That Is Not The Power That Is Not From God - Alternative View

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That Is Not The Power That Is Not From God - Alternative View
That Is Not The Power That Is Not From God - Alternative View

Video: That Is Not The Power That Is Not From God - Alternative View

Video: That Is Not The Power That Is Not From God - Alternative View
Video: Is this the power of a god? | Naruto edit | Life Ain't Fair & SSBB Remix 2024, September

Legal and spiritual manual for those who do not want to become slaves of the world electronic state.

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Why are we being depersonalized

The ideas of a digital society are spreading more and more in the world. A common man in the street perceives what is happening as "scientific and technological progress." But the true picture of the modern world is hidden from him. Back in the early 1990s, the IMF and the World Bank challenged Russia to establish a rigid digital order with suppression of the individual - essentially cyber slavery - with a subsequent increase in economic chaos and a deterioration in the quality of life (Letter of Intent, 1992). Such management of people, introduced in other countries, meant the end of human civilization, which caused concern even among those who consider themselves the world's elite.

On July 28, 2017, by Order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1632-r, the anti-constitutional Program "Digital Economy" was approved, aimed at the destruction of traditional spheres of life and the adoption of digital laws (including the so-called "digital law", which crosses out and denies the traditional right). If someone thinks that it will focus on the restoration of industry, the real sector, renewal of the infrastructure of cities and villages, he is deeply mistaken.

In May 2018, the “State as a Platform” strategy was published, prepared under the strict guidance of banker German Gref and financier Alexei Kudrin. It proposed turning Russia into a (CYBER) STATE FOR THE DIGITAL ECONOMY, and replacing its citizens with "electronic counterparts."

According to the views of Gref and his ex-subordinate to the Ministry of Economic Development, now the head of the Central Bank Elvira Nabiullina, the economy is:

1) the constant collection of all significant personal (including biometric) data of all citizens of Russia and their processing in unified electronic databases / registers, interconnected with a cross-cutting identity identifier (at the first stage - SNILS, then - personal code - life number of a person in system), 2) the introduction of neurotechnologies (including into the human body)

3) a complete ban on the circulation of cash with the aim of complete enslavement of people.

Since 15.04.2011 SNILS has been designated as the basic identifier in relations with the state in the provision of services (first by order No. 654-r, and then by decree No. 928 of the Government of the Russian Federation). This innovation was carried out in a pilot mode, being experimental. But the transition to a new civilization - the technotronic era - did not even begin with the notorious TIN and massively imposed pension numbers (SNILS), but somewhat earlier - with the introduction of new passports of 1997. Few then drew attention to the fact that the signature in this passport is put by the recipient not under a photograph, but under an empty column "personal code". What does the automatic consent of a citizen to assign a "digital name" to him and entry into a new global system mean, where a person is no longer a person, but a managed object that follows the rules of life,established by supranational and supranational structures.

SNILS has become a key instrument of enslaving man in Russia by the “new world order”. SNILS, as a unique identity number, from the very beginning was developed in accordance with international standards and was an analogue of digital identifiers used in different countries around the world (the legal proof of assignment of SNILS to a person ). By the norms of the Constitution, the receipt of SNILS as a prerequisite for the implementation of civil rights is not regulated. Attempts to assign SNILS to each citizen by force under the threat of depriving him of his rights and opportunities guaranteed by the social state, contradict the Constitution, which has supreme legal force and direct effect on the territory of the Russian Federation,where human rights and freedoms are inalienable and belong to everyone from birth (Article 17). Russian citizens have a name, patronymic and surname. Art. Art. 2,17,18,23 The Constitution of the Russian Federation guarantees, among other human rights, the right to a name. It is unacceptable and offensive to indicate SNILS (like slaves) instead of your name in order to exercise your constitutional right. Assigning a number to a person instead of a name depersonalizes him and deprives him of legal personality: the legal ability to have rights and exercise them. Assigning a number to a person instead of a name depersonalizes him and deprives him of legal personality: the legal ability to have rights and exercise them. Assigning a number to a person instead of a name depersonalizes him and deprives him of legal personality: the legal ability to have rights and exercise them.

