Ancient Giants. Part Two - Alternative View

Ancient Giants. Part Two - Alternative View
Ancient Giants. Part Two - Alternative View

Video: Ancient Giants. Part Two - Alternative View

Video: Ancient Giants. Part Two - Alternative View
Video: Mystery of Ancient Giants part 2 2024, September

Previous part: Giants of antiquity. Part one

On the Paracas Peninsula (Peru), Julio Cesar Tello discovered numerous burials of an ancient people, which he called "the city of the dead." The method of burial used by the Indians is reminiscent of the Egyptian rites. First, they separated the head from the body and removed the brain through the nasal cavity. Then the chest was opened and the lungs, stomach, heart and other organs were removed. After removing the entrails, the body was carefully embalmed, dried in the sun and wrapped in cloths of cotton or woolen cloth up to 20 meters long. The mummy was dressed in funeral cloaks adorned with skillfully embroidered patterns and designs. In the dry climate of the Peruvian coast, almost all of the bodies in the burials are well preserved.

Removing the fabric from one of the mummies, scientists saw the remains of a tall man with a lush mustache and long beard. As you know, the representatives of the Mongoloid race, to which the American Indians belong, the hair on the face is poorly developed. Whose remains, so significantly different from others, are unknown.

On one of the funeral cloaks from the same burial, there is a drawing: a giant holds severed human heads in his hands. Unlike other images of giants, he has three-toed legs, which more resemble those of a dinosaur.

All Peruvian drawings of giants have common features: huge size (compared to human figures or severed heads), sharp fangs protruding from the mouth, lips protruding far forward, one or two staffs in their hands, as well as nearby snakes, sometimes with the heads of eagles or vultures. For images found in South America, Africa and Eastern Europe, an additional feature is characteristic - an "emblem" in the form of a winged creature with eyes, a bird sign on its head, or a skull painted on the forehead.

Archaeologists Ulyam Duncan Strong and Clifford Evans discovered in the Viru Valley, near Huaca de la Cruz, the burial of the Mochica Indians, which the Peruvian huqueros (grave robbers) did not manage to rob. In it were found wooden rods with carved inlaid pommels, one of which depicts a fanged giant. A snake wraps around his legs, and a small man stands next to him, which is three times smaller than a giant.

The Sarmatian-Slavic relief depicts deities with attributes characteristic of giants: on the head of Chernobog (Ahriman) there is an emblem with the image of a bird, and a snake wraps around his body. There is a three-headed dog nearby. In the background sits a deity (presumably Radogast, the afterlife judge), at whose feet two women stand, barely reaching the giant's knees with their heads. About Chernobog in the "Book of Veles" it is said that in time immemorial he fought with Belo-God and was the god of madness. To the left of the giant there is a trident with a double spiral. It is curious that a similar huge trident is laid out of stones on the cliff side of the Pacific Ocean coast in the Peruvian region of Pisco; it covers an area of 200 square meters. Perhaps this is an attribute or weapon of the giants.

The tombstone from Niederdollendorf near Bonn depicts a giant figure that resembles a Peruvian figurine and a relief from a Sarmatian-Slavic slab. Common details are a huge sword and snake-like monsters. A spear-bearer with a halo on his head is carved on the back of the tombstone.

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From ancient legends and myths, it follows that almost all giants were destroyed during the war with the gods. One of the episodes of this ancient battle is shown on the tissue of the Paracas culture, discovered during excavations of an ancient burial. The canvas depicts a giant, in one hand he holds the severed head of a man, and in the other - a staff that looks more like some kind of weapon. Something like a flying saucer hangs over his head. From the palms of an unknown creature drawn nearby, a plume of gases emerges, which resembles a rocket trail left in the air. "Rocket", hitting the neck of the giant, tears off his head, unnaturally tilted to the left. The ancient artist even depicted an explosion fountain that looks like a bow tie around the neck of a giant. Remarkablythat a similar cave painting depicting a giant and little men was found in British Guiana.

In the ancient city of Karchemish, on the banks of the Euphrates River, during archaeological excavations, a giant statue of the "thunder god" was found - he sits on a carriage drawn by lions, driven by a mysterious creature with a vulture's head. The growth of God relative to the size of lions is simply enormous. Perhaps this is an image of one of the giants who lived on our planet before the Flood. Unfortunately, the statue has not survived: during transportation from the excavation site, it fell from a raft and sank in the Euphrates River.

In the mountainous regions of Mongolia, there are ring-shaped cyclopean objects, which the local population considers to be the tombs of giants. The traveler G. N. Potanin recorded the legend of the Mongols about their origin:

In ancient times, there were giant people who pulled out whole forests by the roots when they wanted to spread fire. When they died, graves were piled over them. These graves are the essence of kereksurs. Since then, people have become smaller and smaller; in the future they will become even smaller.

