Google Censorship Reduces Traffic To Left-Oriented Sites - Alternative View

Google Censorship Reduces Traffic To Left-Oriented Sites - Alternative View
Google Censorship Reduces Traffic To Left-Oriented Sites - Alternative View

Video: Google Censorship Reduces Traffic To Left-Oriented Sites - Alternative View

Video: Google Censorship Reduces Traffic To Left-Oriented Sites - Alternative View
Video: Apple, Google, Amazon, and Facebook testify before Congress: Watch LIVE 2024, July

The American multinational corporation Google is engaged in hidden censorship on the Internet. This became known after the attendance of socialist and anti-war Internet resources fell sharply. A small investigation by Andre Damon and David North showed that this was due to the changes that Google made to the search engine.

The official reason for the changes in search engine algorithms, named by one of the vice presidents of the company, Ben Gomez in April 2017, is the desire to protect the user from offensive and inaccurate information, as well as from baseless conspiracy theories. Ben Gomez said the company "has improved its assessment methods and updated algorithms to provide more reliable information."

In fact, it turned out that Google did not develop a user protection system, but a tough ideological toolkit that protects citizens of Western countries from "unwanted" reading.

The attendance of the page fell by 67%, fell by 67%, and (the site of the famous Canadian political scientist and critic of Washington Michel Chossudovsky) fell 62%.

"Since May 2017, traffic to the Common Dreams site through Google has dropped by almost 50%," says site editor Aaron Kaufman.

Other resources criticizing the course of the Western powers also suffered - (attendance minus 47%), (minus 47%), (minus 30%), (minus 25%), (minus 21%), etc. Of the thirteen information resources most affected by Google's innovations, all of them turned out to be anti-capitalist and anti-war content.

The authors of the investigation argue that sites containing materials with the words "socialism" or "Marxism" have a good chance of being blacklisted: they will be flagged by Google as undesirable or unreliable.

So, Google search engines are given the ideological prejudices of their creators. This is blatant interference in politics and a direct attack on freedom of speech.

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Meanwhile, in Essen, Facebook is opening the second German censorship center for information transmitted through this social network.