In The Next 20 Years, Robots Will Leave People Out Of Work - Alternative View

In The Next 20 Years, Robots Will Leave People Out Of Work - Alternative View
In The Next 20 Years, Robots Will Leave People Out Of Work - Alternative View

Video: In The Next 20 Years, Robots Will Leave People Out Of Work - Alternative View

Video: In The Next 20 Years, Robots Will Leave People Out Of Work - Alternative View
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Experts at the Bruegel Research Center in Brussels, which deals with economic research, have come to the conclusion that in Europe, most of the jobs will soon be automated, and robots will replace people. In countries such as Italy, Poland, Greece and Bulgaria, robotization will be 56%, in Germany - 51%, in France - 49%. The greatest robotization of human labor will be in Romania - 62%.

However, researchers believe that more research is needed to examine the impact of automation on the labor market and unemployment. The consequence of labor automation may not be unemployment, but the creation of new jobs for people.

Jeremy Bowles, one of the authors of the study, noted that in order for people not to be left without work in the future, they already need to develop their skills and master new professions.

Similar studies are carried out by experts around the world, their goal is to study the impact of labor automation on unemployment. In the United States, research has been carried out to understand which areas of the human work will be hit first by automation. Scientists have come to the conclusion that robots will successfully replace humans in areas such as telemarketing, jurisprudence, and the jobs of workers involved in credit analysis may suffer. And medical and social workers will be the least affected by automation.