One of the stone mounds 20 meters high and 50 meters in diameter was discovered in Buryatia on one of the peaks of the Khamar-Daban ridge.

In the area of the Tranninh Highlands (Laos), in the so-called Valley of Jugs, there are huge vessels of unknown purpose made of granite on the ground. The local population still believes that giant pots were used by giants to cook food on a fire from huge trees.

Similar jugs, but made of sandstone, are located in the province of Sien-Hoang (Laos). The height of the huge "pots" reaches three meters. German scientist Andreas Reinecke (German Archaeological Institute in Bonn), engaged in the study of mysterious jugs, writes:

The manufacture and transportation of some stone vessels, weighing a dozen tons, required careful organization and exertion of forces comparable to the efforts of the builders of huge megalithic tombs created in ancient times in the north of Central Europe.

The remains of giants have been preserved in different parts of the globe.

The Greek scientist Pausanias as early as the 2nd century BC. e. mentioned that in Syria, at the bottom of the Orontes River, a coffin with a human skeleton 5.5 meters long was found.

Herodotus talked about the Spartans who discovered a human skeleton 3.5 meters high. They took him for the skeleton of the legendary hero Orestes and took him with them for a long time as a battle amulet.

In 1190, a tomb was discovered at Glastonbury Abbey, in which the remains of the legendary King Arthur and his wife Genever were allegedly buried. Chronicler Girald of Cambrai describes this burial as follows:

All sorts of tales are told about King Arthur, as if his body was carried away by some spirits to some fantastic country, although death did not touch him. So … the body of the king was found today in Glastonbury between two stone pyramids … The body was found deep in the ground in a hollowed out oak trunk … Two-thirds of the tomb was intended for the remains of the king, and one third, at his feet, for the remains of his wife. Well-preserved blonde hair was also found, braided in a braid, which undoubtedly belonged to a woman of great beauty. One impatient monk grabbed the scythe and it crumbled to dust. Let it be known that Arthur's bones, when they were discovered, were so large, as if the poet's words came true: "And we will marvel at the heroic bones in the dug grave." The tibia, placed on the ground next to the tallest of the monks (the abbot showed it to me),was three toes larger than his entire leg. The skull was so large that a palm could easily fit between the eye sockets. The skull showed signs of ten or more wounds. All of them healed, except for one wound, larger than all the others, which left a deep open crack. This wound was probably fatal.

According to the testimony of the Spanish missionary and historian Padre Ocosta, giant skeletons, twice as long as human height, with protruding jaws, were found in a cave near Manta (Ecuador) in 1560. In 1928, during the construction of the Central Railway in the same area, skeletons of people with a height of about 2.5 meters were discovered.

The Spanish conquistadors in one of the temples of the Maya Indians discovered a human skeleton of enormous growth and stunning dimensions. By order of Cortes, the skeleton was sent to Europe to the residence of the Pope. Maybe he still gathers dust in the Vatican's storerooms.

The remains of the giants were also found on the Pacific coast of Mexico. Peter Martin de Angiera in The New Sphere writes about how the conquistador Diego de Ordaz went in search of the legendary El Dorado in the interior lands of eastern South America:

De Ordaz discovered in the altar of the temple the thigh bone of a giant, broken off and half rotted from time to time. This bone was taken to Vittoria to be sent to the Pope in Rome later. Ordaz said, “I preserved this bone, which was eight feet and four inches [2.5 meters] from the neck of the thigh to the kneecap. The people of Cortez, sent south to the mountains, later discovered the country inhabited by these giants. In support of their discovery, they delivered several ribs torn from dead bodies.

The Spanish historian Cieza de Leon left records that in 1560 a burial place with huge human bones was excavated in the vicinity of the city of Cuzco. He writes that bones of the same size had by that time been found in Mexico City.

The priest Padre Arlegi claimed that in the village of San Agustin, between Durango and San Juan del Rio, he discovered a gigantic molar human tooth never seen before.

Conquistador and historian Bernal Diaz del Castillo spoke about the bones of extraordinary sizes discovered:

We were all shocked to see these leg bones, and we were sure that giants lived on this land.

In 1577, a five-meter-long human skeleton was excavated in one of the caves in Switzerland. The find was transported to the University of Lucerne. Doctor B. Plater restored the missing parts of the skeleton, after which the remains were put on public display in the city museum.

In 1875, a certain Judge West discovered a huge human skeleton in a burial mound in the West Missouri region, which he showed to the public at fairs.

Writer G. Wilkins in his book "The Lost Cities of South America" writes about these burials:

In 1875, burial mounds on the high steep banks of the Missouri River were discovered here, filled with skeletons, whose skulls were monstrous in size. The lower jaw of one of the skeletons was twice as large as that of a normal person. The tibia was similar to that of a horse … But the facial bone of anthropoids of smaller size also indicates a lower level of intelligence. These skeletons were found in a sitting position with flint knives and scrapers. Then what, they belong to the Paleolithic era?

