Healing In Russia - Alternative View

Healing In Russia - Alternative View
Healing In Russia - Alternative View

Video: Healing In Russia - Alternative View

Video: Healing In Russia - Alternative View
Video: ТАТУ: 20 лет спустя! Главная российская группа в мире 2024, September

People who were engaged in healing (from the word "heal", "make whole"), that is, who were engaged in activities aimed at restoring human health, were always in ancient Russia. They are not associated with any structures of society, professional training, but had healing properties "from God." Nevertheless, there was a coherent system of their "table of ranks":

BLESSED - or spontaneous Clairvoyant, i.e. receiving information about objects or events of the outside world, not based on the work of the known sense organs and judgments of the mind (extrasensory identification of material objects or objective events). He has not yet left the world, has not broken with society - most of them are in the world. The blessed one will never go to professional healers. He is a kind, good person, by virtue of his nature, engaged in treatment, and he can have amazing results. The blessed one is devoid of aspirations and therefore is perfectly adapted to social life. He is in himself, and at the same time he is all outside.

Frantic - the person the Devil has entered. The demoniac is distinguished from the madman: the madness of the latter is constant. The demoniac, on the other hand, loses his temper at the approach of sacred objects - a cross, an icon and others. They utter blasphemous words and try to spit on shrines. More often women become possessed than men, but during a seizure a woman cannot be held by five or six healthy men: the Devil gives her body such strength. It enters a person under the following circumstances: from thought and grief, anger and abuse with a black word at the slander of evil people, while eating - when you eat on the go and crossing the threshold. The devil takes possession of the cursed people. For example, a mother will say in her hearts to her son or daughter: "May the paralysis break you, damned power!" - and thus condemn the child to the devil. Such children - Possessed - do not live long, and after death their souls go to the Devil. Demoniac,as a type of bioenergetic with a rank higher than the Blessed One, and his break with society is deeper. He acts with his energy, which is overflowing. This overcrowding is an indicator of his behavior.

KLIKUSHA - possessed by a demon. Literally "screamer", "the one who screams", as these unfortunates periodically have seizures during which they crow like roosters, neigh like horses, utter donkey cries and prophesy. Some of the Klikush had the ability to Clairvoyance, energy impact, divination. Here a two-way connection with the Divine appears, but it is still unstable. As a healer, Klikusha does not need worldly knowledge, since there has been a separation from society.

PROPHET- a person who spontaneously develops the ability to foresee the development of future events and ways to achieve certain goals of the individual and society, which he sets out, despite the threat to personal safety. Through the Prophet, the will of the subtle plan is transmitted directly, what was previously called the "voice of God." The prophet is a complex and dignified figure. This is the owner of pure and true knowledge, but we will not confuse them with knowledge belonging to the categories of secular science. Its purpose is not teaching, not healing, but service. He has the right of direct communication with the Divine, and this connection is stable. One should be attentive to the statements of the Prophet and remember that the Prophet is a person who does not speak on his own behalf. You cannot demand comments from him, you cannot take him literally and regard his words as a direct indication of activity. It is the violation of this requirement that underlies the misunderstanding and condemnation of the soothsayers. The Prophets in Russia included the Magi, the elders - the hermits.

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YURODIVY - the category of holy ascetics who chose a special feat - foolishness, i.e. the face of madness, taken for the sake of "defiling the world", a radical rejection of worldly life and service to Christ through testifying about the external position of Christ to the path of worldly wisdom and worldly greatness. Foolishness presupposes external madness (demoniacal possession) as an extreme destruction of pride, the ability to divination carried out under the guise of madness and only gradually comprehended by people, humble acceptance of reproaches and beatings, as following Christ, denunciation of sinners and the ability to see demons around them, night, secret prayers and demonstrative impiety during the day, etc. In Muscovite Russia, the Fools receive the greatest social significance, they act as denunciators of the unrighteous government and heralds of God's will. Foolishness is perceived here as a full-fledged path of holiness,and many fools are revered during their lifetime.

In addition to the above ranks, there was another group that did not have grace, but possessed knowledge in certain areas: healers - healers, chiropractors, grandmothers - midwives, Sorcerers who used various conspiracies and love spells. The difference between these two groups is fundamental: the healer - healed, the healer - healed.