7 Theories Answering The Question Of Whether There Is A God - Alternative View

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7 Theories Answering The Question Of Whether There Is A God - Alternative View
7 Theories Answering The Question Of Whether There Is A God - Alternative View

Video: 7 Theories Answering The Question Of Whether There Is A God - Alternative View

Video: 7 Theories Answering The Question Of Whether There Is A God - Alternative View
Video: Questions No One Knows the Answers to (Full Version) 2024, September

The question of the existence of God is far from new, but it does not lose its relevance, despite the past millennia since its inception.

A person is built in such a way that he believes mainly only in what he can see with his own eyes and touch with his hands. This is why real evidence of whether God exists is so important to many.

Not everyone can simply believe in the existence of a higher power. I would like to know for sure whether it really exists or not.

Does God exist? Is it possible to unambiguously answer this question?

A cold mind and the ability to think rationally are more positive qualities than negative ones. But at the same time, there is a risk of turning into a stale dry bread that does not believe in anything intangible and annoys everyone with the phrase: "And you prove it!"

Many Theosophists, scientists, philosophers, and writers fought over whether God really exists or is it a fiction of the church in order to keep people in subjection and fear.

Many theories have been developed with arguments for and against the existence of God. All these theories have been repeatedly improved, supplemented and criticized.

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But the most interesting thing is that, despite numerous scientific discoveries, despite the fact that man has advanced so far in the study of space, it is not possible to accurately prove the existence of God, as well as the opposite.

I have a negative attitude towards both fanatical believers and militant atheists after I once came across an atheist group on Facebook, where they scoffed at Christian dogmas.

In any other case, I would just pass quickly by - on social networks you will see not such nonsense. But I accidentally looked at the comments under several topics. The verbal battles waged by believers and unbelievers could not be compared with any political public.

And then I realized that everyone who so aggressively imposes their opinion is practically criminals, because they do not use arguments, do not want to think and analyze the information received from the other side, they, in fact, are not interested in getting to the bottom of the truth. They just love to swear and curse others.

In this world, not everything can be explained with a scientific approach. For example, here's how to explain luck. Why are some people born as clear favorites of fortune, while others are unlucky in life?

Or the 5% theory applicable to car accidents? Did you know that 5% more survivors in car accidents than the theory of probability is supposed to survive?

And how to explain the developed intuition of some? Prophetic dreams? Happy occasions that help us escape from a terrible tragedy? Some people's paranormal abilities?

Yes, too much cannot be rationalized, but try to argue that it does not exist.

Is it the same with God somewhere? It is impossible to prove whether it exists or not, although I will tell you about the existing arguments "for" and "against" in the further sections of the article.

You just need to believe whether God exists, because:

  • a primitive creature “man” with animal instincts “to eat”, “sleep” and others cannot be the crown of civilization;
  • many things that happen in our life cannot be explained from a rational point of view;
  • to believe in something good and bright is always better than being reputed to be a boring "unbeliever Thomas";
  • remaining an atheist, you are depriving yourself of many joys, and the same holidays loved by many as Christmas or Easter;
  • it is difficult to live without believing in any magic and never expecting help from higher powers.

Of course, it's up to you to accept the fact that God exists on faith or to keep looking for evidence. But I have shown you the shortest way to calm your heart. Why create additional difficulties for yourself?

Is there a God? There is, which is confirmed by numerous theories

Not only such an interested party as churchmen, but also the brightest minds among scientists, writers and other prominent figures, tried to prove that God really exists.

Not all theories are convincing that God exists, and there are plenty of critics, but they provide ample food for thought.

1) Theories that God really exists

The first disputes about whether God exists were conducted by ancient philosophers. It cannot be said that over the past millennia, humanity has advanced far in this matter.

There are a lot of theories that prove that God really exists. Let's talk only about the most famous ones.

Evidence that God exists:

  1. God of white spots. All evidence for the existence of a higher power is based on scientific gaps, that is, what scientists cannot explain. It is worth saying that this theory is actively criticized by the believers themselves, who believe that with the development of science there will be fewer and fewer “white spots”, which means that God will be forced out of our lives.
  2. The theory of morality. In principle, people themselves, without the Bible and preachers, know what is good and what is bad, what actions cannot be done, and without which you cannot be called the proud word "man".

    We understand that there are good and there are bad people, but the division into black and white has never been unambiguous, because good people do bad things and vice versa. Here is the proof of objective morality, which does not depend on the morality created by man.

  3. The cosmological aspect of the existence of the divine principle. Even Aristotle tried to prove that God exists based on this aspect. Avicena, Thomas Aquinas, William Hatcher and others continued to develop his thoughts. There are 3 main reasons for the existence of this theory:

    1 Every thing in the Universe has its cause outside itself (children have their reason in their parents, details are made at a factory, etc.)
    2 The universe, as consisting of things that have their cause outside itself, itself must have its cause outside itself
    3 Since the universe is matter that has energy and exists in time and space, it follows that the cause of the universe must be outside these four categories.

    That is, there are more non-material reasons for the existence of the Universe than material ones. Accordingly, it was not without God.