In 1890 in Egypt, archaeologists uncovered a stone sarcophagus with an earthen coffin inside. It contained the mummies of a two-meter red-haired woman and a baby. Their facial features and constitution were sharply different from the ancient Egyptians. Similar mummies of a man and a woman with red hair were discovered in 1912 in Lovlock (Nevada), in a cave carved into the rock. The height of a mummified woman during her lifetime was about two meters, and a man - about three meters.

In the library of the University of Oxford there is an old book "History and Antiquity", which mentions the discovery of a giant skeleton in Cumberland in the Middle Ages:

The giant is buried four yards deep in the ground and is in full military clothing. His sword and battle-ax rest next to him. The skeleton is 4.5 yards [4 meters] long and the teeth of the "big man" are 6.5 inches [17 centimeters].

In 1930, near Basarst in Australia, at the mines of jasper, prospectors often found fossil prints of huge human feet. The race of giants, the remains of which were found in Australia, were called by anthropologists megantropus. Their height ranged from 210 to 365 centimeters. Near Basarst, stone artifacts of colossal weight and size were found in river sediments - clubs, plows, chisels, knives and axes. Modern homo sapiens would hardly be able to work with instruments weighing from 4 to 9 kilograms. An anthropological expedition, which specially investigated the area in 1985 for the presence of the remains of meganthropuses, carried out excavations at a depth of up to 3 meters from the surface of the earth. Scientists have found in the excavation a fossilized molar, 67 mm high and 42 mm wide. According to the researchers, the height of the owner of the tooth was about 7.5 meters,and he weighed almost 370 kilograms.

Meganthropes are similar to gigantopithecus, the remains of which were found in China. Judging by the fragments of the jaws and many teeth found, the height of the Chinese giants was from 3 to 3.5 meters, and the weight was about 400 kilograms.

The famous writer I. Ye. Efremov, during a paleontological expedition to the Gobi Desert (foothills of Tibet) in 1946-1949, unearthed a six-meter human skeleton. But he was ordered to bury an unusual find, so that this artifact would not subject the hypothesis of the evolutionary path of human development to unnecessary doubts.

In 1936, German paleontologist and anthropologist Larson Kohl discovered the skeletons of giants on the shores of Lake Elysee in Central Africa: twelve men were buried in a common grave. The growth of giants during life was from 3.5 to 3.75 meters. Their skulls had sloping chins and two rows of upper and lower teeth.

The unusual burial was discovered in 1950 during the construction of a road in Alaska. Bulldozer operator Alan McSheer told zoologist Ivan T. Sanderson that workers found two huge fossilized skulls, vertebrae and leg bones in one of the burial mounds. The height of the skulls reached 58, and the width was 30 centimeters. Ancient giants had double rows of teeth and disproportionately flat heads. At the top of each skull was a neat, round hole. The vertebrae, as well as the skulls, were three times larger than that of modern humans. The length of the shin bones ranged from 1.5 to 1.8 meters.

There is information about the discovery of unusually large bones in the Moscow region. In the 1950s, an expedition of the Moscow State University collecting folklore recorded the following story:

We have one old man, he is eighty less than two years old, so his father remembers him - they found a grave where they dug up enemy soldiers - skeletons, weapons, armor. The skulls were such that I could even put it on my head quite easily. These were the wonderful people - giants …

At the end of the 20th century, paleontologists Victor Pacheco and Martin Fried examined one of the caves near Big Bent Country (Texas, USA), where they found the remains of a creature about 2.5 meters tall and weighing about 300 kilograms, in whose skull there was only one eye socket … Scientists have established the age of the bones - about 10 thousand years. They managed to recreate the appearance of the creature from the skeleton - its appearance fully corresponded to the descriptions of the mythical cyclops.

According to legends, during the Flood, the giants tried to hide in the mountains of the Caucasus. The remains of the giants were found in the mountains many times. In 2000, two tourists discovered a cave in the rocks of Eastern Georgia, where the skeletons of four-meter giants have been preserved. Next to one of them was a stiletto made of unknown metal, it was the size of a huge ancient sword.

