Artificial Intelligence: Can A Machine Be Intelligent? - Alternative View

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Artificial Intelligence: Can A Machine Be Intelligent? - Alternative View
Artificial Intelligence: Can A Machine Be Intelligent? - Alternative View

Artificial intelligence is a field of science that develops machines, computers, and hardware with intelligence ranging from the simplest to the humanoid. Although the concept of intelligent machines originated in ancient Greek mythology, the modern history of artificial intelligence began with the development of computers. The term was coined in 1956 at the first conference on artificial intelligence.

Decades later, scientists continue to study the still elusive glimpses of machine intelligence, although the question "can a machine think?" still aroused widespread debate.

It's worth noting that contrary to popular belief, not all artificial intelligence carriers are humanoid robots or fantastic operating systems with the voice of Scarlett Johansson. Let's go over the basic skills inherent in AI.

Solution of problems

One of the basic qualities of AI is the ability to solve problems. To enable the machine to do this, scientists have equipped it with algorithms that mimic human thinking and use the concepts of probability, economics, and statistics.

The approaches include models inspired by neural networks in the brain, machine learning and pattern recognition capabilities, and statistical approaches that use mathematical tools and languages to solve problems.

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Machine learning

Another basic AI point is the machine's ability to learn. So far, there is no single approach according to which a computer can be programmed to receive information, gain knowledge, and adjust behavior accordingly - rather, there are a number of approaches based on algorithms.

One of the important machine learning methods is so-called deep learning, an AI technique based on neural theory and composed of intricate layers of interconnected nodes. While Apple's Siri is one example of deep learning in action, Google recently acquired DeepMind, a startup that specializes in advanced AI learning algorithms; Netflix is also investing in deep learning.

Language processing

Natural Language Processing (NLP) enables a machine to read and understand the language of humans, providing a link between humans and machines.

Such systems enable computers to translate and communicate through signal processing, parsing, semantic analysis, and pragmatics (language in context).

Movement and perception

The type of intelligence associated with movement and perception is closely related to robotics, which gives the machine not only cognitive but also sensory intelligence. This is made possible by navigation input, localization technology and sensors such as cameras, microphones, sonar and object recognition. In recent years, we have seen this technology in many robots, oceanic and space rovers.

Social intelligence

Emotional and social skills represent another advanced level of artificial intelligence that allows machines to take on even more human qualities. SEMAINE, for example, seeks to give machines such social skills through what it calls SAL, or artificial sensory listener. This advanced dialogue system, if completed, will be able to perceive facial expressions, gaze and voice of a person, adjusting accordingly.


The ability to think and act creatively is a hallmark human trait that many consider above the ability of computers. However, as an aspect of human intelligence, creativity can also be applied to artificial intelligence.

It is said that machines can be empowered to generate valuable and innovative ideas through three models: Combination, Exploration, and Transformation. How exactly this will be implemented - we will see in the future. After all, the AARON machine is already producing museum-grade art.

Improvisation as a form of human activity is "the prototype of creative behavior," says Shelley Carson, an employee of the psychology department at Harvard University. In her book Your Creative Brain, she writes that at a basic level, each of us improvises, since there are many situations in life that require it. For example, on the road, you need to instantly make the only right decision to avoid a collision. At the same time, a person turns to his experience. But creative improvisation is more than that, it generates new unexpected ideas.

Aaron painting


AARON robot, created by renowned artist Gorald Cohen. His invention, at the lowest level, computed algorithms to create lines and shapes from which drawings were derived. Later, a more advanced robot artist named Action Jackson was created, who painted paintings similar to those of Jackson Pollock. And although the debate about the artistic value of such works does not subside until now, the fact remains that robots can create.

Moreover, some modern forms of artificial intelligence, it would seem, can achieve great success. For example, Siri for iPhone not only processes natural human speech, but also adapts to each user individually, studying his character and habits; and IBM's Watson supercomputer won a million dollars in Its Game. Aren't machines so sophisticated able to handle improvisation?