About Brands And "rams" - Alternative View

About Brands And "rams" - Alternative View
About Brands And "rams" - Alternative View

Video: About Brands And "rams" - Alternative View

Video: About Brands And
Video: New Luxury and the City. Lecture by Danilo Venturi 2024, September

The world around us is very different. Everyone has a different iPhone case, each with their own way of combining this season's trendy items. Moscow streets are full of different cafes, young people post photos of different food on Instagram. But there is still a general direction in this diverse world.

Modern girls should have a slender, but not skinny, body, like in the 90s. Chest, preferably third size. The guys enrolled in fitness clubs and rocking chairs. Appearance is worth a lot! Literally and figuratively.

Uniqueness? This is yes. Each person is unique. Oh, horror, if someone stutters as if this is not so. After all, everyone will justify himself why he eats hormonal rubbish and spends money on his figure, why he buys cosmetics of this particular brand, and how real UGGs differ from their consonant, Chinese “dull shit”.

Every person has a choice! The "Pepsi generation" described by Pelevin has long passed, disappeared, dissolved. Advertising has not been valid for a long time. Therefore, each person himself chooses what he will wear, eat, what social networks he will inhabit, from which phone to call. Only this way and nothing else.

The world around us is very different. Only the people in it are the same. Like clones from the next fashion magazine of the season.

Are leggings in fashion? Each girl of very seductive curvy forms considered it her duty to be "fashionable". Are rubber boots in vogue? Every glamorous kitty who put them on will tear his throat, proving that he wears them only because it is convenient. After all, nobody is chasing fashion! It's all in the past. But why, four years ago, only grandmothers of pre-grave age could be seen in rubber boots? And, lo and behold, now we buy two shoes instead of one pair! Rubber and regular, leather. And we sincerely believe that this is only our choice.

And now it's fashionable to be … smart. Read Kafka, Freud. A couple of years ago, everyone read Coelho, but now it is already mainstream, and in the world of unique people no one will read what everyone reads!

And the blonde photographer, who specializes in photos taken in the mirror, can clap her eyes, smile, buy anything that catches her eye and fits at sales. Money is not your own, but parental. But even she read Kafka and is able to talk about philosophy, moreover, she is ready to argue!

Promotional video:

More is not needed, her self-education is now at the level, because we live in an era when "intellect" has become a popular brand and here the main thing is the presence of a "label" - superficial knowledge and a couple of sonorous quotes. Being smart and educated is easy. Read a few books, graduate. It is a pity that brains and real knowledge are not attached to the diploma!

Modern people are perceived by those who neglect brands, but make money from it, like a herd of dumb sheep. And the saddest thing about this situation is that they are right! The herd, lean, eternally losing weight or swaying, is amicably led. It grazes on the iPhon field, sometimes running to the D & G meadows for goodies.

And looking at the world around - it becomes scary. What future are you? Vanilla pink, strewn with phone novelties? Which are developed by a company of wise uncles, made by wise Chinese in order to make money on the less wise inhabitants of all kinds of prosperous Europe and America, which Russia is so eager to be like. Brand, empty and stupid future!

I don't want it! I absolutely, absolutely do not want to! I don’t want my son to work in the sale of branded items, and then he bought these things himself.

However, the most regrettable thing is that this vicious economic circle cannot work forever. How long will such an economy last, producing not what is necessary, but what is fashionable? An economy in which price / quality criteria are beaten? An economy in which the cost of producing an unwanted product is hundreds of times lower than its market value? Who is going to produce the necessary food, furniture and other items if you don't make a lot of money from it? The money is made from the brand! The circle is complete. In the production of branded rubbish, those who buy the same rubbish will be involved. All.

The economic apocalypse is just around the corner. This is the possible future of our diverse world.

In Europe, it used to be believed that the poorer a person, the more expensive he should dress. A kind of pursuit of the ghosts of well-being. Now it is relevant for Russia as well. Fashionable clothes, an expensive phone and a subscription to a fitness club, a suitable foreign car … Is this a status? Is it? And nothing that you have to pay a loan for another three years for a car, a subscription was bought at a sale, and branded items - in a stock center?

Status is the presence of money, a “name” in society,”the level of education and a good job or a business. All. What we are trying to replace the lack of real status guarantees our enrollment in the herd of sheep. There were enough of them without us.

Leopold the Cat said: "Let's live together." I would like to add to this phrase that you also need to be friends with your own brains. Because only in friendship with them will we regain our true uniqueness. After all, the uniqueness is not at all in the fact that you bought up stylish junk, developed by an uncle, a designer, with a difficultly defined orientation, when your girlfriend did not have enough money for it. She is far from that …

We ourselves, and only we, must dictate conditions to this world, designers, developers! And we should like those girls whom we ourselves consider beautiful. And not the ones that the same uncle-designer, of a difficultly defined orientation, imposed on us! And phones need to be bought based on quality criteria, not fashion.

This world can bend under us! But for now, we bend, following the shepherds in the ranks of the next new shopping center, taking pictures of ourselves in the mirror in the toilets, putting on skinny jeans that turn us into an android something similar to that designer.

To change the situation, it's time for us to stop being part of the herd and start thinking with our own head!

Author: publicist, lawyer, head of the Shahar movement, Alexander Kargin
