Third Reich: The Secret Weapon Of The SS - Alternative View

Third Reich: The Secret Weapon Of The SS - Alternative View
Third Reich: The Secret Weapon Of The SS - Alternative View

Video: Third Reich: The Secret Weapon Of The SS - Alternative View

Video: Third Reich: The Secret Weapon Of The SS - Alternative View
Video: Hugo Boss' Secret Nazi History | Fashion At War | M2M Exclusive Documentary 2024, July

Today no one disputes the fact that many talented engineers and scientists worked at the Ahnenerbe Research Institute, as well as in other secret laboratories in Germany. But what additional materials did they use, with the exception of the latest scientific and technical developments at that time? At least, this is how historians, specialists and even ufologists put the question.

For example, it is known that the Germans found and transported to Germany the ancient Indian manuscripts "Vimanika Shastra" and "Samarangana Sutradharan", which described completely unusual technologies and samples of technology, which, as researchers believe, are of extraterrestrial origin.

If you believe this, it turns out that Hitler was helped by the higher powers themselves.

How else to relate to the detailed description of the huge spacecraft "Shakuna Vimanas", which resembles in its appearance modern reusable spacecraft (such as "Shuttle" and "Buran")? As stated, he is able to fly not only within the solar system, but also to the stars. One of the active elements of his propulsion system was mercury or its vapor.

The reference data from the archives of the Third Reich said that the Ahnenerbe scientists were able to decipher some of the ancient occult keys (magic formulas, spells, special rituals) that made it possible to establish contact with unknown sources (the Germans called them Outer Minds, or Aliens).

Modern researchers of dowsing methods are well aware that women are the best contactees, so the work with the "keys" was entrusted to female contactees (in particular, the name of Maria Otte is mentioned). Communication sessions with Outer Minds were held in different cities of Germany in specially equipped and strictly guarded premises, approaching which, even if accidentally, threatened an outsider with death.

After repeating exactly the ancient recipes for calling, contactees began to receive information, which was recorded on paper specially prepared for such a record. In particular, this concerned the description and drawings of flying discs with flight performance that significantly exceeded the capabilities of German and foreign combat aircraft of that time.

The declassified archives of the Third Reich also contained information about the principles of "twisting subtle physical fields", which made it possible to create technomagic flying vehicles (LA). From the reference data it followed that one of the developers of the aircraft was the famous German scientist Dr. V. Shuma. He created an electrodynamic apparatus using the rapid rotation of individual elements, as a result of which the antigravity effect arose, causing the aircraft to rise into the air. A little later, the design was sent to the city of Augsburg near Munich, where flight tests continued.

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As a result of these and other studies, the technical unit of the secret society "Vril" SS-1 created a whole series of flying discs, outwardly similar to modern disc-shaped UFOs. The discs of this series had a diameter of 38 to 68 meters, a fixed cockpit for the crew at the top and a lower platform for onboard weapons, on which an armored turret from the Tiger or Panther tanks was installed. A disc-shaped body rotated around the stationary part, driven by several jet engines.

The rotating disk ensured the stability of the apparatus in the air, the horizontal movement was created by a rocket engine with a liquid oxidizer. The lifting force of the apparatus arose due to a special anti-gravity unit, in which mercury rotated in different planes. The documents stated that the 38-meter disc aircraft climbed 15 thousand meters in three minutes and developed a supersonic speed of 2200 km / h in horizontal flight at this altitude. The disc could fly back and forth with almost no turns, hover motionlessly above the ground and conduct aimed fire at ground targets from tank guns.

The next generation of flying discs was the Haunebu series. These devices allegedly used some of the ideas and technologies of the ancient Indians, as well as the "smokeless and flameless engines" of the prominent Austrian scientist in the field of fluid motion V. Schauberger, the principle of which was based on an explosion. In the development of this series of discs took part four experimental design centers of the SS, subordinate to the secret society "Black Sun".

In his book German Flying Saucers, the military historian O. Bergman describes the Haunebu-2 disc, a military hypersonic apparatus with a diameter of 26.3 meters, adapted for flights in outer space with a crew of 9 people (design speed up to 21,000 km / h).

The American UFO researcher V. Terziyski argued that the further development of this series was the Haunebu-3 combat disc, designed to combat the air with naval squadrons. It had gigantic dimensions (diameter 76 m, height 30 m), very powerful artillery armament (4 gun turrets, each with 3 naval guns of 270 mm caliber). Terziiski even claims that this disc could go into low-Earth orbit and in March 1945 it flew around the Earth and landed in Japan.

