15 Reasons To Visit The Astral - Alternative View

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15 Reasons To Visit The Astral - Alternative View
15 Reasons To Visit The Astral - Alternative View

Video: 15 Reasons To Visit The Astral - Alternative View

Video: 15 Reasons To Visit The Astral - Alternative View
Video: Can You Travel Without The Body? – Sadhguru Explains 2024, September

People are often interested in the opportunity to experience an out-of-body experience. However, few people ask the question - "why do I need this at all?" Let's consider the main reasons for learning to go out into the subtle world and visit the astral plane as soon as possible.

1. Just have fun

Like the heavens and the outer space hidden behind them, the astral world has no boundaries! You can get out of the visible world and head to distant stars. Or just fly across the sky like a balloon. Do you want to know what your city looks like from a bird's eye view? Not a problem! Or maybe you want to jump from the highest mountain peak in the world without belaying? In the astral plane, you can soar above the water like a seagull or dive into the unknown depths of the sea like a fish.


If you are more attracted by distant space, then you can freely explore the planets and celestial bodies located at a distance of many parsecs from Mother Earth. Visiting another planet will not be more difficult than going to another city in your country. And who knows, maybe you will even find yourself new friends in the most remote corner of the universe!

2. Confirmation of belief in life after death

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Humanity throughout its existence asks the question - "what awaits us after death?" Out-of-body experience allows one to gain real knowledge of what further existence will be like.

A simple conclusion - if consciousness can exist outside the body, then this means that a person continues to live after physical death. The acquired knowledge completely eliminates the fear of death. Now you can be absolutely sure that your existence will continue even after the flesh has turned into a heap of dust.

3. Learn about your past life and the goals of your present existence

People who experience astral travel over and over again begin to catch some glimpses of their past life. These fragmentary memories help to understand what the meaning of present existence is.

The information received helps us to better know ourselves. We get the opportunity to overcome some of the mental trauma of childhood, get rid of interfering blocks and clamps. Also during astral experience we develop our senses and aesthetic perception. We get the opportunity to “spread the wings of perception” and enter a new stage of spiritual development.

4. Meet your mentor

During astral projection, you can meet a spiritual guide who will become your mentor. It will help you better navigate the subtle world.


5. Training

Traveling in the astral plane, you can gain knowledge hidden from the uninitiated. This is sacred knowledge that simply cannot be gleaned from everyday life. You will be able to learn more about yourself, about the world around us, about the Universe, about absolutely anything! Astral travelers receive such information from enlightened beings whose evolution began long before the origin of life on Earth.

6. Acquiring psychic superpowers

Regular experience of out-of-body travel brings a person closer to the subtle world. This contributes to the development of extrasensory perception and some other superpowers. You may develop mind-reading skills and foresight. Some people start speaking in languages they have never learned before. Astral travelers acquire additional abilities effortlessly, since they "tune in to the same wavelength" with the subtle world.

7. Personal development and acquisition of well-being

With the help of astral projection, we become better in all areas of everyday, earthly life. You gain confidence in your strengths and actions, it becomes easier to control stress and restrain negative emotions. Observations have shown that people who often have out-of-body experiences develop intellectual abilities.

Astral travel helps fight bad habits and allows you to overcome habitual thinking patterns. We are discovering brilliant prospects for ourselves in the current incarnation, we find new ways and means to achieve our goals. An awareness of the need for personal growth comes to a person. We begin to realize that we are more than physical beings.

8. Reducing aggression and showing respect for life

Anyone who has been to the astral realizes that life continues even after death. In addition, a person is aware of his personal responsibility for everything that happens in his current incarnation. The “out-of-body traveler” has a reduced level of hostility (towards people, towards the world around him), he realizes how destructive negative thoughts can be, not to mention the physical manifestations of violence and aggression.

9. The experience of immersing yourself in serenity

Many astral travelers claim that during the projection they experienced an unprecedented, incomparable peace. This state of "inner peace" is difficult to describe, it can only be compared with nirvana.


10. Finding answers to sacred questions

For many, astral travel becomes a kind of quest through the back streets of their own subconscious. During the projection, you can get answers to many questions that have worried you since childhood. Who are we? What is the purpose of our existence? Will life continue after death? There are no universal answers to these questions; knowledge can be gained only through personal experience.

11. An opportunity to meet those we loved

In the subtle world, we can find our beloved people with whom death has separated us on the physical plane. These meetings will be very helpful as they will help you heal from your heartache.

12. The thirst for life awakens

To an ordinary ordinary person, everyday existence can seem like a gray routine. Job responsibilities, habitual actions, stereotyped words and deeds … Out-of-body experience will help you look at the world in a different way. Life in itself will turn into a bright and exciting adventure, it will be filled with new meanings!

13. Your knowledge and wisdom will increase

Experience alone creates wisdom. Out-of-body experience provides a person with knowledge and wisdom that go beyond ordinary cognition. In the astral plane, you will be able to receive pure knowledge "first hand", not clouded by anyone's teachings or beliefs.

14. Spirituality will increase

During your stay in the astral plane, you will be able to more subtly feel your spiritual nature. Instead of being aware of himself as a physical being with a soul, a person begins to feel like a pure consciousness, a soul temporarily devoid of a physical shell. There is a feeling of connection, unity with something greater than ourselves.

15. Healing

With the knowledge and skills acquired during non-corporeal experiences, we learn to use our energy to help other beings. We will be able to mentally and physically heal both others and ourselves.