Digital identification of a person's personality is a violation of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, in particular, a violation of paragraph 1, article 19, of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation: “A citizen acquires and exercises rights and obligations under his own name, including the surname and first name, as well as patronymic, unless otherwise follows from law or national custom”, that is, according to this Civil Code, a person can acquire and exercise rights and obligations only by his own verbal name.

Clause 5, Article 19 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation also states: “The harm caused to a citizen as a result of violation of his right to a name … is subject to compensation in accordance with this Code. … When using the name in ways or in a form that affects his honor, diminishes his dignity or business reputation, a citizen has the right to demand compensation for harm caused to him, as well as compensation for moral damage."

With depersonalization, people are transformed into biological objects (see Order of the Ministry of Industry and Energy of the Russian Federation of 07.08.2007 No. 3p "On the approval of the strategy of the electronic industry … until 2025"). At the same time, the dignity of a person is humiliated, and from its unique properties only a personal number remains - a number or a trademark (barcode), recognizable by the system and designating a product (“human capital”) of a certain quality and purpose. This puts a person on a par with other biological objects that will never become legal persons: bacteria, worms, plants, genetically modified creatures, etc. A logical question arises: why is all this being done?

It turns out that information about an impersonal person is an excellent material for processing regardless of the will of its owner - i.e. a person, and therefore outside the mechanism of his rights that protect him. Thus, the mechanism for accessing an impersonal biological object to information about it through the mandatory use of an identification number (number of a prisoner in a concentration camp, personal and biometric identification codes in a Russian passport, SNILS, TIN, etc.) is a method of enslavement that is unlimited by any legal norms. It should also be recalled that digital identification of a person's personality is a recognized crime against humanity: in particular, at the Nuremberg Trials, which took place from November 20, 1945 to October 1, 1946,The International Military Tribunal, among other crimes of fascism, recognized the practice of assigning life-long depersonalizing numbers to people and branding these numbers as a crime against humanity that has no statute of limitations.

In our country, the method of depersonalization of a person began to be used in a pilot project for the introduction of a universal electronic map (UEC) for the purpose of international management of demographic processes and collection of information about the private life of citizens. However, due to the active resistance of the masses, the UEC project was failed and was finally canceled by Federal Law No. 471 of December 28, 2016. Nevertheless, the legislators retained SNILS in the pension sector and in the field of employment (in practice, it is now also required in schools, healthcare institutions, etc. etc.), ignoring Article 2 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation on the priority of human rights, sacrificing it for the sake of technical "convenience" and lobbying for the financial interests of global capital. It is necessary to completely exclude from the Russian legislation the provision on the compulsory use of SNILS, restoring the priority of human rights.

How social service became electronic

In accordance with Article 7 of the Constitution, the Russian Federation is a social state, the policy of which should be aimed at creating conditions that ensure a dignified life and free human development. Clause 2 of Article 19 prohibits restrictions on the rights of citizens on the basis of social and religious affiliation. In addition, Art. 39 of the Constitution everyone is guaranteed social security according to age, in case of illness … and in other cases.

From January 1, 2018, the receipt of social assistance became possible only in electronic form upon the fact of the applicant's request and the signing of a mandatory consent to the automated processing of personal data (PD), with the obligatory assignment of SNILS to him and the transfer of information about the social status of a citizen to the Unified State Information System social security (EGISSO) (introduced by the Federal Law No. 388 dated December 29, 2015, which violated the previously established procedure for the provision of services prescribed in the Federal Law No. 178 dated July 17, 1999, "On State Social Assistance").

Under the supervision of the Central Bank, the customer and operator of the "innovative" system (EGISSO) for the lower caste was the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, which simply ignored Article 7 of the Federal Law No. 152 on the inadmissibility of transferring confidential information (SNILS) to another department - the social service. Now it is possible, on a “legal” basis, to draw up a detailed “social portrait of the family” with the financial situation of all Russian beneficiaries and its subsequent transfer to interested “third parties”.

