Sokushinbutsu, Or 10 Curious Facts About Samumification - Alternative View

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Sokushinbutsu, Or 10 Curious Facts About Samumification - Alternative View
Sokushinbutsu, Or 10 Curious Facts About Samumification - Alternative View

Video: Sokushinbutsu, Or 10 Curious Facts About Samumification - Alternative View

Video: Sokushinbutsu, Or 10 Curious Facts About Samumification - Alternative View
Video: The Curious Case of Self Mummification 2024, September

When mummies are mentioned, the imagination draws a lot of standard images: the bodies of the pharaohs of ancient Egypt wrapped in cloth, the death mask of Tutankhamun or the creepy mummy of an Andean child. In all these cases, the mummification process took place after death. But the sect of Buddhist monks in Japan was engaged in transforming their own bodies into mummies during their lifetime, striving to become sokushinbutsu - "Buddhas in the flesh."

1. Why would anyone do this



On the one hand, self-mummification is terrifying, and it's hard to imagine that someone would like to do something like that. The first person to aspire to become a living mummy was Kukai, later known as Kobo Daishi. Kukai was a Buddhist priest who lived over 1000 years ago in Japan. During his life, he founded the Shingon Buddhist school ("true words"). Kukai and his followers were convinced that spiritual strength and enlightenment could be achieved through self-denial and an ascetic lifestyle.

The Shingon monks often sat for several hours under the icy waterfall, ignoring all the inconveniences. Inspired by Chinese tantric practices, Kukai decided to take his ascetic lifestyle to the extreme. His goal was to go beyond the limitations of the physical world and become sokushinbutsu. To achieve this goal, Kukai took certain measures that turned his body into a mummy while he was still alive.

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2. The first stage - 1000 days

Grueling diet


The process of turning yourself into a mummy is long and exhausting. There are three stages, each lasting 1000 days, which ultimately lead to the person becoming a mummy. During these roughly nine years, the monk is alive for most of the time. After the monk decides to try to mummify on his own, he begins the first stage. The monk completely changes his diet, eats nothing but nuts, seeds, fruits and berries.

This restricted diet is combined with a strict physical activity schedule. During the first 1000 days, fat is quickly removed from the monk's body. It should also be noted that mummification requires minimal moisture, but human fat has a high water content, which causes more rapid decomposition after death.

Cadavers with a lot of body fat also keep warm for a longer time. The heat improves the reproduction of bacteria that promote decomposition. The monk's loss of fat is the first step in his fight against the decay of the body after death.

3. Next 1000 days

Long hours of meditation


The next stage is characterized by an even more restricted diet. For the next 1000 days, the monk only eats bark and roots in gradually decreasing quantities. Physical activity gives way to long hours of meditation. As a result, the monk loses even more fat and muscle tissue. These efforts, during which the person becomes emaciated, ultimately lead to the body not decaying after death. Bacteria and insects are some of the main factors that lead to body decay.

After death, bacteria in the body begin to destroy cells and organs. While these bacteria cause the body to decay from the inside out, the soft and fatty tissue of the dead body is an ideal environment for flies and other insects to lay eggs in them. After the larvae hatch, they feed on rotting flesh mixed with fat. At the end of the process, all soft tissues disappear completely, leaving only bones and teeth. And the extreme diet of monks leads to the fact that insects have nothing to eat.

4. Severe vomiting

Urushi tea


The second 1000 days of asceticism lead to the fact that the monk's body becomes emaciated. When the amount of fat in the body is reduced to a minimum, constant meditation and almost complete inactivity leads to the loss of muscle tissue. But this is not enough and the rigid diet continues further. During the final stage of transformation into sokushinbutsu, the monk drinks tea made from the sap of the urushi tree or lacquer tree.

Typically, this juice is used as a furniture varnish and is highly toxic. Drinking urushi tea quickly leads to violent vomiting, sweating and urination. This dehydrates the monk's body and creates ideal conditions for mummification. In addition, the poison from the urushi tree accumulates in the monk's body, killing larvae and insects that may try to settle in the body after death.

