7 Creepy Things That You Can See In The Mirror Besides Your Own Reflection - Alternative View

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7 Creepy Things That You Can See In The Mirror Besides Your Own Reflection - Alternative View
7 Creepy Things That You Can See In The Mirror Besides Your Own Reflection - Alternative View

Video: 7 Creepy Things That You Can See In The Mirror Besides Your Own Reflection - Alternative View

Video: 7 Creepy Things That You Can See In The Mirror Besides Your Own Reflection - Alternative View
Video: COMPLETE HORROR: Terrifying Moments Caught On Mirror Reflections. 2024, September

Mirrors are perhaps one of the most mystical things that people have come up with. Since ancient times, they have been endowed with special, magical properties. Someone sees there their past or future, someone whole worlds behind the looking glass, and some go completely crazy from the horrors that their mirrors conceal in themselves. Today we will tell you what other things you can see in the mirror besides, of course, your own reflection.

The Queen of Spades

The Queen of Spades is the most popular inhabitant of the "through the looking glass". Especially among children and adolescents who are not fed with bread, let me just call this mysterious person. Someone considers her to be an ancient sorceress, someone a vengeful spirit, someone a demon, embittered by the whole human race. There are a lot of stories about how someone called the Queen of Spades and what happened then. All of them have varying degrees of authenticity and originality, depending on the imagination of the narrator. There is only one thing invariable in all stories: the mirror in which the devil should appear. If you miss your childhood and summer camps, you can tickle your nerves at your leisure by trying to call the Queen of Spades.


Bloody Mary

It is generally accepted that the Bloody Mary appearing in the mirror is the ghost of the very Mary Tudor who ruled England in the 16th century. She received her nickname for the crane, the cruel manner of government and brutal reprisals against political opponents. There is a legend that if you say the name "Bloody Mary" three times in front of a mirror in a dark room, then her ghost will appear in front of you.

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The devil

Yes, yes, the very lord of hell. According to some beliefs, it was he who taught people how to make mirrors and can appear in any of them at will. Some argue that if you look in the mirror for a long time at night, especially from midnight to three o'clock, you can see the devil himself in it.


Images of people who looked into it before

Some otherworldly researchers believe that mirrors have a kind of "memory" and remember the images of all people who have ever looked in them. And along with them, their energy is positive or negative. There is a legend according to which Ivan the Terrible, who was very afraid of all kinds of sorcerers and magicians, allowed only blind masters to make mirrors for his court, so that his gaze could not remain in the mirror and bring trouble to the king or his family.



It is for this reason that in houses where someone dies, all mirrors are immediately covered. It is believed that a person's soul, separated from the body, can get into the mirror and never find a way out of it. As a result, the restless ghost will forever remain tied to the mirror and, perhaps, even begin to avenge this, bringing on troubles and failures. An especially bad sign is considered if the violent death of a person is reflected in the mirror. Such a spirit will definitely remain “living” in the mirror and will be very angry with all its subsequent owners. It is very simple to identify a mirror in which a ghost is present, just light a candle in front of the mirror. If it goes out every time you set it on fire, you need to get rid of such a mirror as soon as possible.


The world on the other side

Another theory regarding mirrors says that behind them lies a parallel world to ours, a kind of looking glass inhabited by spirits and gloomy creatures. And under certain conditions, the looking glass and the real world can be swapped. To do this, you need to put two mirrors opposite each other and thereby create a mirror-like corridor. Since in each of the mirrors the real world will be reflected and be reflected in another mirror, guided by the principle "minus by minus gives a plus", at some point you will see in the mirrors not a corridor of reflections, but the same looking-glass world.


Your disfigured face

To do this, you need to sit in front of a mirror in the semi-darkness and look at your face for a long time and intently without stopping. Very soon you will begin to notice some changes in the reflection, which, if you do not stop looking at yourself in the mirror, will get stronger and stronger. At first it will seem to you that the muscles of the mouth have moved a little, then you will notice how the reflection will begin to bend, take on terrible grimaces. However, there is nothing mystical about this point, it’s just a feature of the structure of our vision and our brain. If you look at any object for a long time and carefully, even a mug on the table, over time you will also feel that it changes.