In 2001, in eastern Iowa, a scientific expedition of archaeologists, anthropologists, and Native American specialists unearthed a square, windowless structure built of polished stone slabs. The researchers were presented with seven three-meter-long mummies in vertically standing stone boxes resembling sarcophagi. The giants had narrow, sloping foreheads and prominent brow ridges. The dense wrinkled skin on the faces was dark brown, red hair was braided in short braids, and the arms were crossed over the chest. On the conical stone, around which the mummies stood, were carved letters in an unknown language and there were images of deer, horses and birds. This is probably a very ancient burial, since horses in the New World became extinct 12 thousand years ago. Robes covering mummieswere woven from red hair, identical to those preserved on the heads of the giants. Research on the findings is currently ongoing at the University of Chicago. Perhaps the secret of the origin of the giants will reveal a genetic study of the remains. The inscriptions on the stone have not yet been deciphered. University employee Thomas Holder suggested that these are representatives of the tribe of red-haired giants, which are mentioned in the legends of the Bark tribe. The lays called them "si-te-cash" and constantly fought with them. Giants lived in Nevada. University employee Thomas Holder suggested that these are representatives of the tribe of red-haired giants, which are mentioned in the legends of the Bark tribe. The lays called them "si-te-cash" and constantly fought with them. Giants lived in Nevada. University employee Thomas Holder suggested that these are representatives of the tribe of red-haired giants, which are mentioned in the legends of the Bark tribe. The lays called them "si-te-cash" and constantly fought with them. Giants lived in Nevada.

The beginning of the XXI century was marked by a sensational find in the Gobi Desert (Uulakh, Southern Mongolia). British paleontologists have discovered a fossilized skeleton in a rock aged 45 million years that belonged to a certain humanoid creature. Its structure is close to that of a human, only its arms are disproportionately long. The growth of this creature is amazing - about 15 meters with a length of the lower limbs of 7 meters.

In various regions of the globe, there are giant images of giants, visible only from a bird's eye view.

In a remote and deserted area sixty kilometers from the town of Marie (Australia), a private jet pilot from a height of 3000 meters unexpectedly saw the figure of a huge man on a desert plateau and reported this to the authorities. Scientists, having studied the terrestrial image of a giant creature, compiled a description of it:

The drawing is 4 kilometers long and depicts an aborigine with a stick of unknown purpose in his left hand. The hair of the native is tied at the back of the head in a knot. The lines at the bottom of the head form a beard. The aboriginal has chest hair and a penis, which is about 200 meters long. The width of the furrows forming the pattern is 10 meters. The origin of the drawing is unknown.

It is unlikely that this image was created by Australian aborigines, who until recently lived in the Stone Age. To reproduce such a contour on the surface of the earth with such accuracy, it is necessary to have a more developed culture, not to mention the amount of work and the complexity of technical execution.

In the region of Karakorum (Pakistan), between Khilas and Shatyal, in the Indus River valley, more than thirty thousand separate petroglyphs with images of various subjects of antiquity have been carved on rocks. Archaeologists from the University of Heidelberg, led by Professor Harald Haupmann, discovered drawings from different eras there. In this peculiar picture gallery, there are unusual images of giants over 2.5 meters high with a round head and a serpentine bun of hair. It is noteworthy that the Indians of the South American city of Chavin also depicted giants with snake hair. The ancient artist, apparently, was struck by the unusually large size of the giant's penis, and he especially clearly distinguished the penis in the drawing, in contrast to other details of the huge figure.

On the hillside next to the Nazca plateau, a huge figure of an unknown creature is carved, which the local Indians call the "owl man". Researchers A. Arefiev and L. Fomin hypothesized that the Indians filled the famous figures in the Nazca desert with a combustible substance and set them on fire. "Burning" drawings on the ground should be visible even from space.

South of the Nazca desert, in the Serros Unitas region, on the hillside, there is a huge image of a humanoid creature that resembles the drawings on the fabrics of the Paracas culture.

Giant images of people are found in southern England (Dorset). They are located on chalk hills and are made by removing the top layer of soil about 60 centimeters wide. For centuries, residents of the surrounding places have been restoring the contours of the drawings, the age of which, as scientists have established, from 2 to 2.5 thousand years. The naked "Giant", whose height is about 55 meters, has distinct sexual characteristics, in his right hand he holds a huge club. The Longman giant is a 70-meter-high white contour drawing: an old giant leans on a kind of "ski pole" the size of a tall pine tree to resist gravity. In medieval legends, information has been preserved that in the Dorset area there used to be a giant villain who devoured cattle and destroyed homes. The locals caught the giant and killed him.

Mysterious drawings of humanoid figures with two staffs in their hands are found in other regions of the planet. In the city of San Agustin (Colombia) there is a stele, the image on which resembles the English "Longman". The giant from South America also holds two staffs.

There is quite a lot of evidence confirming the existence of giants on our planet in the distant past. Descriptions of giants and their deeds can be found in the historical sources of various ancient peoples. Scientists find giant skulls, bones, utensils of colossal dimensions, as well as images of mysterious huge creatures on all continents of the planet. Undoubtedly, giants really existed on Earth and were subsequently destroyed by the gods, and the surviving almost all died in the waters of the Flood.

"Extraterrestrial footprint in the history of mankind", Vitaly Simonov

Next part: Dwarfs - myth or reality?