By 2025, Half Of The Jobs Will Be Occupied By Robots - Alternative View

By 2025, Half Of The Jobs Will Be Occupied By Robots - Alternative View
By 2025, Half Of The Jobs Will Be Occupied By Robots - Alternative View

Video: By 2025, Half Of The Jobs Will Be Occupied By Robots - Alternative View

Video: By 2025, Half Of The Jobs Will Be Occupied By Robots - Alternative View
Video: 23 JOBS OF THE FUTURE (and jobs that have no future) 2024, September

This conclusion was made by researchers of the World Economic Forum (WEF). Today, machines only perform 29% of work tasks.

WEF is a Swiss-based non-governmental organization that deals with the world's most important economic issues. Every year the organization gathers meetings in Davos, where political leaders, entrepreneurs and journalists are present. Together they discuss topical issues. The organization's experts released a report entitled "The Future of Professions - 2018", mainly devoted to the robotization of industry and other sectors of the economy. The study surveyed HR directors and senior executives from various companies around the world that own 70% of global manufacturing.

Analysts predict that by 2025, 52% of work tasks will be performed by robots. However, according to the researchers, people should not worry. A sharp rise in the level of robotization will simply redefine tasks for humans. The professionals of the future will have to develop new skills and acquire different competencies than those possessed by today's specialists. The WEF estimates that rapid changes in technology could create about 133 million new roles for automated machines, up from the current 75 million.

The report also indicated that machines are now actively replacing professionals working in the field of accounting, industry, postal services and secretarial affairs. The same professions that require "human skills", on the contrary, will become more in demand in the near future. It's about working in sales, marketing and customer service. The demand for such specialists will grow as e-commerce and social media develop further. Researchers note that the main task for professionals will be their own retraining, obtaining specific competencies, especially in areas requiring creativity, critical thinking and communication skills. People will have to develop all the necessary skills on their own. Analysts believe that the first industries to retrain workers areaviation and tourism will become. By 2022, these sectors of the economy will have professionals adapted to the new conditions.

In the context of the WEF's findings on the future demand for creative professions, it is interesting to study last year by scientists, which determined that 70% of the propensity for creative professions is hereditary.

Ksenia Murasheva