Boy From The Planet Mars - Alternative View

Boy From The Planet Mars - Alternative View
Boy From The Planet Mars - Alternative View

Video: Boy From The Planet Mars - Alternative View

Video: Boy From The Planet Mars - Alternative View
Video: Russian Boy Claims He Lived on Mars in a Past Life, and He Brought a Warning About Earth’s Future 2024, September

A boy lives in Russia, he is 15 years old, his name is Boris Kipriyanovich. He claims to have lived on Mars in his past life. From an early age, he talks about Martian civilization, about megalithic cities and spaceships of the Martians, about flights to other planets and about the earthly land of Lemuria. He claims that he once flew from Mars to this vast continent, which now lies at the bottom of the ocean.

The boy has exceptional intelligence from an early age, sometimes he sits in the lotus position. From the age of two, he surprised his parents with details about life on Mars, planetary systems, other civilizations and space. He could list the names of all the planets in the solar system and even their satellites.

Rumors of the young astronomer quickly spread throughout the city. The boy became a local celebrity - people were interested in the child, they all wanted to understand how he could know so many things. Boris was ready to tell everyone about extraterrestrial civilizations, about the existence of an ancient race of people who were three meters tall, the future climate and earthly global changes. Everyone listened to the little boy with great interest, but, of course, many considered these stories to be fictional.

Boris says that there is life on the planet Mars, but the planet suffered a major disaster and lost its atmosphere, and now its few inhabitants live in underground cities.

At that time, he often flew to Earth for research purposes. He was a pilot of a spacecraft. It was in the days of the civilization of Lemuria, and he had a friend there who died before his eyes. The boy described the terrible catastrophes that happened on Earth at that time, and the entire continent of Lemuria went under water. A huge stone fell on the building where his friend was, and Boris was unable to save him. Boris says that they must now meet on Earth.

When his mother brought a book called "From Whom We Come From" by Ernest Muldashev, the boy was very excited. He looked at the sketches of the Lemurians for a long time, photographs of the Tibetan pagoda, and then told his parents about the Lemurians and their culture for several hours in a row. The son said that the Lemurians lived 70,000 years ago, they were nine meters tall. "Borya, how can you remember all this?" Mom asked. “Yes, I remember, and no one told me this, I saw it myself,” Boris replied.

Later he began to refer to another book by Muldashev, "In Search of the City of the Gods." The book is mainly devoted to ancient tombs and pyramids. Boris firmly stated that people will find knowledge in one of the pyramids (not in the pyramid of Cheops). “When the Sphinx opens, life will change,” he said and added that the Great Sphinx has an opening mechanism somewhere behind the ear (but he does not remember where exactly). The boy also spoke with great passion and enthusiasm about the Mayan civilization. According to him, we know very little about this great civilization and its people.

Boris argued that a huge catastrophe would happen on Earth between 2012 and 2013. That is why so many talented children with special abilities are being born now to help people.

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When asked if he was afraid of death, the boy replied that he was not afraid, because life is eternal. Everything on Mars burned down after a nuclear war. Those who survived built new houses and came up with new weapons. There, too, there was a change of continents, although the continent was small.

Martians breathe carbon dioxide. When you are in this body, you must breathe oxygen. However, the Martians do not like the air of the Earth, as it causes aging. The Martians are all relatively young, looking around 30-35 years old. The number of such "Martian" children born on Earth will increase.

Once a boy told about the fate of a very ancient planet named Proserpina. She was hit by the beam and shattered into pieces. Its inhabitants teleported to the fifth dimension (parallel world), and together with people from Mars watched the death of the planet. And the Earth, being a rational being, began to accept the children of Proserpina for "re-education." That is why these people here felt like “strangers” and said that they were from another planet.

Boris talks about the future of humanity. He says that, for example, knowledge will be distributed depending on the quality and level of consciousness. New knowledge will never reach those who do not want to change for the better.

When he was younger, he could predict some events that would happen in the future, he also approached people on the street and advised them to stop using drugs, or to quit drinking, or to end extramarital affairs. It really shocked people as the truth about their secret affairs was revealed. When he grew up a little, his classmates started beating him up for being “different,” and so Boris stopped prophesying to fit his environment. He says he has few friends.

When asked why people get sick, Boris replied: “Because they live wrongly, and they are unhappy, because they have to wait for their“cosmic halves”, and not interfere with other people's destinies, not break or destroy natural integrity. And then the suffering of people will stop. You must live with kindness. When you get hit, come and hug the person. When others hurt you, don't expect an apology, get down on your knees and ask the angry person for forgiveness. If you are humiliated and insulted, thank them with a smile. Do you know why the Lemurians died? This is my fault as well. They did not want to develop spiritually, they deviated from the path, and thus destroyed the unity of the planet."