A Brief Instruction On Falsifying A History For "dummies" Alternative View

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A Brief Instruction On Falsifying A History For "dummies" Alternative View
A Brief Instruction On Falsifying A History For "dummies" Alternative View

Video: A Brief Instruction On Falsifying A History For "dummies" Alternative View

Video: A Brief Instruction On Falsifying A History For
Video: DTMS FOR DUMMIES 2024, September


This instruction is a short list of rules that show how to partially or completely destroy the real history and memory of a certain people in order to enslave / conquer / completely destroy this people, chop off its roots, make it consider it wild and illiterate, etc., etc. It should be used clearly according to what was written in order to avoid the side effect - the ability to think and analyze in individual individuals of the enslaved people, in order to avoid uncomfortable questions from such individuals. Some of the side effects are given as an example of what happens if you do not follow the instructions.


Not recommended for use by children, pregnant women and people living by conscience, who are determined to create, not destroy, as well as people with humanistic, tolerant, anti-racist, anti-war and benevolent views.

1. Always destroy absolutely ALL traces of a genuine story or replace them with duplicates - fakes. Do not neglect anything. At one time, the same falsifiers, like you, did not think that people would learn to fly and see everything from a bird's eye view - and look what came of it. It is enough just to open google maps, and someone will find strange many kilometers of protective structures, irrigation canals, funnels with a radius of 20 kilometers and all sorts of drawings on the Nazca plateau. And you have to get out - to come up with versions of why this is so, and this is such and such things. Therefore, it is necessary to destroy EVERYTHING - from the hilt of the sword to the Serpent Shafts.

2. If a megalithic object, a monumental structure or a whole city is of any value, boldly assign the construction of this object / objects or the whole city to yourself, having previously destroyed all information about the true creators of these objects.

3. After the destruction of material and written evidence, take care that people do not turn on the brain. To do this, send any disagreeing people or expressing a point of view other than the official one (which you yourself invented), send it straight to the fire, or call it some name for "cover", such as the Inquisition, the suppression of the Pugachev uprising, or something else. - then connect your imagination. People should not think in any way.

Promotional video:

4. Be sure to remember the version of the story you came up with. A good liar is a liar with a good memory. If you forget what you lied about last time, people will start to think, and this is fraught with consequences (see point 3)

5. Falsify the story with good quality. Do not allow yourself to be very rude forgeries. Do not spare money from the treasury and hire professional artists, sculptors, architects, antiques specialists. The better you make a fake, the less people will ask questions, and the further they will be from the truth.

6. As for the intangible evidence of a genuine story (folk memory, folk faith, traditions, legends, tales, myths), then the method of information war helps. You turn everything upside down, make sure that there are no alternative points of view and continue to send to the fire everyone who strained their brains a little, if you have read somewhere, and without explaining the reasons, without trial and investigation.

7. And the last - I emphasize once again - always think about people not thinking, and then any nonsense you say will be perceived with a bang and you will not only not be stoned, but they will honor, respect, make you their own idol and will be glorified for centuries. Consider it a successful completion of this instruction.

Examples and recommendations for counterfeiting

1. You will need:

-Statue of Octavian Augustus - 1 pc.


-The city built by the people, which is at gunpoint (Venice) - 1 pc.

-The desire to harm and obfuscate tracks - 1 pc.

-A little savvy and copper

So let's get started. In this case, the destruction of the sculpture took place (arms and legs are partially damaged), so you need to make the missing limbs, a shield and a large dragon from the same material, put a spear in your hand, attach a sheath with a sword, make the other hand holding a shield, put a dragon under your feet and raise all this beauty higher, since the work is not done very well, and call the remake Saint Theodore. Voila! You are unsurpassed!


2. Another example. For this fraud, the sixth paragraph of this instruction should be applied. As a side effect, the question may arise - why Athens is two and a half thousand years old, and Sevastopol is a little more than two hundred, and their buildings are the same:


So, make sure that your version is the most believable.

By the way, about the toponymy - we already had such a dynasty that left hints in the form of a prefix to the new name of the city "pol", which means "polis", and Sevastopol so in general - sevastos polis - the august city. If you are already renaming something, do not leave clues, try to come up with an epithet that is as inappropriate for this area as possible, for example, Grekia is suitable for an area where there are almost no rivers.

3. And the last example - there is such a science of numismatics, and it should not be neglected either. You can, of course, buy all the "numismatists", but it will be too expensive. Again, look at the circumstances, because questions may arise:


Why is the Roman coin depicting the Arabic writing style, which did not appear until 600 years after the emperor depicted on it?


Why is Alexander the Great depicted on the coins of Augustus Caesar, after all, they did not intersect geographically and chronologically - there are as many as 300 years between them!

Now you can boldly lie about the continuity of architecture, coins, about the fact that this happens - well, the crusaders caught on a thousand years after the crucifixion of Christ - it's better late than never, that once a year a stick shoots and so on.

The main thing is, lie convincingly, and always remember about point 4.

If you follow all of the above rules and recommendations, then falsifying the iztoria will become a complete pleasure for you, and you will confidently remain in the memory of generations as a kind, wise and just king.

Good luck!