The direct designers of the combat discs were three German scientists (Schriever, Mithe and Habermohl) and one Italian (Belonzo). Their work was completed just before the end of the war. But due to the onset of Soviet troops, all samples of discs were urgently destroyed. Subsequently, Habermohl and Mithe were captured by the Soviet Union, while Schriever and Schauberger ended up in the United States. Belonzo's fate is unknown. It is quite possible that work on German combat discs in the postwar period continued in the USSR and the USA.

They were interested in the Third Reich and directly in the UFO phenomenon. To study it, at the end of 1942, a special military research unit "Sonderburo-T13" was created in Germany, which conducted research work under the code name "Operation Uranus". It is possible that its results were used in the production of combat discs.

A decade and a half ahead of Soviet and American designers, the German missile engineers tested at the end of the war an intercontinental ballistic missile FAU-3 (Retaliation Weapon) for shelling New York and other US cities. The book "Alternative-3", published overseas, provides basic data, general drawings and a description of the design of the German orbital space station "Andromeda" of huge dimensions (more than 100 m in length), which looks like a large airship. If you believe the book, then in 1943, "Andromeda", built at a secret plant near Berlin, was launched into near-earth orbit as a single structure using two anti-gravity magnetoelectric installations with a mercury working fluid. In our time, such stations are assembled in orbit only in parts.

And here again questions arise, to which there are no unequivocal answers. What do battle discs of the Third Reich, Vimanas of the ancient Aryans and Hindus, and modern UFOs have in common? Did the Germans capture a crashed UFO that triggered the creation of their own discs?

Some ufologists believe that contact with an extraterrestrial civilization from the constellation of the Pleiades took place a long time ago - even before World War II, having a significant impact on the scientific and technical developments of the Third Reich. Until the very end of the war, the Nazi leaders hoped for direct alien military assistance, but they never received it.

Two archival films can be considered documentary evidence of the development of combat discs in the Third Reich. One of them was discovered in the late 1950s among captured German films. This is a report on flight tests of a previously completely unknown combat disk aircraft FAU-7. The second film was shown relatively recently at the UFO symposium held in Crimea in 1995. It was a three-hour video "UFO in the Third Reich", re-shot from old archival films, based on the materials of "Ahnenerbe".

There is another hypothesis that one of the expeditions could have found the crashed flying saucer and made contact with its crew. Most likely, this happened in the Himalayas. Other scenarios are also proposed: the Germans captured the crew of the crashed UFO or accidentally discovered a base of aliens who did not expect the intruders to invade. According to some researchers, the Germans could make contact with aliens on mutually beneficial terms, the aliens were provided with the materials necessary to repair the interstellar ship, and the Nazis in return received knowledge and technology previously unavailable to earthlings.

As you can see, the scope for semi-fantastic and completely surreal versions is limitless here, especially since there are plenty of ambiguities and confusion in all these stories.

On the other hand, it is difficult to deny the obvious: in the field of the latest technologies and types of weapons, the Germans have significantly overtaken their main opponents. Experts in military technology and economics point out, for example, that, having only 57 submarines at the end of the 30s, in 4 years of war Germany managed to build more than 1,100 super-modern, by those standards, submarines at its shipyards. And this is with an acute shortage of many materials strategically important for the conduct of war.

It would seem that if the Nazis had contacts with extraterrestrial intelligence, they could well have created more advanced weapons such as nuclear submarine cruisers. But it must be borne in mind that the Germans used those technologies that the industry of the Reich could implement in a war and in the shortest possible time. It was unrealistic to create a fleet of nuclear submarines in those conditions, despite the fact that Germany was quite successful in developing such weapons and, fortunately for the allies, simply did not have time to finish the work.

But the Nazis managed to create the first jet fighter, which developed a speed of up to 1000 km / h, significantly surpassing in speed and armament any aircraft of all countries of the anti-Hitler coalition. How in 1945, under continuous bombing, did the Nazis manage to release 2,000 new combat vehicles in a matter of months and manage to use them in battles? In addition, Germany has developed a fundamentally new type of aircraft engine, and many Western experts are sure: if the Nazis had launched their new Messerschmitt M-163 jet fighter into series at least in the second half of 1944, the course of the entire war could have changed dramatically due to their complete air supremacy.

