Grigory Rasputin Was At The Court Of Nicholas II An Agent Of Influence Of The Russian Sorcerer Clans - Alternative View

Grigory Rasputin Was At The Court Of Nicholas II An Agent Of Influence Of The Russian Sorcerer Clans - Alternative View
Grigory Rasputin Was At The Court Of Nicholas II An Agent Of Influence Of The Russian Sorcerer Clans - Alternative View

Video: Grigory Rasputin Was At The Court Of Nicholas II An Agent Of Influence Of The Russian Sorcerer Clans - Alternative View

Video: Grigory Rasputin Was At The Court Of Nicholas II An Agent Of Influence Of The Russian Sorcerer Clans - Alternative View
Video: The Last Days of the Romanovs | National Geographic 2024, September

In all publications about Rasputin, one topic is passed over in silence, namely: Much says that Rasputin is not a lone psychic who accidentally came to court, but a representative of the healers clans of Russia, who since ancient times have tried to influence the policy of statehood of Russia, Russia, the USSR based on their long-term goals, and often successfully.

In Russia, its priesthood has always existed and has never been eradicated, whose knowledge dates back to the times of the All-World Catholicism. It defended conciliarity, freedom-will and opposed the permissiveness of the Global Hoyas of the world and the atomization of the Russian people. In the 20th century, its representative was Grigory Rasputin, surrounded by Emperor Nicholas II. But he could not keep Nicholas from joining the 1914 war, which was fatal for the Russian Empire. The attempt on Rasputin's life in the summer of 1914 was carried out precisely with the aim of opposing his actions in this direction. He was killed by representatives of the then liberal "elite" for trying to bring about a separate peace with Germany, which would have prevented the 1917 revolution.

Rasputin was introduced to the entourage of Nicholas II after it became clear that Nicholas II was ready to step on the same rake a second time - to again entangle Russia in a war, this time with Germany, and get a revolution again. The first time he stepped on a rake in 1904, when he got involved in a war with Japan and immediately in the next 1905, he received the first "Russian" revolution, paid for by the banker Schiff and his comrades.

In 1912, Rasputin almost on his knees begged the tsar not to get involved in the Balkan war, for which the Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolaevich and his entourage stood. The illiterate Rasputin kept repeating that the war would put an end to Russia and the dynasty. Rasputin's sentiments in 1912 cost him good relations with Nikolai Nikolaevich, and telegrams in July 1914 sharply worsened relations with the tsar. Nicholas II tore them up in irritation.

Grigory Rasputin himself emerged from the peasants and knew the mood of the people better than the Security Department, the imperial bureaucracy and the tsar himself. And he advised not to get involved in the war, because he felt that as soon as the wave of loyal emotions after the reciprocal declaration of war passed, the popular support for the regime would disappear, and the man - the basis of the army - would fight sloppyly, under compulsion for the interests of the "elite" contrary to his interests, and not inspired, as the people are fighting for their lives in the Patriotic Wars. It was this absence of popular support for the tsarist government in the planned war that opened up opportunities for the anti-autocratic activities of Freemasonry in its course.

The world behind the scenes took into account the lesson: in 1914, on the same day when an attempt was made on the life of the heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary, Archduke Ferdinand, an attempt was made on the life of G. E. Rasputin. Khioniya Guseva, disguised as a nun, stabbed him with a knife. Being wounded and recovering from wounds in his homeland, he could not be in St. Petersburg during the critical period of elaboration and adoption of decisions that led to war, and only called on the tsar to refrain from war with telegrams that could not replace his influence in person (tsar tore up telegrams), and Russia was dragged into the war contrary to the interests of the peaceful development of its peoples

Now let us turn to the collection "On the Roads of Millennia" (issue 4, Moscow, "Young Guard", 1991). This is another test for the vision of statistics in history: His first friend in the brochure "The Life of an Experienced Wanderer" (May 1907) Grigory Rasputin names Bishop Sergius - Ivan Nikolaevich Stargorodsky (1867 - 1944). Since 1917, Sergius has been the Metropolitan of Nizhny Novgorod, since 1934 - the patriarchal locum tenens, and since 1943 - the patriarch of Moscow and All Russia (p. 193).

Pay attention - I. V. Stalin - a former seminarian - admitted in 1943 to the post of "acting. patriarch ", and later the patriarch of a man from among the friends of Rasputin. Rasputin - an opponent of Russia's entry into the war in 1914 and throughout the war - a supporter of a separate peace between Russia and Germany; had it come true - in 1917, there would have been no social basis for the revolution.

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An interesting connection between Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin and Grigory Rasputin. Is not it?..


