, or your “wealth” was needed by some of the “copyright holders” of this system and erased you from the “database” with one click of the mouse … as if you never existed …

An unimaginable number of video cameras and tracking systems everywhere, including in their own phones, smartphones and other "gadgets", completely exclude any secret of private life. That is, the entire built system forces you to be loyal to it and act only within the boundaries established by it for you. Otherwise, "sanctions" will be applied to you … up to your complete virtual and real destruction. By the "mark" on the forehead and your "biometrics", the drone will easily figure out you from the crowd of thousands … But this is not the worst thing … The most terrible is the spiritual, energetic effect of the laser "tracing" on the human body, his DNA and his spiritual component, his spirit and soul. The experiments of the scientist P. P. Garyaev proved that such a wave effect is quite feasible. Dedicated influence, it is possible to change even the structure of DNA. And this video quite simply shows how such a directional influence can occur.

n Promotional video:

And having in hand an unimaginable number of emitters capable of carrying out psychotronic effects, towers of "cellular communication", etc. The "creators" of such a system receive unlimited power over defenseless souls. Directed "thoughts" that you will take for your own, "feelings", "emotions" … That is, a completely controlled puppet-slave, a toy of the dark forces. It is possible to destroy it with one click of the mouse … This is what "mark-type" and biometrics are! Moreover, the impact is possible not only on a global scale "on everyone", but also "point", according to your personal individual number - "outline" and biometric data. You signed a consent to the processing of your personal data? Well, you will get it … Everything is according to the law … Both materially and spiritually. You voluntarily accepted this and gave your consent. So be aware that by taking biometrics,you put yourself in danger of receiving the "mark", and YOURSELF, voluntarily, give yourself into the slavery of the dark forces that rule this world! Ruin your soul !!! Even if you are not given the mark of a slave immediately, they can put it later, in any other convenient place for the "system" where you can be identified by the biometric data you submitted, for example, at a bank or airport. And there is no need to think that something like “only in Russia is possible” … An electronic concentration camp is being built all over the world and its customers, the secret world government and the forces behind them, do not divide anyone into Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians or Germans or anyone else … And it is only for you that this theater of the absurd is played out, with "wars", "confrontations", "sanctions" and "elections", "victories" and "defeats", "pensions" and their "absence", so that they would be spellbound and carried away,you have not noticed how the worst thing in your life is happening, you cease to be a free person. And you stop being a human at all! Therefore, the CHOICE is yours. There is enough information exposing the electronic concentration camp on the Internet, there are a lot of people aware of this danger hanging over humanity in different currents and confessions, and they post their vision of the situation and the way out of it on the network. Search. Be aware. Stay FREE!Search. Be aware. Stay FREE!Search. Be aware. Stay FREE!