  4. Teleological. It is based on the fact that the Universe is too complex an organism, which means it could not arise by chance as a result of some kind of explosion. Accordingly, everything should be controlled by the supreme mind, that is, God.
  5. The psychological aspect of the existence of God. Blessed Augustine began to develop this theory, Descartes took up the banner in his time. The essence of the theory is that the idea of the existence of God has existed for as long as the world exists, respectively, it is a product of the mental activity of not a person, but of God himself. Cicero also cited his arguments:
  6. The historical basis for the existence of higher powers. Everything is very simple: there is not a single irreligious state based on atheistic teachings. Whether it's primitive tribes or a developed European state, they everywhere believe in some kind of divine power. After all, it's not without reason?
  7. The relationship between experience and religion. Believers often cite proven miracles as arguments for divine existence, for example, the expulsion of demons from a possessed person by priests or the ascent of the blessed fire. And the way scientists criticize all this, they have no compelling arguments refuting the named miracles.

2) Criticism of the existence of evidence that God does not exist

Each of the theories I mentioned in the previous section has its own critics who prove that there is really no God.

I will dwell only on the second and third, as they cause the greatest controversy.

Moral theory

This theory is ridiculed by many, but most actively by Richard Dawkins. His arguments don't sound very nice. Well, for example, one of them: “Why not then say that all people smell with different strength, but you can compare the degree of scent they exude only in relation to a perfect sample, which has an absolute odor. Therefore, there must be an incomparable, superior to all known stinker, and we call him God. Agree: you need to argue in a civilized way, and not talk about stinkers.

The cosmological aspect of the existence of the divine principle

Undoubtedly the most discussed theory, not least due to the fact that mankind has advanced far in the study of space. All arguments actually boil down to one thing: the existence of the universe has its reasons, it has its beginning and a logical path of development, what is inexplicable now will be explained in the future with the development of science.

Separately, I would like to say about the teaching of Hume, which criticizes all existing arguments proving the existence of the divine principle. Hume's arguments, summed up, are extremely simple: any proof of the existence of God cannot be proved rationally, which means it can be refuted and criticized.

God does not exist, because many scientists say so. Is it so?

If you just don’t believe in God, then why do you need strong evidence that he doesn’t really exist?

Is some worm of mistrust breaching your atheistic armor? Yes please. There are many arguments to prove that God does not really exist.

Choose anyone to argue with believers.

a) There are enough theories to prove that God does not exist …

All arguments proving that God does not exist can be roughly divided into 4 large groups:

  • Empirical - those that are based on experience and practical experimentation.
  • Deductive, in the formation of which, first of all, logic participated.
  • Inductive - private views are collected in a general teaching.
  • Subjective - exclusively the personal opinion of the author.


- If God is so kind and almighty, then why does he allow the existence of evil in this world?

- If God wants to be believed in, then why does he not give evidence of his existence, but makes him only blindly rely on faith?

- The conservative argument argues that since natural theories adequately explain the development of religion and belief, the actual existence of such supernatural beings is superfluous unless it is clearly needed to explain these phenomena.

- For some reason, atheists have to prove the existence of God.

- Steve Hawking argued that before the big bang, which provoked the emergence of the Universe, nothing existed at all, not even time, and accordingly there could be no God.


Boil down to thinking about questions such as:

- Can God create a stone that he himself cannot lift?

- Can God change his mind and cancel his decision? etc.


The argument from meaninglessness asserts that it makes no sense for an omnipotent and omniscient being to do anything (in particular, to create a universe), because such a being has no needs, needs or desires - all these concepts are subjectively inherent in humans. Thus, the very existence of the universe contradicts the existence of an almighty God.


Many arguments refuting the existence of God are based on the subjective opinion of their author: “I say this because I want to. And you prove the opposite. Believers, by the way, do the same.

All these groups of arguments lend themselves to criticism not only from ordinary churchgoers, but also from scientists, philosophers, and writers.

b) Is it worth it so confidently to assert that God does not exist?

Your right is not to believe that God exists and to demand proof of his existence. I will not now give the arguments of theosophists and writers who criticize atheistic theories.

I just suggest that you think about these theses about the existence of God:

  1. The existence of evil does not contradict divine being, because most often people are its creators. Even many natural disasters are the result of human criminal activity.
  2. The all-seeing eye, God, the supreme intelligence - call it what you want - should not prove anything to anyone. These are the magicians in the circus proving their skills with magic tricks. Here - freedom of choice, to believe or not.
  3. A believer does not mean an amoeba that floats with the flow and constantly answers: "It is God's will for everything." To be a believer means:

    • strive for self-improvement;
    • sacrifice at least sometimes your interests for the highest good;
    • not to violate the basic commandments;
    • give, not just row in both hands;
    • make this world a better place.

Is it bad to believe in miracles, even if it is irrational? Isn't it bad not to kill, not steal, not cheat on your loved ones, not gossip?

So what difference does it make if you live like a good person based on personal convictions or on faith?

Believing whether God really exists or not is a private matter for everyone. You do not need to impose your opinion on others, and do it in an aggressive manner. Stick to your beliefs, but respect others' opinions.