In the military archives of the Air Force of Great Britain and the United States, there are reports of military pilots who reported that they had repeatedly encountered strange aircraft during flights over Germany, similar to British military helmets in the modern interpretation. The first to observe the UFO was Captain Sobinsky, a Pole who served in the Polish division of the British Air Force. On March 25, 1942, he made a night flight in a bomber to the industrial center of Essen.

After completing the mission, when the plane emerged from the airspace over Germany and gained an altitude of 5 thousand meters, it was pursued by a silvery disk-shaped apparatus. The machine-gun fire did not affect the movement of the vehicle in any way: it continued to fly after the bomber, not responding to fire. This accompaniment lasted at least 10 minutes. Then the "contraption" soared upward with lightning speed and disappeared into the night sky.

Another reliable case of UFO sightings, information about which has been preserved in the archives, occurred in 1943. In his report, Major of the British Air Force R. Holmes wrote that on October 14, during the bombing of German territories, several "big shiny discs" were seen. Moreover, they did not react in any way to the fire that air riflemen from bombers fired at them.

Following the British, American pilots who fought in Europe collided with mysterious objects. There are links to such cases in the archives of the United States Air Force Intelligence Agency, where UFOs appear under the name fighter-fu. So they were nicknamed by American pilots of the 415th squadron of night fighter-interceptors, operating over German territory in 1944-1945.

In reports about luminous flying objects, the unpredictability of their behavior was noted: the object could pass through the combat formation of bombers at high speed, without responding to machine gun fire, but could simply suddenly go out during the flight, dissolving into the night sky. In addition, there were cases of failures and refusals in the operation of the navigation and radio equipment of bombers when unknown aircraft appeared.

In 1950, the United States declassified part of the CIA UFO archives. It followed from them that most of the flying objects recorded after the war were captured samples of the war years, that is, they were the work of human hands. However, this archived data turned out to be available only to a very limited circle of people and did not receive wide publicity.

Much more resonance was received by an article published on March 25, 1950 in "vyutak sGiAN", where D. Belonzo, mentioned above, argued that the luminous UFOs observed during the war were only disk aircraft invented by him, which had been developed in the strictest secrecy since 1942. in Italy and Germany. To prove that he was right, he presented sketch sketches of some of his designs. After some time, a statement by the very German designer R. Schriever flashed in the Western European press, in which he also claimed that during the war Germany was developing a secret weapon in the form of flying discs, or flying saucers, and he was the creator of some of these devices …

As you can see, everyone who has been and is collecting reliable information about unusual developments are dealing with rather contradictory material. In this regard, the question arises: if discs and other devices are the result of a technical genius or "gifts" from aliens, then why did the "great conquerors of the world" not use them?

We find an indirect explanation for this in the following circumstances. In fact, the flying saucers had significant design defects, which prevented their use on the battlefield. In May 1945, shortly before the arrival of the Soviet army, the Skoda plant in Prague was blown up, all the blueprints and prototypes of the developments were destroyed.

However, one of the developers of the discs named Andreas Epp left for the United States after the war, where, according to rumors, he continued to design machines for the needs of the CIA. This information is indirectly confirmed by the report of the National Institute of Scientific Discovery of the United States, published in the summer of 2002.

After analyzing numerous reports of huge black objects of a triangular shape, which were repeatedly observed over various regions of the United States since the 1980s, his employees came to the paradoxical conclusion that "UFOs are made at American military factories." According to scientists, the mysterious objects are nothing more than "secret vehicles used by the US Armed Forces."

This explains the fact that UFOs are often observed in the vicinity of military bases, and the US Air Force does not even think to attack them. “Apparently, we are dealing with some variations on the theme of airships, which explains their size and noiselessness, high carrying capacity, speed and range, as well as the ability to climb to a height unattainable for ground-based radars,” the scientists conclude. They, however, did not manage to explain how the Pentagon managed to hide such an innovative invention from the general public.

In general, when it comes to inhuman designs, imperial ambitions, then in this case failure is much preferable to any great discoveries. And the words written in the preface to the second edition of the book "Nazi Tyrant and Occult Forces" by historian E. Sabi are true: "… there is still a battlefield where Good and Evil, Truth and Lies, Christ and Antichrist are fighting for peace. We still have to suffer to understand the origins of the drama that unfolded before our eyes … Paganism and brute force were elevated to the rank of religion. Hitler achieved this, and it ruined him. Only social justice will usher in the era of universal brotherhood. Winning isn't everything. You have to defeat yourself. The world should be ruled by moral laws, then humanity will be saved."