5. Burial alive

Burial alive


After 2000 days of painful fasting, meditation and the use of poison, the monk is ready to leave this plane of existence. The second stage of sokushinbutsu ends with the monk climbing into a stone tomb. It is so small that he can hardly sit in it, stand, or even just turn the monk cannot. After the monk assumes the lotus position, his assistants close this tomb, literally burying him alive.

Only a small bamboo tube that carries air connects the grave to the outside world. Every day the monk rings a bell to let his assistants know that he is still alive. When the assistants no longer hear the sound of the bell, they pull the bamboo tube out of the coffin and completely seal it, leaving the monk in the room that becomes his grave.

6. Last 1000 days

Living Buddha


The sealed grave is left alone, and the body inside it turns into a mummy. The low fat and muscle tissue content prevents the body from rotting. This is exacerbated by dehydration of the body and the high amount of urushi poison. The monk's body dries up and slowly mummifies. After 1000 days, the grave is opened, and the mummified monk is removed from it. His remains are returned to the temple and worshiped as sokushinbutsu or living Buddha. The monk's mummy is looked after and her clothes are changed every few years.

7. There is a high chance of failure

Humid climate and high salt content


Since Kukai undertook the self-mummification process 1,000 years ago, it is believed that hundreds of monks have attempted to become living mummies. But there are about two dozen successful examples left in history. It is very difficult to become a Buddha in the flesh. For more than five years, a person aspiring to become a sokushinbutsu eats almost nothing, has no physical activity, and meditates for long hours every day.

Few people have the composure and willpower to voluntarily undergo such suffering for 2,000 days. Many monks gave up this occupation halfway. And even if they did indeed successfully cope with the ascetic lifestyle, there is still a high probability that their bodies did not turn into mummies after death.

The humid climate and high salinity of the soil in Japan are poor conditions for mummification. Despite his best efforts, the monk's body can decompose inside his tomb. In this case, the monk will not be considered a living Buddha, and his remains will simply be reburied. However, he will be greatly respected for his endurance.

8. Violation of laws

Emperor Meiji ends monk suicide


Self-mummification was practiced in Japan from the 11th century to the 19th century. In 1877, Emperor Meiji decided to end this form of suicide. A new law was passed that prohibited the opening of the graves of those who tried to become sokushinbutsu. As far as we know, the last sokushinbutsu was Tetsuryukai, who was sealed in his grave in 1878. After the last 1000 days were over, his followers had problems: they wanted to open the grave and see if Tetsuryukai turned into sokushinbutsu, but no one wanted to go to prison.

After making their way to the grave, they found that Tetsuryukai had turned into a mummy. To accommodate the body of his new Buddha in the temple, while avoiding prosecution, Tetsuryukai's followers changed his death date to 1862, when there was no law yet. Mummy Tetsuryukaya can still be seen in the Nangaku Temple.

9. Natural samumification



Although many monks tried to become sokushinbutsu after Kukai, only two dozen people succeeded. Some of these mummified monks can be seen in Buddhist temples in Japan and are revered by Buddhists to this day. The most famous sokushinbutsu is probably the monk Shinniokai-Shonin, whose remains can be found at the Dainichi-Bu temple on Mount Juudono. Shinniokai began dreaming of becoming a sokushinbutsu at the age of 20 and even then he was limiting his diet. But his dream did not come true until 1784, when the monk was 96 years old. At that time, hunger raged on Honshu, hundreds of thousands of people died from hunger and disease.

Shinniokai was convinced that Buddha needed a sign of compassion to end hunger. He dug a grave on a hill near the temple and self-insulated inside, pulling out only a thin bamboo tube to breathe. Three years later, the grave was opened to reveal the completely mummified remains of a monk. Whether this was related to Shinniokai is unknown, but in 1787 the famine ended.

10. The last Buddhist mummy

Monk from Mongolia


In January 2015, another sokushinbutsu was found. This time, the mummified monk was from Mongolia. It was discovered by the police when the mummy was put on the black market for sale. The monk's remains were confiscated and taken to the National Center for Forensic Medicine in Ulan Bator. Like his Japanese counterparts, the Mongolian monk sits in the lotus position. He still looks like he was in deep meditation and didn't notice when he died. In fact, some Buddhists believe that the monk did not die at all, but is in a meditative state on his path to becoming a Buddha. However, scientists are convinced that the monk has been dead for 200 years.