The Paradox Of History - The Technology Of Ancient Builders, Which No One Can Explain Exactly - Alternative View

The Paradox Of History - The Technology Of Ancient Builders, Which No One Can Explain Exactly - Alternative View
The Paradox Of History - The Technology Of Ancient Builders, Which No One Can Explain Exactly - Alternative View

According to the official positions of scientists, they attribute most of the megalithic buildings and technologies for their creation to the Incas. But even scientists are divided into two camps, but not one of them was able to finally prove and explain the technology of the primitive Incas.

To begin with, I will show you the buildings in question. First of all, these are ordinary and polygonal masonry from large blocks. As you can see, the quality of their pairing and processing is amazing.


Suppose, by some miracle, the Incas could have made such masonry, but how do you like the synchronous connection of the structure with the rock? You can see a similar design in the main photo of the article.

Well, I specially found a visual photograph. What technologies do you need to have to do something like this? Modern builders and engineers grab their heads, unlike historians.


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Now I will explain about the camps of scientists. Some assure us with full confidence that the Incas cast all the buildings from geopolymers. Others do not consider it necessary to explain the technology of their construction at all. They say they could have done it all.

But all scientists for some reason ignore the explicit processing of mountains, which simply cannot be processed like that with Inca technologies. Take a look at the cut pieces from the diorite mountains for example.


But the ancient builders cut not only these mountains, but many others as well. Judging by the variety of their works, it can be assumed that they did not really care what material the mountain was made of in order to process it.


Since it is impossible to explain the existence of such technologies in antiquity without alternative versions of stories, historians have decided to simply ignore these facts. They attributed all the construction to the poor Incas, who, according to their own words, had nothing to do with them, But whose heritage did the Incas find, and what technologies did they possess?

These questions remain great mysteries to us.

I hope that over time we will find out the truth and will be able to accept it, no matter how amazing or fantastic it turns out to be.