The Great Adventurer Of The Enlightenment - Count Saint-Germain - Alternative View

The Great Adventurer Of The Enlightenment - Count Saint-Germain - Alternative View
The Great Adventurer Of The Enlightenment - Count Saint-Germain - Alternative View

Video: The Great Adventurer Of The Enlightenment - Count Saint-Germain - Alternative View

Video: The Great Adventurer Of The Enlightenment - Count Saint-Germain - Alternative View
Video: The Immortal : The Count of Saint Germain 2024, September

Seekers of mysticism and secrets constantly return to the history of the mysterious historical character - the Count Saint-Germain. His whole life is a continuous whirlpool of supernatural events, incredible secrets and mysteries. One of his talents was the ability to win over people, arousing trust and sympathy among the interlocutors. The European monarchs were no exception: for example, Louis XV, favored him and suppressed any negative gossip about the count.

Judging by the surviving memoirs, the count was personally known to many prominent historical figures, for example, Frederick the Great and Rousseau. The count repeatedly talked about his acquaintance with Christ. He claimed that he was friends with Plato, the Queen of Sheba, Seneca, and in confidential conversations with Cleopatra he listened to her revelations about her love for Caesar. Moreover, the count spoke in such a way that there was not even a doubt in his words.

A good storyteller, Saint Germain amazed listeners with the smallest details of the events he was talking about. The impression was that he himself participated in many, narrated by him, actions, experiments and studies, including those described in medieval treatises of alchemists. At the same time, the count did not seek to share his knowledge and secrets with anyone else. The level of his scientific knowledge amazed all his contemporaries.

According to the count, he visited almost all parts of the world, including Russia during the time of Peter III. From 1742 to 1756 he visited the ruler of Persia, visited London and India. In Paris, he conquered women with his knowledge of the fine arts, in Versailles - in the field of music, the Berlin high society knew him as a scientist. And at secret meetings in the Rhine caves, everyone treated him like a member of a secret society …

Very interesting information is that the Count Saint-Germain occupied a significant place in the Masonic milieu. In addition, it is possible that he was a Templar. Thus, the famous Count Cagliostro claimed that thanks to the patronage of Saint-Germain, he became a Templar. In addition, many sources contain information about the relationship of the count to the upper strata of the mysterious Rosicrucian society. The count was known as an expert on Eastern esotericism. It was nothing special for him to leave for the Himalayas for an unexpected long time, and then suddenly return to Europe. Sometimes he let slip that he was carrying out the orders of some higher powers. Many researchers are convinced that the Count Saint-Germain could be an emissary sent to our world by the Secret Brotherhood.

Everyone was amazed at the count's ability to know in advance what question they were going to ask him. Perhaps Saint Germain possessed the ability to telepathy. To this day, Saint-Germain's talent for accurate predictions is amazing. There were rumors that the count had a magic mirror in which he could see future events. Perhaps we are talking about a mirror previously owned by Nostradamus. In the memoirs of Catherine de Medici, it is written that the great prophet showed her this artifact and allowed her to see the events of St. Bartholomew's Night.

In Russia Saint Germain appeared on the eve of the dramatic events that brought Catherine II to the Russian throne. In the memoirs of contemporaries, there is a mention of the fact that Count Orlov hinted that Saint-Germain was the initiator and adviser when the monarch was removed.

The mysterious count stayed in Russia, captivating the aristocrats of Russia with his amazing talents. He even managed to make a brilliant military career, having received a high military rank in the Russian army.

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Of particular interest is the meeting of the mystical count and the young Russian officer Mikhail Kutuzov. Today it can already be assumed that Saint-Germain, thanks to his supernormal abilities, knew that Napoleon's attempt to subjugate European countries would be failed. And the reason for the defeat will be that the presumptuous French commander will not stop at the conquest of European countries, but will send his troops against Russia. Perhaps Saint-Germain considered that Kutuzov would become a counterweight to the insolent Bonaparte. But then the young Kutuzov listened with all attention and remembered the prediction of the great Count Saint-Germain. And when the fatal hour came, Emperor Alexander I, having turned with a prayer to the patron saints of Russia in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, received a clear instruction to appoint Mikhail Kutuzov as commander of the Russian troops.

Another mysterious story is associated with Russia and the Count Saint-Germain. In The Queen of Spades, the author told the real story of a young man who tried to win at cards with the help of a secret held by the old princess. But the secret of the cards, as it turned out, she, in due time, was told by Saint-Germain, when she was visiting Paris.

It seems that Saint-Germain most often appeared in those places where, as a consequence, historical turning points took place. So, for example, it was he who warned Queen Marie Antoinette of the upcoming tragic events: the fall of the monarchy, civil war, robberies and expulsion of citizens. But neither the king nor his ministers believed the seer and did nothing to prevent dramatic events.

And although there is a place of his burial in Germany (the official date of the count's death is 1784), the philosopher Helena Roerich considered it to be not real, since she was sure that Saint-Germain was an adherent of secret knowledge and could prolong his life as much as his presence was required among people.

As confirmation of this statement is the fact that the Count of Saint-Germain was allegedly met by numerous aristocrats after his alleged death. So, in 1814, the elderly Madame de Jeanlis saw him in Vienna and, according to her testimony, he looked exactly the same as she saw him during her youth.

His last prediction dates back to 1790. The Count informed his friend Rosicrucian that he was going to Constantinople, where his help was urgently needed. Then he planned to visit England, where Saint-Germain decided to create an invention that everyone would hear about only in the next century. In the prediction, the graph warned that there would be shifts in the seasons. He claimed to be able to see a lot from the future. The count announced his decision to rest and find peace. To this end, Saint Germain intended to poison himself in the Himalayas and return only after 85 years …

Perhaps the famous Count Saint-Germain is still among our contemporaries today, and carries out his great mission entrusted to him by the Higher Powers - who knows?