But we will be even more surprised when we learn about the existence of threads connecting the fate of Grigory Rasputin with Vladimir Putin, the current ruler of Russia.

Putin and Rasputin were linked by writing wits many times. No wonder, the names are consonant. Someone joked: "One Putin, two Putin …". But the comparison did not go further than "puns". But in vain. Russian history is full of mystical symbols. Seeming verbal coincidence may turn out to be a sign of a deeper connection between objects, phenomena, people …

The surname of Rasputin, despite its unflattering meaning, looks quite organic from the point of view of Russian word formation. The ancestor of its bearer was dissolute, so the whole family got such a name. Speaking specifically about Grigory Rasputin, he himself received this surname (or rather a nickname) from fellow villagers for his behavior. His real name was Novykh.

In the official biography of the grandfather of the President of Russia Spiridon Ivanovich Putin, the legendary fact of meeting with Grigory Efimovich Rasputin is recorded:

“He served as a culinary specialist in St. Petersburg restaurants, including the Astoria on Gorokhovaya Street, where Grigory Rasputin liked to visit. According to a family legend, Rasputin once ordered to call the cook, thanked him for the deliciously prepared food, and asked his name. Learning that Putin broke into a smile: "Almost the same name." Then he put a gold one in his hand."

But now archival documents of the NKVD and the tsarist secret police have become available, which for some time has been monitoring Rasputin's apartment around the clock, from which it follows that this was not the only meeting between Putin and Rasputin.

In the documents of the tsarist secret police of Petrograd, it appears that someone named Spiridon Putin at the end of 1914 visited house 64 on Gorokhovaya Street, where Rasputin was receiving at that time. It is stated that the number of visitors that day was 345 people. According to other archival documents of the NKVD - the memoirs of Nadezhda Konstantinovna Krupskaya and Maria Ilyinichna Ulyanova, who communicated with Spiridon in Gorki, as well as from the interrogation protocol of Spiridon himself, it follows that he came to Gorokhovaya, allegedly at the insistence of his wife, in order to receive the blessing of the elder for his families, since in his family very often children died at an early age. According to the records of the tsarist secret police, Spiridon first waited for his turn in the crowd, no different from the rest of the people. Unexpectedly, Rasputin came out of the apartment, personally escorting some beggar peasant to the entrance. Climbing the steps to the third floor, where his apartment was located, past the waiting people, the old man fixed his eyes on Spiridon. I looked at him for a long time, and then, as if coming to his senses, took him with him …

In the future, the fate of Spiridon was rather unusual. Despite such an episode in his life, he managed to hold out for quite a long time in the service personnel of the new higher power (he was the cook of Lenin and Stalin).

But what happened behind closed doors between Putin's grandfather and Rasputin? Unfortunately, some of the documents about this episode are still classified or placed in special custody. But, as they say, you can't hide the truth in your pocket, and the testimony of Spiridon Putin himself about the ongoing dialogue with Rasputin, as well as a number of very interesting details of this case, leaked into the book of Anastasia Novykh (!) "Crossroads". Here is an excerpt from this book:

From the testimony of Spiridon himself, the man in civilian clothes turned over several pages of his report and read: “Grigory Yefimovich has changed in his face. For several minutes he looked at me point-blank, without blinking, with a kind of intent, penetrating gaze. His eyes glittered with an attractive light. Then he suddenly caught himself, returning to his usual state, and called me to follow him … In the office where we entered, there was a table, chair, armchair and sofa … He sat me down on the sofa. And he sat down at his desk with the words: "I know what you want to ask." Then he tore off a piece of paper and began to write something. I sat in silence. Then Rasputin gave me this paper. He blessed me, made the sign of the cross three times, whispered something under his breath and, saying goodbye, accompanied me to the door of his office …"

And now I will note the most important thing. This text, written by Rasputin, is quite unusual in its style, to which Gleb Ivanovich Bokiy drew attention. Firstly, Rasputin blesses Spiridon in it with the name of the Primordial One, which in itself is exclusive in comparison with his then everyday notes. This mention and other points in the text indicate that Rasputin was familiar with the language of the Treasurer of Shambhala.

There are only twelve conditional sentences in the text, but they are so mysterious in their meaning that we were able to understand only a part of them. And that is due to the fact that some of the events indicated in the note took place. Gleb Ivanovich at one time, having familiarized himself with this historical document, gave a personal order to control the fate of the Spiridon family, his children and grandchildren. Among the latter, Nomo is just listed. His two brothers died at an early age. Nomo is the third, late and only surviving child in the family of Spiridon's son. In the future, we have already begun to pay more attention to this person.

This, as you understand, is about Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin …