Farm Of People - Alternative View

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Farm Of People - Alternative View
Farm Of People - Alternative View

Video: Farm Of People - Alternative View

Video: Farm Of People - Alternative View
Video: Special Alternative View of Wind Turbines and Global Warming 2024, September

All beings need energy. If we proceed from the fact that some negative entities live on the non-material plane, and they feed on a certain range of available energies, then how should they provide themselves with a food system?

The easiest way is to simply parasitize on another entity, constantly pushing this entity to give up the energy that the parasite is capable of accepting. But on a more global scale, it is necessary to build an energy donor farm and manage it to maximize returns.


When we talk about giving, we are not talking about the expenditure of physical energy when performing any physical work. This release of energy goes to the material plane. We are talking about the expenditure of non-material energy, the energy of consciousness.


The consciousness of any living being is, in a sense, a "generator" of a certain frequency range. Consciousness, like the aura, constantly vibrates - this is its essence. The more entities, the more energy they generate in a constant mode. The whole question is in the spectrum and amplitude of vibrations. For any entity, this spectrum is variable and depends on external events, as well as the internal work of consciousness itself.

On the Internet, you can find some tables on the frequencies of some emotions, for example, here, such as the frequencies of anger / fear / despair / love / compassion, etc. In the general case, they boil down to the fact that what is understood as negative emotions are low-frequency vibrations, and all that is related to positive emotions are high-frequency vibrations. Even some figures are given in hertz, but it seems to me that everything is somewhat more complicated.

Promotional video:

For example, what kind of vibrations are the emotions of laughter / laughter, or, for example, the energy of orgasm. In addition, the vibrations of consciousness are not necessarily accompanied by emotions. They are constantly present, even when the creature is doing nothing. And they change from the process of thinking.

After all, when it comes to love, this does not mean any specific action. A person can do nothing at all, but simply radiate. The saints do not just have a halo over their heads. This is a manifestation of vibrations of consciousness visible in the range of vision. Those. the point is that consciousness, even at rest, generates very high-frequency vibrations and thereby has a direct impact on all those around who fall into the zone of the aura.

I have made some observations of vibrations and would like to share them.

First, it seems to me that the vibration amplitude is quite strongly related to frequency. Those. the stronger (visually) the manifestation is, the lower the frequency. The energy of low vibrations is in high amplitude and low frequency. The energy of high vibrations is in high frequency, but low amplitude. For the image - look at the course of the speakers of the speakers (bass and tweeters).

In other words, all explosive emotions are low-frequency vibrations of consciousness transmitted to the level of the body, the force of body movements is directly tied to the force of uncontrollably fluctuating consciousness. Therefore, it seems to me that such emotions of laughter / laughter have a vibrational component close to the emotions of anger. Orgasm is generally a huge release of low-frequency energy masked by the ecstasy of the entire nervous system. And in general, many losses are masked by pleasures. This is how they become desired.

Second, the vibrations of the body are definitely related to the vibrations of consciousness, although they are not the same thing. Observe those around you, for example, at stops in a waiting state. As their arms / legs move, their fingers are completely uncontrolled and fully automatic.

In addition to performing the basic functions of life support, the body constantly vibrates in different places, and you can notice this in moments of complete relaxation.

The current of energy going through the body is blocked somewhere and there is some vibration. Actually, you notice them only because in moments of relaxation / calmness, the frequency of vibrations of consciousness increases and the flow of energy going through the body is still at a different frequency until it comes to a relaxed state.

Relaxation, calmness is a method of briefly shifting vibrations to a higher range. But not at all to infinity. We can say that each has its own minimum and maximum frequencies, and these boundaries are in a sense stable. In other words, being in constant calmness, you can stay in the zone of your maximum frequencies. But calmness in itself is not capable of somehow affecting the border itself, and if it does, it is very, very slow. Expanding your range is a function of something else. What?

One of the main factors influencing this is the so-called "openness". Those. the ability to accept all possible external vibrations and interactions. A person has a system of chakras, each of which is open to one degree or another. Some of the chakras vibrate at lower frequencies, some of the chakras - at higher frequencies. It turns out that a person is, in a sense, a musical instrument that, with its configuration, “plays” at certain frequencies, and can be gradually reconfigured.

But each has its own "weak" points, ie. strings that can be yanked to trigger predefined reactions. These reactions are associated with some inability to accept something, causing a kind of low frequency resonance. The more such places and "strings" there are, the easier it is to take a person out of balance and, accordingly, put him into a state of imbalance.

Commitments and expectations are another factor. In a sense, any expectation is like a clamped string of an instrument, which is pulled and held with force, sometimes increasing the pressure as the desire grows. Periodically, the string is released (breakdown occurs), after which there is a vibration with high amplitude and strength. Letting go of expectations, there is a free acceptance of external events without this or that resonance on them, and, accordingly, the transfer of consciousness to another frequency range.

Farm device

The organization of the farm must be multifaceted, covering all areas. And at the same time, it is desirable that the management of it be carried out by the people themselves, without minimal interference and waste of energy on management from the outside.

One of the most important factors required is the limitation of knowledge. True knowledge allows you to understand the work of the universe and, accordingly, be able to fit into it. Instead, it is necessary to offer misunderstanding and fear associated with it, a system of false knowledge, control and develop science strictly in the right directions. You can simply kill all the carriers of true knowledge, as it was done during the Inquisition. In addition, it is necessary to genetically limit the capacity for thinking and awareness. The most critical factor is to block the communication channel with the higher self in order to minimize the leakage of knowledge directly. This was done using genetic tweaks, such as “diluting” DNA with “junk fragments,” reducing the number of DNA branches and chromosomes.

In addition, some “elements” have been added / strengthened, such as the “jealousy / envy” knot, as well as at the level of primary programs, men have an “insatiable sexual instinct”, and women often have “material insatiability”. Primary programs are extremely difficult to overcome.

When science cannot be held back, it must be misdirected. For example, how was the release of partial misinformation with Newton's box made to Jung. Or by defending deliberately false theories, such as Einstein's theory of relativity, and fighting any competitors. But technologies such as electronics fit very well, because it makes it possible to implement a system of controlled media, TV / radio. And also to organize a system of radiation of mobile / Wi-fi and other waves that affect health.

The entire training system must be controlled and, accordingly, provide the knowledge that does not destroy the system itself, but will support it.

The next step is to provide a system of inequality and competition among people. This is being done through the civilization project. Those. transition from relationships, when a person lives in harmony with nature and takes everything he needs from her, to relationships, when a person uses nature for his own purposes, but the source itself moves away from people themselves, property relations, control over distribution and other limiting factors are introduced … Money is introduced as a tool for using the labor of others and controlling them.

90% of the population must be kept in a state of semi-poverty. Then they are completely dependent on constraining factors. But at the same time, they have the illusion that they have something, and they are afraid to lose at least this. The rest should be instilled with the values of career growth and the illusion of benefits that they can dispose of and partially distribute by controlling others. Everything is under the complete control of the hierarchical power structure.

Those. to provide suffering to some, to others - to struggle with their own kind.

The government needs to create all the tools that will support it, in the form of the army, police, tax collectors, etc., plus keep everyone at bay.

The next strategy to be applied is divide and conquer. Society must be united by finding an internal or external enemy, and then used for their own purposes for the struggle. Continuous warfare throughout history reflects adversity as well as the jubilation of the victors. The energy of fear / trembling from killing your own kind is an excellent fuel. The ideas of patriotism, heroes - everything works for this. In addition, the war nullifies the savings and forces everything to start over.

Internal struggle is created at the level of adherence to parties / leaders / religions, etc. It doesn't matter what kind of bright ideals they carry, the main thing is to cultivate irreconcilability with the ideals of others.

It is necessary to weaken the population so that they become addicted, and their will was suppressed, and there was a feeling of pain.

It is carried out in two directions. The first is to instill an unhealthy diet and existence. To give or graft crops for cultivation, which the body will hardly process, and what it could not - accumulate in the form of inorganic deposits. Which will lead to disease. Secondly, to create a medicine that will create the illusion of treatment, i.e. dealing with symptoms, not causes. To stimulate the system of using chemicals and other inorganic substances to increase the growth of crops, and at the same time increase the deposits in the body.

Be fruitful and multiply. Stimulation of the growth of the number of consciousnesses and, accordingly, generators + drainage of sexual energy.

It is necessary to paint in the minds of people colorful pictures "top of the world" based on complete immersion in materiality and possession of things, stimulating their achievement, and at the same time limiting opportunities. Fund only those programs that support the system of restrictions, or further tighten them, increase the number of unfulfilled desires.

Another element is the system of gambling, computer games, and the system of fans. Stadiums and arenas are places for the cream of the crop, as is the broadcasting system for sports. People implicitly develop a commitment to a particular team / to a particular athlete, even if the observer is essentially an outsider and is not yet a fan. Commitment creates expectations associated with the success or failure of the team, and, accordingly, mental losses. For there is an association with external events, on which there is no impact, but on which there is dependence.

The television system should be filled with news about terrible incidents, films with frankly violent scenes, form a system of empathy for the main characters, their misfortunes and joys, and partially replace their own lives. A lot of entertainment programs should extract a lot of emotions of laughter, showing frankly stupid behavior, or mediocre people. The system of concerts and music must be translated into lower octaves so that people resonate with the incoming low-frequency vibrations, and accordingly translate their consciousness to the same vibrations.

People have to live on schedule. Get up early, go to work / school on time. The schedule sets new restrictions and gives new instruments of influence and pressure on people, and also disturbs natural rhythms. The schedule itself also forms some “obligatory” cycles, when patterns of behavior are formed, when life without daily obligatory work can no longer be imagined. The very concept of work and hired labor, in fact, is an element of slavery, when not their own desires are realized, but the desires of the employer.

Projects can be many and different, they can change from era to era, but the main thing is that people accept them and implement them on their own. Acceptance comes primarily through personal gain. Either as a tool to realize your desires, or as a tool for getting pleasure, even if it is done at the expense of others. Fortunately, a system of thinking based on desires and personal gain contributes to this element.

Whether to radiate fear or love is everyone's choice. And each depends on how he will affect others through the release of vibrations into the environment. And the question of "milking" is simple - as long as there is "milk", there will be entities that will collect it, and accordingly influence the farm with their own methods.

A change in the general background of vibrations will lead either to their inability to feed, or to the need to transfer themselves to higher frequencies, which is equivalent to transferring oneself to the category of lovers. Fear feeds fear and love feeds love …