In clause 7 of Article 6.11 of the Federal Law No. 178 "On State Social Assistance" dated July 17, 1999, it is also noted that "the functioning of the information system is carried out taking into account the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on personal data", where "the subject of personal data decides to provide his personal data and agrees to their processing freely, of his own free will and in his interest "(clause 1 of article 9 of the Federal Law No. 152" On personal data "), and clause 4 of article 9 also states:" processing of personal data carried out only with the written consent of the PD subject … ".

it is obvious that the processing of PD exclusively in electronic form generates legal consequences and affects the rights and legitimate interests of the applicant, which is prohibited by clause 1 of article 16 of the Federal Law No. 152 and is allowed, according to clause 2 of article 16, only with the consent in writing of the subject PD. It took a lot of patience and faith of ordinary people to be confirmed by the Appellate Ruling of the Judicial Collegium for Civil Cases of the Yaroslavl Regional Court in Civil Case No. 33-4137 / 2014 of August 29, 2014.

Officials were forced to officially admit that the work of state bodies for the implementation of the functions assigned to them by the legislation of the Russian Federation to exercise the rights of citizens does not depend on the citizen giving consent to the processing of PD, which is confirmed by paragraphs 2 and 4 of Part 1 of Art. 6 of the Law on PD No. 152-FZ.

As you can see, consent is required only if you enter the electronic database. It should be borne in mind that signing a consent to the processing of PD is the right of every person, not an obligation, and no one can take this right away from citizens. The applicant has the right to decide for himself whether to give him consent to automated processing of PD or not (see clause 6 of article 4, clause 3 of article 5, clause 2 of clause 1 of article 6 of the Federal Law No. 210 of 27.07.2010.)

The transfer of personal data of citizens to EGISSO without their consent is not permissible and is illegal! The position of PD operators who refuse to provide state and other services in the event the subject refuses to give consent to the processing of PD contradicts the requirements of Articles 2, 3, 6, 15, 18, 19, 23, 24, 28, 29, 55 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, which has the highest legal force, Articles 12, 14, 19, 150 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Article 9 of the Federal Law No. 152 "On Personal Data". The applicant has the right to choose the traditional or electronic accounting system for his personal data (clause 6 of article 4, clause 3 of article 5, clause 2.1 of article 6 of Federal Law No. 210). The work of state bodies to carry out the functions traditionally assigned to them by the legislation of the Russian Federation does not require consent from citizens, as has always been the case. Signing the consent to the processing of PD is a human right, not an obligation (Art.23,24 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation) and is necessary only when entering the electronic database (if the citizen has such a desire).

The mystery of lawlessness

The Constitution of the Russian Federation states:

Article 18 - only human rights and freedoms determine the activities of the authorities, as well as the content and application of any law;

Article 3 - … the only source of power in the Russian Federation is its multinational people.

At the same time, in fact, we observe how the authorities "on the ground" widely ignore the population's refusal to use "digital names" and automated processing of PD. It is known that “no one can be subjected to violence or treatment degrading human dignity … No one can be subjected to medical, scientific or other experiments without voluntary consent” (Article 21 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation).

These facts of discrimination testify to the complete disregard for the position of the President of the Russian Federation, set forth by the head of the Department L. Brycheva in letter No. A6-5195 dated 2014-06-04: “… any forms of forcing people to use electronic identifiers, automated means of collecting processing and accounting of PD, personal confidential information are unacceptable. Citizens have the right to demand from the President the observance of the Constitution of the Russian Federation (Article 80) and the oath given to the people at the inauguration ceremony: “To respect and observe human rights and freedoms, to observe and protect the Constitution”.

Legislators resolutely disregard the position of the Russian Orthodox Church. In the "Fundamentals of the Social Concept of the ROC" dated 15.08.2000, section 111, it is noted: "… the Church hierarchy can call on the people to use the mechanisms of democracy to change legislation or revise the decisions of the authorities; … to appeal to their children with an appeal for peaceful civil disobedience … ".

In the Document dated February 4, 2013, "The position of the Church in connection with the development of technologies for recording and processing personal data," it is noted: "P 4. Based on their constitutional rights, thousands of people, including Orthodox believers, do not wish for one reason or another, including including those who are religiously motivated, to adopt a new identification system, to use documents with electronic personal identifiers (personal code, bar coding, identification numbers). Many of these people report violations of their constitutional rights. Often, these people are deprived of medical care, old-age pensions and other benefits, disability registration and various benefits. As a result, a whole layer of people is formed, thrown out of all spheres of public and state life. A.5. The Church shares the fears of citizens and considers it unacceptable to limit their rights in the event of a person's refusal to give consent to the processing of personal data."

