The Hypothesis About The Race Of The Creators, Which Created People On Earth Instead Of God. What Are The Reasons? - Alternative View

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The Hypothesis About The Race Of The Creators, Which Created People On Earth Instead Of God. What Are The Reasons? - Alternative View
The Hypothesis About The Race Of The Creators, Which Created People On Earth Instead Of God. What Are The Reasons? - Alternative View

Video: The Hypothesis About The Race Of The Creators, Which Created People On Earth Instead Of God. What Are The Reasons? - Alternative View

Video: The Hypothesis About The Race Of The Creators, Which Created People On Earth Instead Of God. What Are The Reasons? - Alternative View
Video: Were We Really Created by God? - Sadhguru 2024, September

There are many secrets and mysteries in the world that are quite difficult to understand. There are all sorts of hypotheses and versions about the origin of man, which I also write about in my articles. There is a hypothesis that people did not appear as a result of evolution and were not created by God, but we appeared as a result of genetic experiments of extraterrestrial civilizations. What arguments can be in favor of this?

The found letters of the ancient Sumerians say that this highly developed civilization was sure that people appeared on Earth at the behest of the Annunaki, who came from the planet Nibiru and we were created for some purpose of this extraterrestrial civilization. Perhaps to mine gold, as some supporters of extraterrestrial civilizations believe, or maybe for fun.

They could conduct experiments and if you look at the modern world, then people have already learned how to clone people and create people according to separate genes, does the hypothesis sound fantastic that we could have been created by extraterrestrial civilizations?


I perfectly understand that this is just a hypothesis, and in the Middle Ages, for such thoughts, they could fry at the stake. And especially religious people are sure that God is the creator of everything, what kind of aliens are there? But if people already have the technology of creating artificial people, then what prevents us from creating a colony of intelligent beings somewhere on Mars, isn't it the same?

I will note that everyone has their own truth and it makes no sense for me to convince anyone of my version, and I myself cannot say that I am 100% sure of this. This is just a version that I can admit. In modern society, there are quite a few stereotypes that prevent people from admitting the presence of extraterrestrial civilizations, but I myself cannot do anything about it.

Various ancient texts indicate that the gods descended from heaven in fiery chariots. These gods trained people and gave them knowledge. How to explain the fact that the Sumerian civilization has received amazing knowledge about the structure of the Universe in just a few decades? The Sumerians were versed in medicine and had other knowledge that is difficult to explain. Could they themselves achieve such amazing results or were they helped by messengers from other planets?


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The next oddity for me is that there are mentions of beings who came from heaven among different peoples. But then there was no cellular connection and the Internet. So how could people in different parts of the planet know about aliens, if they did not even contact each other. If this is a general fantasy, then all this is rather strange. But maybe the ancient people witnessed visits by extraterrestrial beings to different places on the Earth, and therefore they wrote and drew what they see?

In addition, I will note that in ancient times there could be technologies that are considered to be modern. These are nuclear reactors, as evidenced by the Oklo nuclear reactor, which scientists call natural. These are figures and images of astronauts and flying ships. So maybe people got all these technologies from their Creators. Yes, it sounds like science fiction, but why not?

Some supporters of this hypothesis note that the Creators could be called Elohim and Atlanteans, about which there are also quite a few references. It is also interesting what can be found in the Indian epic Mahabharata. There is also a description of flying machines and incredible weapons that can be compared with modern ones. There creatures are described by gods, but maybe they are aliens from other planets who possessed incredible technologies?


You can also note the incredible structures on our planet, including the same pyramids in Giza. How could ancient people build such a thing if they didn't have modern technology? And even in our time, the construction of such structures will take a lot of time and money.

But if this is so, then why exactly did the Earth become a place for the experience of extraterrestrial civilizations to create an intelligent species?

It is not a fact that the Earth has become the only planet. There are billions of planets in the Universe, and who knows what exactly might be hiding on other planets? Maybe we are far from the only planet on which life was created artificially? If extraterrestrial civilizations are tens and hundreds of thousands of years older than us, then it is difficult to imagine the technologies that they can possess.

Among terrestrial scientists there is a theory of planetary climate change and it is possible that in the future we will be able to make lifeless planets out of those that will look like Earth. And who knows, if we want to create our own civilization of intelligent beings there, who will leave the laboratory and consider us gods. And after thousands of years they will get to the bottom of the truth and learn to create other intelligent beings themselves.

But if everything is really so, then why don't the Creators come into contact with us? Who knows … maybe they have already done enough and are watching our development from the outside, or maybe they have completely lost interest in us. However, it is rather strange that UFOs appear quite often and there is a possibility that they are still watching so that we do not destroy ourselves …

And recently I already wrote about the Annunaki from Nibiru and the mention of the Sumerians. You can read it here.