Artificial Intelligence Has Come Up With A Secret Language For Humans - - Alternative View

Artificial Intelligence Has Come Up With A Secret Language For Humans - - Alternative View
Artificial Intelligence Has Come Up With A Secret Language For Humans - - Alternative View

Video: Artificial Intelligence Has Come Up With A Secret Language For Humans - - Alternative View

Video: Artificial Intelligence Has Come Up With A Secret Language For Humans - - Alternative View
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Google's artificial intelligence researchers have hypothesized that it created its own secret language. They talked about this on the pages of the arXiv preprint magazine.

In September 2016, Google announced that its Neural Machine Translation system had turned on and started learning to translate between different languages of the Earth.

Soon, the creators of the system drew attention to one strange moment. If you teach an AI to translate from English to Korean (and vice versa), and then from English to Japanese (and vice versa), will it be able to translate from Korean to Japanese without using English as an intermediary. It turned out that this is possible: the system began to produce decent quality translations.

Then the scientists had another question. If a computer finds connections between words and concepts that are not formally connected with each other in any way, then could it not create its own deep mediating language? After looking at how the various proposals relate to each other in the neural network's memory space, Google experts concluded that this is exactly what happened.

This kind of "interlingua" exists at a deep level and defines the common properties between sentences and words in all three languages. In addition to this property, nothing can be said about the “secret language” of AI: the internal processes of complex neural networks are extremely difficult to see and describe. However, the very fact that AI independently creates a special deep mediator language is extremely important, scientists emphasize.