Worldwide identification system

We are observing how a global unified identification system is being built: a unified electronic portal of the Ministry of Health, the GIS "Digital School" within the framework of the national project "Education", EGISSO, the Unified Biometric System, ESIA (portal of public services), etc. Since Russia's accession to the WTO, the country's population, its personal data, financial situation have been exposed to “flow” and “plunder” (see the material “Personal Internet data of Russians began to be massively sold abroad”, Rossiyskaya Gazeta dated 08.11.2016) … The government, providing electronic services to citizens through foreign companies, opens up the possibility of unprecedented espionage in the world and pressure from the world community on each individual citizen.

Exercising their constitutional right to participate in the management of state affairs (clause 2 of article 3 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation), citizens can demand from the Government the denunciation (termination) of anti-constitutional international treaties. At the World Cybersecurity Forums held from 2011 to 2016, the world's leading experts stated that no country in the world has an answer to the question: how to reliably protect data in a virtual space? The protection of personal data in electronic form transmitted over the American Internet is by definition impossible!

"Genetic weapons" of mass destruction

Under the plausible pretext of combating corruption and terrorists in Russia, Federal Law No. 482 of December 31, 2017 on biometric identification was adopted, which opened access to unique information about the physical, physiological, psychological and behavioral characteristics of a person. With the consent of citizens and under their personal responsibility, there will be not only a voluntary transfer of the right to dispose of their personal identity (first of all - the name given at birth), but also their body - in any interests of "third parties" This will lead to more serious consequences than the leakage of "classic" PD:

Today UIDAI is considered to be the largest world database of biometric data - a system for identifying citizens and residents of India. It contains over a billion unique personal numbers AADHAAR, which, in particular, are used for authentication in banks and a number of government services. In May 2017, government agencies in India leaked about 135 million data. The biometric information of millions of Indians was taken over by the CIA using cyber espionage technology developed by Class Match. Although the authorities have repeatedly declared the security of UIDAI data, in early 2018, India's national warehouse was completely compromised when a simple local journalist, having talked to a hacker in a phone messenger, gained access to the profiles of a billion Indians for $ 8.

Federal Law No. 482 is not only unconstitutional, but also hidden, referential, it allows banks to establish total surveillance of citizens with the transfer of all information to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (according to clauses 5, 12 of Article 7 of the Federal Law No. 115 of 07.08.2001), which, in turn, is controlled by the International Monetary Fund (IMF). In fact, foreign usurers and corporations have access to citizens' biometrics.

Identification by biometric personal data (hereinafter BPD) is total, and not voluntary, as stated in the State Duma. If in clause 1 of article 11. Federal Law No. 152 says: "… BPDs … can be processed only with the consent in writing of the subject of personal data, except for the cases of clause 2 …", then clause 2 already lists many cases when BPD processing can be carried out without the consent of the PD subject:

It follows from this that almost any citizen during his life can be subjected to the procedure for submitting biometric data: a digital three-dimensional image of a face, palm shape, genetic code (DNA), etc. with the simultaneous application of an identifier to the body of a citizen of a country, a country that won the Great Patriotic War. War. Previously, this practice was used by the Nazis in relation to their victims - prisoners in the fascist concentration camps of death in Majdaneke, Auschwitz, etc.

Based on the Definition of the International Nuremberg Tribunal 1945-1946: "Assigning life numbers to people is a crime against humanity, and this crime has no statute of limitations" and is punishable by death.

Thus, with the introduction of Federal Law No. 482, the "genetic weapons" of mass destruction were legalized using technical methods to control a person. Most people, without delving into the essence of the issue and without defending their non-property property, their name, at work, at school, in the clinic and in all other cases, agreed to the processing of their PD, giving information about themselves to someone unknown. The governing body, which has received the right to perform any actions with the new digital name of a citizen at any time, also gets the opportunity to apply the number on the human body in the form of an outline.

Back in 1980. American political scientist Bertram Gross wrote: “One of the greatest dangers lies in the slow process by which friendly fascism will manifest itself. For the majority of the population, these changes are imperceptible … they are able to see only part of the (general) picture, UNTIL IT GETS TOO LATE."

A person who has lost spiritual and moral principles, who has renounced God, will accept a number instead of a name, electronic money and documents without question. Will give up his freedom in exchange for bread. Using an ID-card on a daily basis to interact with controlling "turnstiles", citizens will understand much later that in the process of issuing new documents to them, they can get the very biblical "seal" or "mark of the beast".

