NASA, Google Sky Map And Worldwide Telescope Are Hiding The &Ldquo; Great Red Dragon &Rdquo;? - Alternative View

NASA, Google Sky Map And Worldwide Telescope Are Hiding The &Ldquo; Great Red Dragon &Rdquo;? - Alternative View
NASA, Google Sky Map And Worldwide Telescope Are Hiding The &Ldquo; Great Red Dragon &Rdquo;? - Alternative View

Video: NASA, Google Sky Map And Worldwide Telescope Are Hiding The &Ldquo; Great Red Dragon &Rdquo;? - Alternative View

Video: NASA, Google Sky Map And Worldwide Telescope Are Hiding The &Ldquo; Great Red Dragon &Rdquo;? - Alternative View
Video: Explore the sky in Google Earth 4.2 2024, July

Since 1983, as reported in the Washington Post on December 30, 1983, the world has become aware of an unknown celestial object that was moving into our solar system. According to this article written by Thomas O'Toole, this object was detected by a telescope aboard the IRAS satellite and was only visible in the infrared spectrum, as it was extremely cold and covered in a cloud of dust, making it impossible to view with optical telescopes. At that time, it was assumed that this object was at a distance of about 50 billion miles from the Sun, which was significantly farther than the most famous planet of the time, Pluto, located at a distance of 3.67 billion miles.

Washington Post article, 1983
Washington Post article, 1983

Washington Post article, 1983

No further news of this object was seen until 1992, when NASA, in one of its press releases, reported that the object was affecting the orbits of Neptune and Uranus. The message from NASA read as follows:

"The unexplained deviations in the orbits of Uranus and Neptune indicate a large body in the outer solar system, measuring 4 to 8 Earth masses, in a highly inclined orbit, 7 billion miles from the Sun." (NASA Press Release, 1992)

This information is no longer available on the NASA website, which prompted us to ask the next question: "Why don't they want people to know this?" NASA provided the following message to justify the lack of this information on their website:

“Editor's note:

This archive is missing some press releases from 1990 through 1994, though the archive ostensibly links to those files. We are working to resolve the problem and apologize for the inconvenience. (NASA Website Editor's Note, 2016)

Promotional video:

Editor's note:

This archive is missing some press releases from 1990 to 1994, although the archive links to these files. We are working to resolve the issue and apologize for the inconvenience. (Note from a NASA website editor, 2016)

Since NASA has been wrestling with a simple IT problem for twenty-five years and has still not been able to address this problem properly - by telling us that information definitely exists, but that they cannot solve this problem, this leads us to two conclusions:

1: Either NASA employs inept IT specialists with absolutely zero ability;

2. Either NASA is deliberately withholding this information from the public for a specific reason.

The first option above, of course, does not explain the situation, since not a single large company, and even more so an organization that is at the forefront of technology, will not allow its specialists to solve a simple IT problem for twenty-five years. Thus, the only alternative is the second option.

However, from this article, you can see that the distance between this object and the sun has decreased significantly since 1983, when it was estimated at 50 billion miles. We also see NASA explain that this object has a different orbit compared to other planets, which all move along the ecliptic.

In addition, it is interesting to note that 6 countries traveled to Antarctica as part of a project in which they scan the skies with infrared telescopes. These include the following countries: Australia, China, France, Japan, Italy and the United States. Why is there such a sudden interest in viewing space from the South Pole in the infrared spectrum? Is this due to the fact that this object is very cold and that it does not reflect light? Could this have anything to do with the fact that this body revolves around the Sun in a highly inclined orbit?

Can we find further evidence that this is true? Are NASA and others with the right technology to track the object hiding information from the general public about a celestial object for very specific reasons?

When we look at Google Sky and use the infrared spectrum, we see the following image of the sky around us when we zoom out:

Infrared Google Sky Map
Infrared Google Sky Map

Infrared Google Sky Map

The two black bars that are displayed can be attributed to a lack of data at a location where the space scan did not overlap. However, this map has a small part (circled in red) where part of the image is locked (hidden). When we zoom in a little, we see that the hidden part is located in the constellation Virgo:

Infrared Google Sky Map showing anomaly in the constellation Virgo
Infrared Google Sky Map showing anomaly in the constellation Virgo

Infrared Google Sky Map showing anomaly in the constellation Virgo

Why are Google and NASA blocking (hiding) only this small section of space, or is it just a glitch in their software, or was this done on purpose? If we zoom in a little more, we can see some detail coming out from under this black rectangle, which suggests that there is definitely something hidden behind this rectangle. Underlining this detail, we see the following:

Protruding details of an object hidden behind a black rectangle
Protruding details of an object hidden behind a black rectangle

Protruding details of an object hidden behind a black rectangle

If it were just a Google Sky Map glitch, then of course it should only be visible on Google Sky's infrared map? Surely other maps should show us what is hidden in this place?

Enter the Worldwide Telescope, another app where you can also view space in the infrared spectrum. Here is an image taken from the program in the same area as the black rectangle shown above:

Normal view with Worldwide Telescope
Normal view with Worldwide Telescope

Normal view with Worldwide Telescope

You have to look closely to distinguish the details, due to the fact that the background is dark. Although the black rectangle can be discerned, the cross is in the middle, under its lower right corner … We'll help you and slightly change the color levels and brightness of this image, and you will see this:

Adjusted image to show anomaly
Adjusted image to show anomaly

Adjusted image to show anomaly

Do you see the area that is locked in this image? Not only is it using a different program and infrared map than Google Sky, but the rectangle hiding something is also different in size and shape compared to the image in Google Sky! Now answer, what are the chances that two different programs show different glitches, but at the same point in space?

It is clear that those who hide this area of space are doing it on purpose, but why?

However, there are people with access to equipment that can view this region of space in the infrared spectrum, and this is what they shared with us - showing what is hidden behind the censorship:

This is something that is only visible in the infrared spectrum
This is something that is only visible in the infrared spectrum

This is something that is only visible in the infrared spectrum.

When this image is superimposed on the black patch visible in Google Sky, we see a perfect match of the surrounding details to what is shown in this image:

Google Sky Perfect Match
Google Sky Perfect Match

Google Sky Perfect Match

It is clear that those in the know have information about this object that they want to keep from the general public, and therefore such an object is not shown in any of the applications with which a person can view space in the infrared spectrum.

However, there is an ancient Book that tells us about this object, referring to it as the Great Red Dragon, and this Book describes the events that will take place in September, based on the prophecy and visions associated with the two alignments that were given and associated with the position of Jupiter relative to the constellation Virgo in September.

These alignments are shown in the images below and took place almost 6,000 years ago. They are also the only two occasions in which these alignments have occurred and will occur in this form throughout the history of the Earth.

Signs of the Sign: Two alignments showing the position of Jupiter in September when the prophecy will begin to come true
Signs of the Sign: Two alignments showing the position of Jupiter in September when the prophecy will begin to come true

Signs of the Sign: Two alignments showing the position of Jupiter in September when the prophecy will begin to come true

These celestial signs, although not expected by anyone other than those who block information from the public and those who research it, will have disastrous consequences for the Earth. The Book specifically describes the clash between the Red Dragon, which the powers that be are trying to hide from the world, and Jupiter. This event is scheduled for September 9, 2017 or shortly thereafter. And in two weeks another event will happen and it will change the world.

Do you know something about this and are you ready for it? Do you know that this information was hidden to avoid panic? People now sleep so deeply that even with obvious evidence, they choose not to believe anything. However, you are invited to watch the skies after September 9th and see the prophecy come true!
