The Danger Of Practicing Spiritualism, Or You Have To Pay For Everything - Alternative View

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The Danger Of Practicing Spiritualism, Or You Have To Pay For Everything - Alternative View
The Danger Of Practicing Spiritualism, Or You Have To Pay For Everything - Alternative View

Video: The Danger Of Practicing Spiritualism, Or You Have To Pay For Everything - Alternative View

Video: The Danger Of Practicing Spiritualism, Or You Have To Pay For Everything - Alternative View
Video: Higher Consciousness 2024, September

At all times, the subtle worlds have attracted people. Man has always wanted to look behind the veil of the mysterious. From time immemorial, various occult practices have been used to communicate with the other world. At first glance, such activities seem harmless, but is it really so?

Consequences of a seance

The seance conducted in England in 1933 by the psychic Elizabeth Stallward led to dire consequences. During the session, one of those present took a photograph of an unknown creature that looked like either a man with a huge head, or a skeleton, or an animal. After a few days, the medium disappeared. After a short search, the police found the dead girl not far from her house, in the forest. Elizabeth's body was covered in deep, lacerated wounds. Eyes were forced out of the sockets. Soon, two more young participants in the seance committed suicide. All other participants in the session went mad.

The tragedy ended in a story that took place in Italy in 1991 after three teenagers summoned the spirit of their girlfriend, under unclear circumstances, committed suicide. After pronouncing the magic words, the girls heard a loud knock, as if someone was drumming on the table. Suddenly the candles went out and, as if out of thin air, blood began to drip onto the table. The frightened girls stopped the session. Glancing at the place where Maria Rai was sitting, they froze in horror: their friend, uttering terrible screams, rolled on the floor. His nose was bleeding. The girls tried to help Maria, but her terrible convulsions did not stop. To drive out the unclean spirit that had taken over Mary, her mother turned to Catholic priests for help. Only one minister, Guntano Vigliotta, agreed to help. He went to Bishop Franco Stesa asking for permission to perform the exorcism ritual. But he was refused due to insufficient experience. Despite this, Wigliotta decided to conduct a session and went to the house of the unfortunate girl. The exorcism ritual lasted for about two hours. Hearing suspicious screams, Maria's mother entered the room and saw a terrible picture: on the floor lay the tortured, literally torn to pieces body of Guntano. The girl remembered the terrible death of the priest, but could not remember how it happened. Guntano's body, literally torn to pieces. The girl remembered the terrible death of the priest, but could not remember how it happened. Guntano's body, literally torn to pieces. The girl remembered the terrible death of the priest, but could not remember how it happened.

Pavel Khokhlov is a creative photographer who is passionate about his work. Mysticism never attracted him and he was always skeptical of the existence of the other world. Once Paul was invited by friends to a seance. For the sake of curiosity, he agreed. During the session, time flew by unnoticed. All those who took part were carried away by the process, were in high spirits, in anticipation of something extraordinary. The saucer moved from letter to letter with unusual ease. There was a sense of the presence of something outside.

One of those present asked questions about the cause of his friend's death. The summoned spirits gave answers to questions as if they knew everything about those present. Having received a lot of impressions, everyone left only late at night. On the way, they actively discussed their interesting evening. But the next day something strange began to happen to Paul. In the evening, falling asleep, he heard someone's whisper. Every night he began to hear voices that kept him awake.

Paul's life turned into a nightmare. He heard screams, conversations outside the window, knocking on the walls. In addition to voices, he had visions. Once, waking up in the morning, the young man saw humanoid creatures in robes. All this was repeated regularly. Friends and relatives began to notice that something was wrong with the guy. Fearing for their son, the parents turned to psychiatrists for help. The doctors diagnosed him with psychosis and insisted on hospitalization. For a long time they could not find medicine for him. The photographer spent four months in a neuropsychiatric dispensary, but he could not completely free himself from the consequences of spiritualism. He was left with the feeling that someone wanted to manipulate him.

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The incident with the young photographer, which happened several years ago, was shown in the documentary “I Call the Spirit of Macedon. Spiritualism . All this could be attributed to a coincidence, but, unfortunately, cases with occult practices that end sadly are far from uncommon.

2014, June - the popular Internet newspaper Mail Online (UK), reported the hospitalization of three Americans with suspected obsession after a session of spiritualism. This happened in the Mexican village of San Juan Tlacotenko. While conducting a seance, 22-year-old Alexandra Huerta suddenly growled and sank into a trance-like state. Her 23-year-old brother Sergio and 18-year-old cousin Fernando Cuevas developed hallucinations, feelings of blindness and deafness. Everyone began to behave inappropriately, to make involuntary movements, to complain about the lack of a sense of their own body, double vision, muscle cramps. The young people were taken to the hospital. The girl was forced to wear a straitjacket. All three were given sedatives and anesthetics, after which they felt better.

