Zack Knew How To Inspire Others With His Thoughts And Desires - Alternative View

Zack Knew How To Inspire Others With His Thoughts And Desires - Alternative View
Zack Knew How To Inspire Others With His Thoughts And Desires - Alternative View

Video: Zack Knew How To Inspire Others With His Thoughts And Desires - Alternative View

Video: Zack Knew How To Inspire Others With His Thoughts And Desires - Alternative View
Video: Jordan Peterson's Ultimate Advice for Students and College Grads - STOP WASTING TIME 2024, September

The story that you are about to read was written down from the words of a very serious man, not inclined to empty fantasies, a career officer, Captain S., who asked not to give his name and surname.

Several years ago, the captain's brother, who was then living in the town of Gusev, Kaliningrad Region, became an unwitting participant in a very strange story. A family man and civilian, he was sentenced for some minor offense to fifteen days. However, he returned home from prison not after fifteen days, but more than thirty days later.

Moreover, his relatives took him from the prison hospital. The doctors did not immediately dare to let him go: the patient's nervous system, shocked by the strongest depression, was still very weak after the powerful mental blow he had endured.

Strange events unfolded in a prison cell among convicts like Captain S.'s brother at that time. In the cell, among its other inhabitants, there was someone silent, stubborn, with a heavy, piercing look - a "beetle". It all started with a demonstration of his amazing "tricks". The "bug" had a habit, before demonstrating his abilities, to ask permission of all those present at the show of "tricks". Usually, having received it, he began to act silently and with concentration.


One morning, before the policeman took all the convicts out of the cell to work, the "beetle" asked if anyone wanted to smoke. The question was met with derision:

- What, can you treat?

The answer was short and firm:

Promotional video:

- I can.

They did not believe him, but they confirmed that everyone wants to smoke. Although the closed state has always been characteristic of the "bug", but now it became especially noticeable how deeply he plunged into his thoughts.

Meanwhile, the policeman, as usual, took the prisoners out into the yard, lined them up and took them to work. Another thing turned out to be unusual. On the way, he stopped everyone at the Tobacco Products kiosk, bought a pack of cigarettes and treated everyone in silence. “The prisoners also smoked in silence.

Only "beetle" did not smoke. How he forced the policeman to buy cigarettes for the convicts remained a mystery …

The next incident happened on a sunny Sunday. Addressing the inmates, the "beetle" asked if they would like to sunbathe on the lawn that could be seen outside the prison window. Nobody objected to the air bath. Like last time, the "bug" plunged into his thoughts.

After a while, the police officer on duty came, silently opened the cell door and just as silently took all the prisoners to the lawn. An hour later, when everyone was lying on the grass and sunbathing, the policeman ordered them to return to their place - to their cell.

When the "beetle" offered his services for the third time, the inmates agreed without hesitation, because his offer looked very tempting. "Beetle" offered to look directly here, in a prison cell, at a naked woman! This time, sitting in his corner, he plunged deeply into his thoughts for a long time.

Suddenly the cell door swung open. A policeman appeared on her doorstep, who brought with him a woman who had been released from the women's cell a few seconds earlier. He silently let this woman in to the men and left. A lock clicked on the cell door.

And the woman, not noticing the men sitting along the walls, began to undress slowly and calmly.

And it was at this moment that Captain S.'s brother managed to somehow shake off the strange numbness that had gripped his whole being a couple of minutes earlier. Until now, some unknown force, some kind of obsession forced him to sit silently and detached, looking at what was happening. The intoxication of someone else's influence appeared in him earlier: during a smoke break, as well as while relaxing on the lawn. However, only now the brother of the captain managed to overcome this oppressive force!

All the men in the cell sat as if half-forgotten. The woman undressing was also half asleep. Only one "bug" was sitting in its corner with brightly burning eyes. It was his will that ruled the minds of the rest!

"Beetle", glancing at the captain's brother, immediately realized that he had freed himself from his control. He hissed softly and menacingly:

- Do not disturb me!

The captain's brother answered quietly and firmly:

- Stop bullying people.

The bug's eyes flashed angrily. He began to shower the captain's brother with various threats, and then again demanded not to interfere with him. However, the captain's brother continued to stand his ground:

- Stop bullying people!

Apparently, their argument took a lot of energy and attention from the "bug". His control over those around him weakened, and people one by one began to come to their senses. A woman screamed in a wild voice, finding herself half-naked among the men. A policeman came running to her cry.

Not understanding where the half-naked woman, distraught with fear, had come from in the men's cell, he quickly, in complete bewilderment, led her out of the cell into the corridor. He put in his place in another cell - a female one.

While the dispute between the "bug" and the captain's brother lasted, the "bug" in every possible way, I repeat, threatened his opponent, promised even to kill him, and the eyes of the "bug" threw lightning at the captain's brother.

Togo was seized with anxiety. These evil, piercing gazes aroused fear in a strong and sturdy man. “What if he chokes you when we go to bed? - he reflected with horror. "You can expect everything from this devil!"


The captain's brother called the policeman and persuaded him to transfer him to another cell. The policeman turned out to be an agreeable guy, he agreed with the request - especially since one of the cells on the floor was empty.

The captain's brother moved into an empty cell.

That same evening, wild, insane thoughts suddenly took possession of his entire mind. “What are you living for? - asked mournfully unknown whose voice in his mind. - You need to commit suicide! Get rid of your own uselessness, the aimlessness of your existence!"

Then, in a round dance, the head started: “Hang myself? Not on anything. Open the veins! Nothing … Yeah. Found! I need to smash my head on the ledge of the wall!

Moving as if in a hypnotic trance, the captain's brother began to beat his head wildly against the ledge of the wall. Blood gushed out in a stream.

It is not known how it would have ended if a policeman had not come to check on the prisoners, who made the obligatory evening round in the prison. Throwing open the cell door, from behind which the sounds of thuds were heard, he saw in front of him a bloody prisoner with a crazy fire in his eyes.

The captain's brother was immediately taken to the prison hospital. The head wounds healed pretty quickly. But mental activity did not improve so quickly. The doctors diagnosed their patient with severe depression. They discharged him from the prison hospital, only giving in to the urgent requests of his wife.

Along the way, they hoped that the home environment would quickly contribute to the recovery of this "psycho". However, medical observation of the patient continued for a very long time.

In the meantime, the period of detention of the "beetle" came to an end, and the "beetle" was released from prison. As soon as he was free, he disappeared without a trace from the city of Gusev.

This, it turns out, is what a strong "black sorcerer" is capable of, if he is well pissed off. Angry almost to the point of rage, burning with a thirst for revenge, the "beetle" entwined at a distance, perhaps by a considerable amount, with its invisible witch's web of the captain's brother, who had moved away from sin to one of the neighboring cells. Dazed by the intoxication of someone else's mental impact, the captain's brother almost took his own life.

And this is exactly what the angry "bug" was trying to achieve. His devilish witchcraft genius forced the captain's brother to attempt suicide. The attempt almost failed. The life of the man bewitched by the "beetle" was saved by chance. A militiaman who made the usual evening tour of the prison premises saved the captain's brother from certain death by his appearance.

From A. Priima's book "The World Inside Out"
