Why Is The Work Of A Robot More Efficient Than A Human One - Alternative View

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Why Is The Work Of A Robot More Efficient Than A Human One - Alternative View
Why Is The Work Of A Robot More Efficient Than A Human One - Alternative View

Video: Why Is The Work Of A Robot More Efficient Than A Human One - Alternative View

Video: Why Is The Work Of A Robot More Efficient Than A Human One - Alternative View
Video: Will robots take our jobs? | CNBC Explains 2024, September

The pace of development of artificial intelligence and robotics will ultimately leave many out of work, replacing human labor with the labor of robots and intelligent systems. This, in the end, will lead to an increase in unemployment, since the work of robots is much more profitable and more productive than the work of the average person.


This is why the employer, if possible, will prefer doing the work to the machine:

1. The robot is able to work around the clock practically without days off and breaks. A break is required only when a technical inspection, software update or reconfiguration is required.

2. Man makes mistakes more often than a machine. The robot does not know fatigue and does not need an hour-long lunch break, there is no need for smoke breaks and the robot does not require a vacation.

3. The robot does not need to pay wages, but costs are required to purchase the device itself. Inspection, adjustment and possible malfunctions will also require spending money.

4. Violation of the rights of robots is not applicable to them, for now. The machine will not express dissatisfaction with personal hostility to the employer, it will not decide to quit at the most inopportune moment, it does not need a pension and maternity leave.

5. The robot will do anything within its capabilities, without question. He does not need moral support, there is no need for a beautifully designed workplace. Only a minimum of space is required.

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Replacing humans with robots is a matter of time

These, the main factors, will tip the scales when choosing an employer in favor of robotic devices. The prerequisites for the gradual replacement of man by machine are already visible today.

Robot labor means not only mechanical labor, like manipulators in assembling machines, but even mental work. For example, printing text or filling out certain forms at the bank. Both are already partially applied in some countries.

And in Russia there are trends of replacement - Sberbank has implemented the Anna software, which will answer customer calls this (2018) year. In 2016, a robotic lawyer was created to file clients' claims.

Thousands of people lost their jobs thanks to innovations. And the efficiency has increased significantly. And this makes us think about the relevance and future life in the world.