Astral Travel Or How To Get To Another Country Without Documents - Alternative View

Astral Travel Or How To Get To Another Country Without Documents - Alternative View
Astral Travel Or How To Get To Another Country Without Documents - Alternative View

Video: Astral Travel Or How To Get To Another Country Without Documents - Alternative View

Video: Astral Travel Or How To Get To Another Country Without Documents - Alternative View
Video: How to travel the world with almost no money | Tomislav Perko | TEDxTUHH 2024, October

In occultism, it is considered that in addition to the physical shell, a person also has other "bodies." In total, according to esoteric teachings, a person has seven bodies, including the physical.

The astral body is an immaterial substance, which on the subtle plane connects a person with another, the same immaterial world.

Having learned to "separate" this body from oneself, a person can reach a new level of consciousness and knowledge of the surrounding reality. What is inaccessible to our mortal physical body becomes available to the astral. Everything that we dream of can be realized in the astral plane. It is no coincidence that this body is called a "cast" of our desires and emotions. And vice versa - the world astral directly affects each of us. Therefore, going on a journey into unknown spaces, one must be very careful not to attract unwanted entities from another reality into this world.

Esotericists say that astral travel is not available to everyone. The fact is that our astral body directly depends on how spiritually developed and harmonious we are. Primitive personalities have a rather weak astral body, it does not have that bright and multicolored glow that distinguishes the aura of a strong, multifaceted and whole personality. People who live only by material interests, stingy, greedy and envious on a subtle plane, look unpresentable. Their aura is dull and inexpressive, painted in dirty green and marsh colors. Bright and emotional personalities who know how to dream, are interested in the unknown, open to everything new "shine" in a completely different way. But to see the "glow" of a person is also not available to everyone, but only to those who are not limited only to the material side of human existence.

As a rule, people with a strong astral body have vivid and colorful dreams that amaze the imagination with their realism. Such people know how to "fly" in a dream, and it is flight, according to occultists, that means the exit of the astral body.

There are several different techniques that help a person learn to go into the astral plane. At different times, the work of not only foreign, but also domestic psychics was devoted to this topic.

Going out to the astral plane gives the individual almost unlimited possibilities: in this state we can visit places located hundreds and thousands of kilometers from our home, meet other people, create our own reality

Astral travel is exciting but dangerous at the same time. Before going outside of his body, a person must "play it safe".

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• The sensations experienced by a person traveling outside his body are so vivid and real that there is a danger of confusing reality with another world. Therefore, going on such a journey, you must always have a "beacon" or "anchor" at hand. Any object that will serve as a point of entry back. A simple alarm clock or timer can serve this purpose. As soon as it works, it will be a signal to return "to reality".

• Before leaving your body, you need to make sure that the physical shell is safe.

• An abrupt exit from the astral plane can be dangerous. Therefore, it is important that the physical body is not disturbed by anyone. An accidental fright, or "shake-up" that worried loved ones can arrange, can lead to dire consequences.

• Astral travel is best done at night. At this moment, the physical body is at rest, and from the outside it will seem to everyone that the person is simply sleeping, and not traveling outside of his body.

How to distinguish sleep from astral travel? Those who have been practicing “going out of the body” for a long time say that this process is completely different from sleep. In a dream we are "inside ourselves." Our dreams are like a movie in which we take part. In the astral plane - we are outside our body, and we can see it from the side. To see oneself from the outside means to go beyond the material form. So in simple terms, you can explain the differences in these two states.

For the astral body, there are no boundaries, distances, and closed doors. It is a state of ease, flight and limitless possibilities, say occult practitioners. They also advise beginners not to start these trips alone. It is best if a professional supervises the exit of the astral body. The "safety technique" is needed for the astral body to return to its physical shell. If something goes wrong, relatives and friends will see only the lifeless body of the astral traveler. Experts advise to "travel" nearby for a start. First, within the room, then you can go outside the apartment. But it happens that a person who has never gone into the astral plane gets there unintentionally. In this case, you need not be afraid, but remember your feelings and calmly return to yourself. From unusual sensations and a strange state of a person, panic can seize, but she is not the best assistant in such a situation.

Rita from her youth was fond of the occult sciences. She read a lot about astral travel, but she could not decide on such an experiment. It all happened quite by accident. One night she woke up with a violent jolt. As if some unknown force threw her on the bed. The woman at first decided that this was not surprising. Everyone knows that at the moment of falling asleep, the muscles of the body can suddenly relax, and then we feel a push and feel something like a fall. But this time it was not like that. Rita opened her eyes and realized that she was not in her bed: her husband was not around, and the room was completely alien. Margarita sat up on the bed and looked around. The decor in the room was familiar to her. Not so long ago, she was visiting her friend and now, with surprise, she recognized the interior of her house. She recognized not only the setting:her friend was sleeping peacefully on the next bed. And everything would not be so bad if both the friend and her apartment were not at a distance of several hundred kilometers from Rita's house. Her friend lived not just in another city. She lived abroad!

Margarita looked around in horror and tried to realize what was happening. Here she is, completely undressed, sitting on a bed hundreds of kilometers from home. The woman decided that she was still sleeping and dreaming. But all her sensations suggested that she was in a state of wakefulness: she ran her hand across the bed and felt the coolness of the sheet, and her nose tickled from the strong lavender perfume that the bedding exuded. Margarita imagined how surprised her friend would be if she would now approach her and wake her up. But even more, border guards and employees of the migration service will be surprised when she has to explain to them how she got to the territory of another state without documents.

Thinking about it, Rita almost panicked. But then she remembered the advice that she had read in the literature on astral travel: if she succumbed to fear, and she would never return to her previous state. Everything that is happening to her now is a classic example of the movement of the astral body. She loves this country so much and so dreams of returning there again that her astral body went there without any preparation. But at home, in her hometown, her physical body lies on the bed. And she must return to it.

Margarita suppressed her panic, concentrated, closed her eyes and again felt a strong push. When she again risked opening her eyelids, she was surrounded by the furnishings of her own apartment. The move was successful.

The sensations were so strong that the woman did not close her eyes until morning. In the afternoon, her friend wrote to her in the messenger. Vlada said that last night she dreamed that Margarita was visiting her again, through her sleep she could smell her perfume.

Margarita told Vlada about her nocturnal adventures and what she really had in her room that night. Both women were surprised that even the smell of Rita's beloved perfume was transferred to another country along with her astral body.

Margarita consulted a specialist, and he said that she was very lucky: she managed to overcome her panic and fear and return. Not all beginners who accidentally "fell" into the astral are so lucky. Someone can simply be found lifeless and considered dead in a dream.

Since then, under the guidance of an experienced occultist, Margarita began to engage in deliberate exits to the astral plane. Very quickly she learned to control her condition, but she does not dare to travel to another country.