As noted in the Epistle of the Holy Synod of the UOC of 1998-19-05: "The seal of the Antichrist will only complete the process of falling away from God and His grace, which is now secretly taking place in the depths of human hearts."

Digital Governance - Abolition of States and Sovereignties

On February 20, 2018, a significant event took place - parliamentary hearings in the State Duma of the Russian Federation in private on the topic: "Formation of legal conditions for financing and development of the digital economy", initiated by the speaker of the State Duma V. Volodin. "Hearings" gathered the whole color of lobbyists for digitalization of all spheres of our life: ministers, Central Bank, senators, deputies, residents of Skolkovo, incl. companies planning to make money trading personal data. According to Mr. Gref, the more information about the client, the more it belongs to you, the easier it is to manage and use it. Those who are trying to "make happy" (citizens, the Russian Orthodox Church, special services, public organizations, the military, and even industrial economists (representing the real sector), of course, were not invited.

At the subsequent parliamentary hearings, now in the Federation Council, Deputy Minister of Economic Development S. Shipov admitted: “Most of the laws were developed by business representatives … We need to switch to providing public services without human participation …” Deputy Minister of Communications A. Kozyrev frankly continued: “The digital economy needs digital citizens … It is necessary to ensure the complete replacement of paper documents with electronic ones. Legislators should not look back on the fact that their ideas violate the current legislation."

It turns out, according to the Chairman of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation V. Matvienko, “the development of the digital economy has firmly taken its place among the priorities of state policy. Russia and its EEC partners have every chance to become one of the global digital leaders. Implementation of digitalization tasks will require large-scale funding."

After the adoption of more than 50 "digital laws" promoted by cypher-lobbyists, a legal basis for an openly God-fighting system will be created with the replacement of the following concepts:

If earlier we could apply for the restoration of the rule of law to the State Duma, the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, the Prosecutor General's Office, to specialists and lawyers from the Presidential Administration, etc., now, when this lawlessness has been headed by the State Duma speaker himself and leading ministers, the process begins to become irreversible.

Fascism of a new type

One of its main ideologists, the English philosopher and futurist Max More, in his work "For the Glory of the Devil" (1991), stated that for him "the devil - Lucifer embodies power for good, reason, intellect."

“In the future, only one religion will be allowed in the form of a church of one world government; … Satanism, Luciferianism and magic will be recognized as legal subjects of study with the prohibition of … Church schools, says Mor.

A person is considered by the builders of a new world order as a biological object devoid of a soul, as an intermediate link, with a subsequent transition to the race of posthuman civilization with the help of:

- biotechnology (stem cells, cloning, cryonics, etc.);

- a digital method with the immersion of the brain in a computer and going beyond the human mind into the sphere of the infernal (“inferna” from Latin - hell) world (Professor of Oxford University N. Bostrom argues about this: “… give up your own body and live as information structures in giant ultra-fast computer networks and regularly make backups. But then the questions arise: "Which of them are you? Are they all you or none of them? Which will have the rights to your property? that will remain married to your wife / husband? There is an abundance of philosophical, legal and ethical problems ").

The main signs of a "transhuman": body improvement with implants, asexuality, artificial reproduction, distributed individuality (brain backup: after all, the brain is an information machine, so it can be replaced by another one as a "container for the soul"), a complete absence of spiritual values and ideals. Probably, this approach can explain the initiative of the State Duma deputies to recognize a robot, a posthuman individual, an electronic person, equating it in legal rights with a human.

The starting point of the “new world order” - the trade order as the end of the human era, transhumanists consider the moment when technology will exceed the capabilities of the human brain and artificial intelligence surpassing the human mind will appear (“the point of singularity”). According to the apologist of transhumanism R. Kurzweil (CTO of Google), by 2045 people "will transform biology and will exist as immortal cyborgs." The chosen minority will, with the help of expensive supertechnologies, prolong their life, turning it into an “electronic paradise”, have several copies of their brain, be cloned, etc. Whoever cannot implant a computer instead of a brain will be discarded as the second stage of a rocket. The superintelligent robots of the future will view humans as a failed experiment to be written off.“Human capital or resource” will be transformed into obedient biomass - cyborgs, robots, used in laboratory experiments or to serve the elite by chipping or inscribing an inscription and will be drastically reduced. “Cyber-creators” want to turn the crown of God's creation - a man - into a robotic, thoughtless creature, having arrogated to themselves the right to decide: what is good and what is not, while controlling not only pockets, but also thoughts and feelings of people.while controlling not only pockets, but also thoughts and feelings of people.while controlling not only pockets, but also thoughts and feelings of people.