Spiritualism is only one of the ways to connect with the other world. The more ancient technology of contact with spirits is shamanism. Shamans are wary of summoning the entities of another world. They have a whole method of appeasing spirits. For illegal entry into the other world, they believe, spirits can enslave a person's soul and take it to themselves. Therefore, shamans use many of their techniques only on special occasions, on business.

Astral travel

Magic, conspiracies, bioenergy, hypnosis are highly profitable businesses these days. Literature on esotericism and magic, for every taste, can be freely bought in shops and kiosks. Anyone, using the guides from the book and the Internet, can try themselves as a magician or yogi.

The story that happened to Thaya Plankina and shown in the TV show "Deceived by Science" is one of the evidences that such practices are dangerous and can be the reason for the visit of uninvited guests. Thaya learned about travel to the astral world from a book on esotericism. The authors gave detailed instructions for the safe separation of the soul from the body, they claim. Interested, the girl wanted to put it into practice. Relaxing and meditating, Thay soon passed out and saw herself from the side. But that didn't scare her. On the contrary, the girl felt an unusual lightness and delight. Her consciousness rushed upward, into outer space to a bright star. But, after some time, this flight began to worry, and Thaya decided to return to her body.

But no matter how she tried, she failed. The frightened girl literally fought back, but could not get inside her earthly shell. Then, already completely desperate, she began to appeal to higher powers. Thay apologized to them for her curiosity and help. It helped: The girl was able to return to her own body. But instead of joy, vigor and lightness, she felt a weakness and a huge heaviness in her whole body, as if it had been pulled to the floor by a magnet. The next day, the ominous adventures in the astral plane seemed to the girl ending in a terrible dream. Life went on as usual. But soon the girl began to have nightmares. Every night for a year, an old man dressed in old long clothes appeared in her dream and tried to strangle her. Thaya was afraid to fall asleep, and asleep, she woke up in a cold sweat with horror.

Contacts with unknown subtle worlds

Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, physicist and researcher of anomalous phenomena Yuri Alexandrovich Fomin studied spiritualism and similar practices. He came to the conclusion that communication with the inhabitants of the other world cannot be considered a reliable source of information. A certain invisible counterparty exists in reality, but the reliability of the information he reports does not exceed 5-10 percent of its total volume. In addition, such contacts are fraught with sad consequences.

Contactees are now and then completely subordinate to the counterparty. Trusting unknown interlocutors, such people become obedient executors of their will, which sometimes ends tragically.

1991, summer - four schoolchildren, carried away by spiritualism, at the behest of a spirit who contacted them, killed their classmate. They opened her veins and drank her blood. There are many known cases when contacts with the subtle worlds ended in suicide, or suicide attempts were made. Spiritual critic, former spirit V. P. Bykov cited such cases in his book.

1910 - former novice of the monastery V. E. Yakunichev, who was fond of spiritualism and occultism, took his own life by taking cyanide. In 1911, a student at Moscow University, who had been practicing spiritualism for a long time, tried to commit suicide. Some spiritualists may develop psychic abilities, the ability to influence other people. Having received extraordinary opportunities, contactees feel their certain peculiarity, chosenness. Some seriously begin to consider themselves representatives of an extraterrestrial civilization. Such a state, as Fomin writes, can lead to mental imbalance, isolation from society.

Contact with the other world can lead to severe mental illness and obsession. Academician Natalya Bekhtereva said: "I know the world, I know the capabilities of the brain, but I stand in front of a wall, behind which is a huge world, which I cannot prove, but it is clear to me: it exists." Many serious researchers are trying to understand what is beyond the bounds of our visible world. But to this day it remains a mystery. Just as it remains unknown who the entities that come into contact with spiritists and shamans are: aliens, demons, angels, the souls of the dead or living people influencing contactees. Or maybe these very spirits are nothing more than a manifestation of a person's subconsciousness?

The official science is not yet able to explain such phenomena and is skeptical about them. The desire to penetrate into the unknown prompts people to turn to sorcerers, esotericists and psychics. But numerous cases from life show that contacts with the subtle worlds are far from safe. It is possible and necessary to study the unknown, but it must be done with caution. Just so far, most "researchers" act like an unreasonable child, out of curiosity, sticking an iron nail into a socket or playing with matches, not thinking or not understanding how it might end. When making contact with the subtle worlds, remember FOR EVERYTHING YOU MUST PAY!

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