The Pet Psychic Says He Can Communicate With Any Living Or Dead Pet - Alternative View

The Pet Psychic Says He Can Communicate With Any Living Or Dead Pet - Alternative View
The Pet Psychic Says He Can Communicate With Any Living Or Dead Pet - Alternative View

Video: The Pet Psychic Says He Can Communicate With Any Living Or Dead Pet - Alternative View

Video: The Pet Psychic Says He Can Communicate With Any Living Or Dead Pet - Alternative View
Video: Pets See A Pet Psychic 2024, September

People have been looking for ways to interact with animals for a long time, but a woman calling herself a "Pet Psychic" from upstate New York claims she has been doing similar things for the past 15 years.

For a fee, she can tell pet owners about what their pets think, what their favorite or unloved things are, what habits they have, and so on.

Moreover, for this, the pet does not need to be alive, according to the woman, she can communicate with dead animals, that is, with their spirits.

The woman's name is Shira Plotzker and she is also a professional medium, tarot fortune-teller and numerology specialist. As for the animals, she says she is a “communicator”, receiving and transmitting messages from our younger brothers.

This ability did not come to Shira immediately. 15 years ago, when she was just working with Tarot and as a medium, one day she sat and watched a TV show on an animal channel. Another well-known "communicator" at that time, Sonia Fitzpatrick, performed on this show.

Suddenly, Shira realized that she too could understand what one of the dogs in the TV show was saying. According to her, the dog was glad that it was in the TV studio and felt very good there. After that, Shira began to practice this skill and gradually she became more and more popular precisely as a "communicator" for animals.

Shira mainly interacts with cats and dogs, but she also had experience with horses, wolves and elephants from the local zoo. Also, once Shira "talked" with police dogs, but this was not the best experience, as the police did not understand her and did not believe her.

For a half-hour session, Shira charges $ 100 and has no shortage of clients. People very often try to understand the behavior of their pets, to find out what hurts them or why they behave this way and not otherwise. Also Shira willingly arranges communication sessions with the deceased pets.

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In fact, in the United States, being an animal psychic is really a very good job, and now at least several such specialists are practicing in the country. Moreover, many take more for their sessions than Shira Plotsker.

For example, a psychic from California Laura Stinchfield costs $ 150 for a half-hour phone session, and if it is an urgent call, then all $ 200. Psychic Lisa Green from Houston costs $ 260 for an hour session, and Hillary Renaissance, who practices searching for missing pets, will have advice starting at $ 115.

Curiously, Shira is allergic to pet hair and, like Stinchfield, she spends all her sessions on the phone.

And now, finally, the answer to the most important question of this topic - how exactly Shira Plotsker "communicates" with living or dead animals. And no, it does not translate feline meows or dog growls into human language.

According to her, she is mentally attuned to the desired animal and receives from him something like a "telepathic voice message." Moreover, the voice that voices these messages, according to the woman, is very funny and similar to the voice of a cartoon character.

Shira Plotsker says that the most extensive and largest messages she receives from dogs, but cats are much less "talkative". And once Shira talked with snakes and says that they are much more interesting than people think about them.


Many animal specialists consider such things to be complete nonsense and just making money out of fools. However, some who have personally encountered "communicators" say that there is something in this.

For example, Alida Sheng, a veterinarian from New Jersey, was very skeptical of such people, but after some cases. when their advice did indeed help cure the animals, her mind changed.

Another of Shira Plotsker's clients says he was shocked at how accurate her advice was.

According to Shira Plotsker, she is already accustomed to general skepticism and says that even for herself it all seems very strange and unusual.