Egregor: Created By People - Alternative View

Egregor: Created By People - Alternative View
Egregor: Created By People - Alternative View

Video: Egregor: Created By People - Alternative View

Video: Egregor: Created By People - Alternative View
Video: Эгрегоры и генераторы мыслей. Мысли людей и эмоции меняют жизнь. 2024, September

Recently, people love to decorate their speech with the fashionable word "egregor", while not having enough idea of what it really is.

So, experts-linguists are more inclined to believe that "egregor" - comes from the ancient Greek "ἐγρήγοροι", and literally means "watchful, guardians".

This term is quite ancient, it is mentioned even in ancient sacred books, such as, for example, the Book of Enoch. So, what is this watchful egregor guarding? Adherents of occult sciences and non-traditional religious movements (and not only) believe that each thing has its own soul, a kind of independent energetic essence that arose thanks to the thoughts and emotions of people. It is because of this "soul" that some objects are considered cursed, bringing trouble, and some, on the contrary, are recognized as sacred. And again, it all boils down to the fact that thought can materialize, in this case in the form of an egregor.

But fragments of the surviving Manichean "Book of the Giants" indicate that once the guardians-egregors were put to watch the demons locked in the firmament of heaven (paradise?). But part of the egregors longed for independence, and began to live with people (the Bible also says that the sons of God began to live with the daughters of men). From this union descended the descendants-giants, which were subsequently destroyed by the angels of light, and the egregors were sent to the bowels of the earth (hell?).

If we consider the egregor on a planetary scale, then we can say that this is an energy network created by like-minded people. And since people living on Earth profess many religions, and each nation has its own vision of beauty, different life and different values, there are a lot of egregor networks.

Christians, Muslims, Buddhists - all of them, by means of prayers, spells or by reading mantras, feed their egregor, which, in turn, can give energy back. The more consistent the members of the same group are, the stronger and more durable the egregor, respectively. And this applies not only to religion, egregors can be created by social movements, tribal clans, long-term working groups, and even each city has a personal egregor.

Modern esoteric teachings say that although the egregor shares the energy received with a person, this exchange is far from equal, and people receive not so much at all, but the effect on the psyche is significant. That is why the supporters of this theory are working to create their own psychic protection from such an impact on their mind.

In fact, most people are subordinate to a large number of egregors, they try to adjust themselves to all their tendencies, and therefore the thinking of the average inhabitant of the Earth does not bear significant damage, but nevertheless such an ordinary inhabitant is a passive object. Those who more strongly perceive the influence of egregor are people who are characterized as "weak-willed". They often become members of sects, they are characterized by fanatical adherence to the idea. Well, there are those lucky ones who have an innate or well-established protection against the influence of egregor, so they stand out from the general mass of people with special luck in enterprises and the ability to lead.

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You can be skeptical about the impact of egregorial energy, and cram everything into the usual framework of the features of the human psyche. But let's give a simple example. It is known that mental illness is not virally transmitted, but healthcare workers in mental health facilities retire much earlier than healthcare workers in other industries.

This is due to the fact that working with such patients lays an irreversible imprint on the psyche of the staff (remember, at least, "Ward No. 6" by A. P. Chekhov, where it is said that a young psychiatrist has imperceptibly gone mad while communicating with his patients) … The fact is that mentally ill people "throw out" a large amount of uncontrollable energy by the mind, and this uncontrollable concentrate forms its own powerful egregor, which destructively affects the mind of a healthy person.

People belonging to the same egregor (for example, members of a sect) constantly receive the "nourishment" of their egregor, however, if the egregorial mass disintegrates due to, say, the annulment of this sect, then a person feels thrown out, the energy channel fades away and the former members of such a community begin experience mental suffering, up to depression and suicide.

Thus, egregor acts as an integral part of the energy-informational field of the Earth, but people for it will play the role of a kind of “recharging devices” with the only difference that they voluntarily, although often unconsciously, became objects of manipulation for such energy forms. However, if a person is aware of what is happening in the world invisible to us, then it will be much easier for him to resist the influence of egregor and turn it in his favor.