The world's elite sincerely believe that they are the "chosen one." This makes her cynical and people-hating. She is obsessed with the next theory of neo-fascism (worship of artificial intelligence), which allows not only mass experiments and experiments on people, but also the destruction of the person himself as such, embodying the half-forgotten model of Hitler. Considering herself the owner of the "winning ticket", she is in fact a victim and conductor of the will of demonic forces. The creators of such theories need at least a psychiatric examination. Back in the nineteenth century. The great Russian writer F. M. Dostoevsky gave them an accurate diagnosis, calling them "demons."

Let us choose a blessing

Back in the 70s of the last century, Archbishop Averky (Taushev) wrote:

By giving consent to the processing of PD, we replenish the ranks of the "electronic population", voluntarily choose the status of an "impersonal biological object", "human capital" instead of a person, not only for ourselves, but also for future generations. To separate themselves from lawlessness, many Orthodox citizens of Russia, guided by the decisions of the ROC Bishops' Councils of 2008, 2013, other church and secular documents, the current Constitution and their Christian conscience, take morally significant actions and consider it right:

Our inaction is aiding in the creation of a society of "citizens of the world" ruled by those who have always hated and hates free people - individuals united in mercy and love. Until the number is automatically applied to the body, while the current legislation is on our side, you can refuse these documents - change your choice. It is no coincidence that the Monk Paisios Svyatorets instructed:

“Today, worrying about the state of our people is a confession, for the state is fighting against the Divine law … Demobilization happens only after a war. And now there is a war, a spiritual war. I have to be on the front lines. If I leave, I will consider it a betrayal. Is the church being destroyed? “Nothing,” someone will say. And he himself is friends with both, just to get a better job! He himself, in the end, will be "satisfied" by the devil.

We must boldly confess our Faith, because if we remain silent, we will be held accountable. In these difficult years, each of us must do what is humanly possible, and what is humanly impossible, leave to the will of God and ask God for help. Our ancestors suffered so much for the Fatherland, but what are we doing for it? If Christians do not resist evil, the destroyers will become even more insolent!

If the Church is silent, so as not to come into conflict with the state; if the metropolitans are silent in order to be on good terms with everyone, because they are being helped with humanitarian agencies, then who will speak ?! Theology teachers also sit quieter than water … They lull people to sleep so that they do not worry … If I avoid worry, in order not to disturb my peace, then I am indifferent!

Christ underwent crucifixion in order for us to be resurrected, and we are indifferent!.. The Church must take the right position, she must speak the truth that the adoption of a new electronic certificate will be a fall and must seek from the state so that it, at least, is not obligatory (Blessed memory of Elder Paisiy Svyatorets, vol. 2, M, Holy Mountain 2001).

Domestic history has developed the best weapon of struggle against unrest in all ages. These are Councils, church and land councils, which reconcile the people with God and restore the Law of God as the sovereign basis of Russian statehood.

“When the Russian Land is divided,” predicted St. Seraphim of Sarov, - and one side will clearly remain with the rebels, the other will clearly become for the Tsar and the integrity of Russia, then the Lord will help the just cause - those who have become for the Tsar and Fatherland and our Holy Church - and the Lord will preserve the Tsar and all the Tsar's Family with His invisible right hand and will give complete victory to those who have taken up arms for Him, for the Church and for the good of the Russian land … Holy Russia will pass through all sorrows by repentance and will come to great joy and triumph!"

Let us also recall the behest of the ex-Metropolitan of St. Petersburg and Ladoga John (Snychev):

In compiling the article, among others, research was used by the Russian writer-hagiographer V. P. Filimonov, associate professor at MGIMO O. N. Chetverikova, documents and decisions of the Bishops' Councils of the Russian Orthodox Church, the Fundamentals of the Social Concept of the Russian Orthodox Church, other church, legal and legal materials.