Tesla Motors Founder Is Afraid Of Artificial Intelligence - Alternative View

Tesla Motors Founder Is Afraid Of Artificial Intelligence - Alternative View
Tesla Motors Founder Is Afraid Of Artificial Intelligence - Alternative View

Video: Tesla Motors Founder Is Afraid Of Artificial Intelligence - Alternative View

Video: Tesla Motors Founder Is Afraid Of Artificial Intelligence - Alternative View
Video: How Tesla is Using AI to Solve FSD w/ ARK Analyst Will Summerlin Part 1 (Ep. 329) 2024, October

Elon Musk, a well-known businessman and founder of Tesla Motors and Space X, said about the serious threat that artificial intelligence can pose to humanity, writes the Techcrunch portal.

During Musk's big talk at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's anniversary symposium, the businessman was asked what he thinks about the prospects for creating artificial intelligence. Musk replied that this area requires special care, since artificial intelligence is "the main threat to the existence of humanity."


“I am more and more inclined to believe that it is necessary to think about regulating this issue at the state and international level. This will give us confidence that we are not making a terrible mistake. By creating artificial intelligence, we are actually summoning a demon. You know these stories in which heroes with holy water at the ready depict a pentagram and summon a demon. Yes, they are sure they can control him, but they are not,”Musk said.

When asked if the abstract robot HAL9000 could be expected not to travel to Mars, Musk replied that the HAL9000 is not comparable to the artificial intelligence in question.

The HAL9000 robot is a character in Arthur Clarke's famous science fiction novel 2001: A Space Odyssey. According to the plot of the novel, an artificially intelligent robot got out of control and was turned off by astronaut Dave Bowman, who almost died due to the robot's actions. Before this, HAL9000 was forced to kill another member of the expedition.

Shot from the film "2001: A Space Odyssey"


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Note that Elon Musk has not for the first time announced the serious danger that, in his opinion, artificial intelligence can pose.

So, in early August, the businessman drew the attention of the readers of his microblog on Twitter to the book "Superintelligence" by Nick Bostrom, noting that artificial intelligence can be more dangerous than nuclear weapons.

In February 2014, renowned futurist Raymond Kurzweil said that computers would be able to master human language and surpass humans in intelligence by 2029.